Poll for BSL's and longer: Professional or At-Home?

You guys are my stylists! I learned so much from the ladies on this board it's amazing more than I could ever learn from a so called "PROFESSIONAL" I am a DIYer
ITA with everyone. Even before joining this board, I noticed that the ladies with the longest hair did it themselves. I still get professional relaxere touchups, but other than that, I do it myself.
I get my touch-ups professionally done but I do all the treatments and maintenance myself. I give myself trims but my stylist will do that too.
I have yet to meet or read about a black woman with beautiful ( wsl or longer) long healthy hair who is not a DIYer on some level and does not depend on salons and 'stylists'... that is unless their mom is their stylist.:lachen:
I have yet to meet or read about a black woman with beautiful ( wsl or longer) long healthy hair who is not a DIYer on some level and does not depend on salons and 'stylists'... that is unless their mom is their stylist.:lachen:

I'm a salon goer who will be there in another 2 months. we can talk then :grin:
I am a DIYer now and currently approaching wl. I plan to get my touch-ups professionally done starting in January but that is it, nothing else.
I do it myself most of the time. I went to a Dominican Salon last summer and got a trim by a white stylist @ Walmart last October. On average I get a trim at a salon once a year, I dust my ends whenever they need it.
I think you might be right! I mean, I go, but only for chemical services--and I regret letting him do color now. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this phenomenon. And if you found a hairdresser under whose care your hair has grown???? That's a keeper! That's like finding a unicorn, apparently! :lachen:
yep she's a keeper :grin: most of her clients have long hair. but there are plenty who don't...

For us that would be like winning the lottery! :)

Finding a stylist who knows your hair and products, visiting regularly and getting hair growth. Trifecta!!!! A Perfect 10! PRICELESS!!!!!!:yep:

it's nice. but not completely carefree or mindless. My hair is MY responsibility, not hers. Her job is to make it look nice, my responsibility is that she doesn't do it at the expense of the health of the hair. She'll trim as much as I ask her to, but she'll trim more if I don't specify. She'll stretch my relaxers only because I keep a calendar with a touch-up schedule and say, "no not this week". I monitor my hair for it's moisture/protein needs, and act accordingly.

And she definitely can't make sure I eat well, get exercise and wrap my hair at night, or comb it so that I'm not pulling it all out.

I think that's where salon goers go wrong. They just hand over all control, when really, no one can know your hair better than you.

I'm lucky because I found a stylist who does what I ask. I've been to plenty who say 'yes' and then do what they want to do anyway. (i hate that)
Always an exception to the rule. If you don't mind me asking what is the shortest your hair has ever been?

the shortest was in 2004 it was natural, and half way between my ears and shoulders, with lots of layers.

in 2007 when I relaxed it (actually the stylist relaxed it), it was above APL. that's when I started a fotki and monitoring my hair.
This is a great thread. Although Im only APL now I've been a little past BSL with the help of a wonderful stylist. Now Imma DIYer sort of my best friend is a professional beautician and she perms and dust my hair for me and I think Im gonna go back to the Dominicans for just rollersets.
d.i.y. all the way! everytime i go to a stylist they want to cut all my progress off & tell me a bunch of incorrect, antiquated, info about haircare. they don't know who they dealing with, lol :grin::grin::grin: