Dear Stylist, Grow out your hair.


Well-Known Member
If I had a dollar for everytime a stylist claimed that cutting 5+ inches of hair is neccessary to make the poor woman's hair grow, I could bail out a bank.

I just escaped a scalping from a SHS stylist. I came in for a trim, simple as can be. She fought me every step of the way, trying her darn best to get me to cut way more than I wanted. She said all the familiar things. It's uneven in the back. To which I explain that she could simply trim the longer length to match the shorter length instead of trimming 3" of hair. She was hopping mad when I wouldn't let her even up my front, It's been uneven for years I love it that way. Afterwards, she claimed that my hair was full of split ends. (This had nothing to do with evening out my front, BTW) It was so odd, because she really WANTED to cut off more of my hair. I found her behavior pushy and rude, but it made me think more about her and other stylist.

Nine times out of 10, the black stylist I've seen has next to no hair. This may not be true of everyone, but this is my experience. Whether it's a short pixie cut, a pitiful broken ponytail, or glued in weave with 2" of hair; she never has much hair. If this is the case, then of course she can't understand how horrible it feels to have a year's worth of growth sliced off in a matter of minutes! Of course she has little idea of what it takes to grow hair. She doesn't specialize in growing hair, just shaping it into a nice neat little styles. Often times, her jealousy gets the better of her and we growers end up back at the drawing board.

They say a child cannot understand the value of a dollar unless he/she works for it. In the same token, a stylist cannot understand the value of hair and how to care for it unless she grows it! Therefore let's challenge all stylist that claim to know how to care for hair. Let's tell them to grow it.

Tell them to spend hours looking up hair regimens. Then spends lots of money on natural hair care products. Spend hours conditioning their hair. Then gently comb it with seamless combs. Use lots of Protective styles for months on end, never even seeing their hair for months. Then document all their progress online. This is my challenge for every scissor happy stylist.

Maybe then we'll have trust worthy stylist with healthier hair. Or at the very least, more humble stylist that will take care to preserve your precious length.
haha ive had similar expiriences and i never go back to those stylists. she would have once chance to argue with me about what i wanted then i wouldve dipped. how are you gonna tell me what i should get when i am paying you for what i want? Smh. ive been taking care of my own hair for a year before i finally found a natural hair stylist that has similar hair beliefs, and techniques as i do and understands my goals. Im so blessed to have her, she's the best.
I second that emotion! I say stylists need to stop using "I want my hair short" as an excuse to keep short, so called "edgy" hairstyles. I just have the feeling they can't grow their hair b/c they don't know what they're doing. They have given up in the form of short styles or just plain jane "I'm at work" styles. I never see stylists w/thick, full hair!
Over Xmas I witnessed a stylist do 3 heads in 1 hour. All the females had *snap* that much hair. They were all faded in the back and he used hot smoking marcels to give them all 8-12 curls apiece on 3 inch, thin, damaged hair. Cha-Ching, Cha-ching, Cha-ching.

I once went to a black stylist that had WL hair. I thought because she had long hair, she wouldnt be scissor happy :nono: wrong! She wanted to stay the only one with long hair :ohwell:

I'm done wishing, hoping, praying, sending letters and giving suggestions to SHS. I will either trim it myself or find a stylist who is willing to listen to a paying customer.
Over Xmas I witnessed a stylist do 3 heads in 1 hour. All the females had *snap* that much hair. They were all faded in the back and he used hot smoking marcels to give them all 8-12 curls apiece on 3 inch, thin, damaged hair. Cha-Ching, Cha-ching, Cha-ching.

I once went to a black stylist that had WL hair. I thought because she had long hair, she wouldnt be scissor happy :nono: wrong! She wanted to stay the only one with long hair :ohwell:

I'm done wishing, hoping, praying, sending letters and giving suggestions to SHS. I will either trim it myself or find a stylist who is willing to listen to a paying customer.

yep! i have seen a stylist who's clients all had pixie cuts, but i feel that is what she specialized in. when i was growing my hair out, i went to people that understood what i was trying to accomplish. plus, i stayed getting roller sets and wraps. when i cut all of my hair off, the stylist in the shop were trying to talk me out of it.

i have a cousin who stays at shoulder length. her hair is healthy and i know she can grow hair down her back with ease. i think her stylist keeps her at that length. she get her hair done once a week too.

i have had two stylists that laughed when i wanted to do a consultation with them. they said nobody has ever asked them questions before.
This problem comes from what stylists are taught in cosmetology school; "a good haircut/trim is the foundation for a great style". Many women outside of lhcf want their hair trimmed even or whatever it takes to keep their style looking good.
Praise God that you escaped and did not come in here crying after the fact. (NOT throwing shots at anyone, but this is just so refreshing to read).
I agree OP these stylists should grow their hair long and then they will know what it's like. This is one of the reasons I switched from African American salons to Dominican salons. I got so sick of the "you need a trim with every relaxer" mindset. This is the biggest lie the debil has told and somebody need to put em to shame! My Dominican stylist has NEVER hassled me about trims, in fact I tell her when I want a trim. I feel that there are millions and millions of black women stuck at shoulder length due to unnecessary trimming. All you gotta do is do the math. If hair grows half to one inch per month and you are trimming with each relaxer in the ball park of every 8 weeks what does that tell you? CALLING ALL AA STYLISTS............STOP ROBBING LENGTH FROM AA WOMEN ON ACCOUNT OF YOUR IGNORANCE AND GREED. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

I am going to a stylist on the 23rd to get my hair TRIMMED, dye my hair black, and wash & flatiron. This girl knows me very well and knows how I am. I'm bringing somebody with just in case. I swear to you that this thread makes me want to cancel my appointment :lachen:

BTW OP when I was younger (teens thru mid-20's) I always got that pushy stylist that was scissor happy or over-processed my hair. They weren't even bald (well one was LOL) but they just loved that snip snip of the scissors. It must be their crack or something. They ask me now, I give them a GTFOHWTB look and they leave me alone. I only go once a year if that so they don't get the opportunity very often. Its either scalp me now or wait 13 months LOL
My stylist would always "trim" at least an inch off my hair every month I went in when relaxed (sometimes even after she said my ends looked nice). Then I realized she charges for a cut on any trim of 2 inches or over. If this is a common practice, then maybe it's a money making tactic. Idk, just wondering.
Over Xmas I witnessed a stylist do 3 heads in 1 hour. All the females had *snap* that much hair. They were all faded in the back and he used hot smoking marcels to give them all 8-12 curls apiece on 3 inch, thin, damaged hair. Cha-Ching, Cha-ching, Cha-ching.

I once went to a black stylist that had WL hair. I thought because she had long hair, she wouldnt be scissor happy :nono: wrong! She wanted to stay the only one with long hair :ohwell:

I'm done wishing, hoping, praying, sending letters and giving suggestions to SHS. I will either trim it myself or find a stylist who is willing to listen to a paying customer.

i went to a stylist like that, she had long ultra-thick Mbl hair so i thought finally someone who knows how to take car of hair..uhm wrong:nono: i think she purposely didnt neutralize my hair correctly when i went to get a touchup from her twice, and when she was blowdrying my hair it was falling out in literally CLUMPS.and she had the nerve to say "ooh my maybe we should cut your hair....." with this satisfied look on her face.
i never went back after that, i dont trust black stylists anymore now i only go to dominican salons.i know they use a lot of heat but all you have to do is tell them you only want your roots blown out or you dont want a blow out if your trying to avoid heat.and if you dont like the products they use than you can bring your own products.imo theyre much better
i have been putting off a healthy trim for over a year because i dont have the patience to deal with pushy people and if the stylist cuts too much, im not paying for the trim. i refuse to pay for something i havent asked for. i just cant do it. nope. not me. i have worked sooooo very hard to get my hair where it is now. ive NEVER in my life had hair that rested on my shoulders, much less passed them and start creeping towards APL! so i may just haul off and try to cut the chick if she loses her mind. uh uh. and with the stories popping up every other week about scissor nightmares? no! sheesh. getting upset already and im still at home
I cant stand stylists like that and firmly let them know I've grown my hair out to great lengths without their help and without trims so they can just do the work I'm requesting and paying them to do.
Well this is a little unrelated but I saw my (ex) stylist today in passing and she was like "when are you coming back to get that relaxed again!" I was like "it's only been 7 weeks". She said "It's all going to fall out!" And I was like no, actually I don't have any breakage at all. And I walked away. She's toast.

AND she wears a half-wig most of the time and you can see all her thin spots so she fits the bill
princezzLeia said:
saw my (ex) stylist today in passing and she was like "when are you coming back to get that relaxed again!" I was like "it's only been 7 weeks". She said "It's all going to fall out!" And I was like no, actually I don't have any breakage at all. And I walked away.

That's hilarious. Some stylist are really dumb as rocks. The man I used to see just got his PhD and only does hair 2 days out of the week, so I never heard that dumb **** outta his mouth.

I've ONLY had problems with Dominican salons. I didn't realize the blow dryer could be mightier than the flat iron until I experienced Dominican salons. All of that after you sit under a dryer for 60 minutes. I have had many problems at Dominicans but I recall one time they took my rollers out and my hair was so crispy and one side broke off immediately. SmH. Anyway...

I've had better results from my African American stylists than from Dominicans. And they both had long hair. I was dependent on hair stylists and couldn't do my hair on my own, so after finding this board I cut hairstylists cold turkey.
I find that the ignorant don't know their a$$es from their elbows stylists have this attitude...which is why they'd NEVER get my money.

My stylist has never uttered such drivel.
Hmmm that's an interesting approach never thought much of it. I actually chose my stylist based on her hair. It's always at least MBL and she's relaxed and has dyed hair. She does nothing to her clients hair that she wouldn't do to her own.
Smh..Ive come across a stylist or two like this. Both black and Dominican

Unfortunately half of the time it's jealousy. Other times it's that stylists are taught to keep hair even and thick, when they are in cosmetology school.. even if it means wacking off more then the client asks.

I also think some stylist enjoy cutting hair and many black stylists rarely get the opportunity to cut long hair. So I think that's part of the reason why some stylist jump at the opportunity to do it, even when they are not asked.

I've had a few good stylist in the past that listened and encouraged me growing my hair out, but they are hard to find. I've since learned to self trim.

It may be something you want to consider OP, in order to avoid incidents like this.
My former stylist was NOT like this at all. In fact, she had BSL/MBL hair and often protective styled (braids). She retired and moved out of state a few years ago and I have never found another stylist like her. I was relaxed back then.
I've found that most stylists act like they, not you, are the expert on your hair, even though you deal with your own hair everyday. So when you try to put in your opinions on how you want your hair done, many get offended really easily. They forget that they are in a customer service profession and that their satisfaction with your hair at the end is not the main goal.