Dear Meredith: My family thinks my boyfriend is ugly


Well-Known Member
Ever dealt with this? How did you react? Are you still together?

Dear Meredith,

Q: I am in my early 30s, as is the man I am dating. We have been together for a little under a year. I am very secure in our relationship and respect and love him as he does me. I can definitely see a future with him. He treats me like gold and we do all kinds of fun stuff together. We get along great.

The problem is that my mother and sister think that I am selling myself short. The main argument that they have against me dating this man is that he is not attractive enough and that physically we don't appear to be a match. I can't even begin to explain how hurtful this is to me. I am honestly saying that there is nothing wrong with his appearance. He is an in-shape man who I find attractive. Also, I can't believe that the two women closest to me would react like this to someone I clearly care about and hope to have a future with. If he is to be my husband, isn't it plain awful that I already have their opinion in the back of my head?
I went out with my sister a few weeks ago and she said to my face, "How are you honestly attracted to him?” I was shocked. This isn't a scenario where I am dating some old man to support me; my boyfriend and I are on the same scale as far as education, income, and age.
My question is, how can I not let this get to me? What can I say to my mom and my sister to let them know that this is not acceptable to say to me? How can I make them see the guy that I see, the one who is caring and kind? I’m just so tired of their opinions …
– Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder, Boston

A: BITEOTB, your mother and sister are in the wrong (obviously). You're allowed to tell them how you feel and order them to stop making these comments.

Try: "You know what's unattractive? Two people making me feel bad for being in love with a wonderful man." Follow that up with: "I'd appreciate it if we didn't discuss my boyfriend’s appearance ever again. I think that he is lovely, and you should be happy that I'm happy. I am no longer interested in what you think about my partner's face."
Your boyfriend sounds awesome. And you're right -- beauty is subjective.
As far as making them understand why he's attractive, well, I just wouldn't worry about that. They don't have to think that he's cute. Many people are repulsed by the look of this guy. But I'd make out with that. So ... yeah. Forget the rest of the world. If you're happy and he treats you well, you're doing just fine. Let your family know that they've crossed a line, and then move on with your fantastic boyfriend.
Readers? Should she be as aggressive with her family as I've suggested? Anyone else have a good speech for her to give the sister and mother? Why would her family be so concerned about his appearance? Is there something else going on here? Has this ever happened to any of you?

– Meredith
Nope but I have dated someone that I felt wasnt the best looking and was told he looked good by fam and some friends.

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I think the person who wrote the situation should say her peace and her family should respect it.

All things considered... beauty fades, but dumb is forever!
I dated and fell in love with a man that wasnt attractive but grew on me. He had a big head with big eyes. If I was smart with some patience, I would have married him instead of my ex-husband. Now he has moved on and our time as passed. I learned that looks aint everything and my mom and sisters would clown me about how he looked but they also said what a wonderful man he was!!
I don't like the word, but it's appropriate now: Sounds like mom and sister are a bunch of HATERS!

Poor girl. I hope she stands up to mom and sis and shuts down their talk about her boo's looks.
Ugly is sucha a Ugly word!

If her family loved her, they would want nothing more than happiness for her. If she says she's happy that should be the end all. Would they prefer for her to be wit Mr.So-Fine and he treat her like crap. The question is, whats more important to them, but ultimately, what's more important to her.
Would they prefer for her to be wit Mr.So-Fine and he treat her like crap.
More than likely yes. I have found the usually the folks with the least going on are the shallowish (is that a word???). Mom and sister are busy bodies, who need to get a life and stop worrying about a man that doesn't belong to them.
if the mom and sister find him unattractive, then it is what it is. does it suck for her that they think that? sure. but if your fam can't tell you the truth than who can? no one said that she should find a fine man that treats her like crap. is it not possible to find a good looking man who also treats her well? or are we now of the thought process that a good looking guy = treats you like crap, while the unattractive one = treats you well. cause i can tell you right that is NOT always the case.

they said their peace, she can do w.e she wants with it.
They need to mind their business. Obviously, she cares a great deal for him. It's not like Mom and Sis have to sleep with him. Why the preoccupation with his looks?
I'm trying to understand why they need to find him attractive. Not why it bothers her, I get that, but why THEY are so bothered with his looks when she is happy with his education, income, fitness level, and the fact that he treats her "like gold". Are they under the impression that they will be needing to sleep with him or something? With all due respect, they better go on 'head somewhere.