Dear Sweet Angels

I have a pretty folder where I put lots of inspirational and/or helpful articles I come across. I printed this out and added this to my folder and even highlighted parts. This is really great.
hopeful, how do you go about finding a therapist? Is it expensive? Does health insurance cover it?

Thanks for this post! It was right on time!
I'm so happy you ladies are enjoying this thread. Today I am cleaning and organizing my closet :yay:. I am having a ball. I absolutely love Spring and spring cleaning. It is wonderful to purge literally and metaphorically:yep:. Last night I deeply cleaned and organized my bathroom. I ended up with two large trashbags filled with all kinds of stuff. But the closet will be the best. I love getting my clothes and shoes all sorted and organized:). Do whatever you need to do to feel good about yourself and your life--it is definitely worth the effort.

You have inspired me to do some cleaning today! :yep:

Reading your post was just what I needed. Thank you for sharing some of your beautiful spirit with us! :rosebud:
hopeful, how do you go about finding a therapist? Is it expensive? Does health insurance cover it?

Thanks for this post! It was right on time!

If you have health insurance it should cover a therapist. Mental health is just as important as physical health:yep:. Your healthcare coordinator should be able to point you in the right direction. Or you may have a book with a list of providers under your healthcare plan. Or a list may be available online. Also, your primary physician or OBGYN may also have a suggestion. If I were you I would see if the provider you choose has a website. That will give you some insight into their personality and approach. And if possible find someone who specializes in your particular issue. And if you find the first person is not a good match, move on until you find someone you feel comfortable with and trust. You have to be vigilant. If you had a bad heart or cancer you would seek out the best doctor for you. If you don't have insurance you should still find someone and ask about their fees. Some doctors have a sliding scale and will charge less depending on your income etc. You'll never know unless you ask :). Good luck!
Mods can we make this a sticky pretty please. Not sure how I ever missed this thread but it's one of the most inspiritational threads as of late. Thanks Hopeful for providing this uplifting message.
Hi ladies! I have been in therapy now for seven months and I am making good progress. We all want to heal quickly but sometimes we just have to be patient. I am better able to handle problems and I am starting to plan exciting things for myself again. I hope all of you are well.
I am in a wonderful state of healing. Doing what I've been avoiding for years, going back and feeling what I felt so many years ago: the fear, helplessness, sadness, abandonment. I can now see more clearly that I was just an innocent child and hold no blame for the abuse or the lack of protection. My father and mother failed me, that is their burden and shame, not mine. Feeling more free every day.
I am in a wonderful state of healing. Doing what I've been avoiding for years, going back and feeling what I felt so many years ago: the fear, helplessness, sadness, abandonment. I can now see more clearly that I was just an innocent child and hold no blame for the abuse or the lack of protection. My father and mother failed me, that is their burden and shame, not mine. Feeling more free every day.

That's excellent Hopeful! :yep: I'm so happy for you and your progress. It's true, therapy can do wonders. You just have to find the right one for YOU. To this day I STILL don't know why people shy away from counseling. It definitely set me free when I went a couple of years back. I had sooo many irrational thoughts about myself it's not even funny! Thank goodness my therapist was able to help me to see "CLEARLY" and have a more "realistic" view of myself. :yep:

My whole life turned around...seriously. It didn't happen overnight, but it definitely helped to talk to someone who would not judge me and who didn't know me outside of therapy. :yep:

Wish you well! :grinwink:
Crystalicequeen123 Bless you :kiss:. I appreciate your support. I have been trying to find the "right" therapist for years. Praise God I finally found good help. I'm so happy you found help when you needed it too. It shows in your posts--you have such a sweet spirit :yep: and shines through in every one of your posts.
Crystalicequeen123 Bless you :kiss:. I appreciate your support. I have been trying to find the "right" therapist for years. Praise God I finally found good help. I'm so happy you found help when you needed it too. It shows in your posts--you have such a sweet spirit :yep: and shines through in every one of your posts.

hopeful....Awwww....:hug2: Thanks Hopeful! Yea, it definitely helped me. :yep: I was going through a very low moment at the time, and a failed unrequited love relationship was the straw that broke the camels back. :nono:

But now days....I'm in SUCH a better place! :grin: So, I'm always an advocate for those seeking out counseling help. :yep:

Wish you well in your journey!
My dh is a good man and a hard-working man. But he has been a workaholic forever. It has caused problems for us because I would often feel abandoned and unloved. To him it was always I'm doing this for "us". So I would try to adjust and try to accept that he just loves work and he loves me too. But it still felt like a competition. So anyway as you guys know I got therapy for myself in 2011 and became more at peace and happier. But the workaholic tendencies were still there.

So fast forward to the first weekend of December of 2011. We have the most romantic weekend, just so much fun, BUT something ruins it. He spends two hours networking with someone when we should have been together. I was so pissed, like really, you always have to squeeze in one more thing? It felt like spending time with me was just not enough. But because of my therapy I realized his behavior had nothing to do with me at all. So I told him I know this has nothing to do with me, I don't need to be more interesting or more fetching or prettier. I am enough. This is about you needing to feel important, you needing to be "on" always, you being a workaholic. I finally let him fully shoulder his issues, hell I had enough issues to work on myself and had been doing so all year.

It's like the months of therapy had finally convinced me that I was lovable and deserving of love, protection, adoration, and safety. I told him I deserve magic, a weekend just about us, many days of romance and love, uninterrupted by work, networking, business, boards, etc. I said call me spoiled, I don't care, but I'm going to get what I want and deserve. And from that day something shifted in my husband. I changed then he changed -- almost instantly, after all these years. I've communicated my desires many times over the years but this was the first time I had made a deep, internal shift inside of me. We are like newlyweds. I feel adored, safe, special, important, his priority.
Hi Ladies,
Keep planting seeds. You just never know when it will sprout and bloom. I planted a little seed about 10 years ago, something that was sweet and special to me. I'd return to that seed periodically to water it a bit and feed it a little food. In a matter of weeks it should be coming into full bloom. I am almost giddy. It is a creative endeavor that I've wanted to pursue for some time.
:dance7::weird::woot::rosebud::congrats: to me:) :infatuated:
Bumping just because. Still healing, still growing, life keeps getting better for me. Keep moving forward ladies. Don't give up on whatever it is you want. Biggest lesson this year for me has been to reclaim my femininity, be more self-centered and focused on my needs, allow my husband to cover me, and maintain very high standards, because I'm worth it.
I needed this but most of my mental abuse came from women friends and women family members. The men in my life have never mistreated me.
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^^^ I think abuse is abuse and no matter what it destroys something inside of you and makes you feel unlovable. I'm so sorry the women in your life were cruel to you. It's just shameful. You didn't deserve any of the bad things that happened and none if it was your fault :kiss:.
Awesome thread Hopeful! I almost started crying reading it. The things you wrote resonated with a deep part of me. I too am a survivor of abuse. Therapy did wonders. I too live in the self-help section. Best book on loving yourself I found so far: Madly in love with me by Christine Arylo.
I remember this thread. An oldie but a goodie. As women we suffer so unnecessarily. So of our choices stem from our childhood pains and longings. Therapy can be wonderful. I did some counseling we I was unemployed. I want to find another therapist.