Dealing with people who thinks your hair is fake


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies. I know were all on a journey and of course having good things come to us will also bring bad things.

Ex. women thinking your hair is fake and trying to prove to YOU that your hair is fake...those are the worse.. I'm also talking about the women who doesn't know any better and see you and automatically think your hair is fake because of the texture. You know how people make quick judgements.

How do you deal with that? Tell me about your situation. Do people often think your hair is fake because of the length or your texture?

And how can u make their hair seem "Real"?
I only had two this girl pulled the back of my hair on the bus and ask was it tracks. trying to embarrass me. My hair wasn't even that long then it was a little pass my shoulders

and my 5th grade teacher asked me was it my real hair. I still think that was racist ..again because my hair wasnt even that long to
People ask if i'm wearing a weave I laugh and say no, then they compliment it
It never goes any farther than that and it doesn't bother me at all
Girl please. Forget those people and their opinions. I'm not in the business of proving or disproving anything to anyone. If they think it's fake, oh well. My hair is none of their concern anyway.
Girl please. Forget those people and their opinions. I'm not in the business of proving or disproving anything to anyone. If they think it's fake, oh well. My hair is none of their concern anyway.
I'm gonna have to go with what Eisani said. Eisani BTW, your hair is beautiful. :up:
Not that I have the problem of people thinking my hair is fake (except for my sister :lachen:), but who cares what other people are thinking?
People are going to think what they want. People sometimes say the oddest things to me about my hair but in the grand scheme of things "I am what I am. I don't need your approval".
Who cares what ppl think. Just don't put your hands in my head.

My own aunt (who I don't see very often) dug her finger tips to the roots of my hair while giving me a goodbye hug. Who hugs like that?! ...And this was after she spent most of the night asking me a million & 1 questions about my hair.

I went ahead and called her out. I was like "Yea, no tracks. Just new growth." She looked embarrassed but, hey...

I know you're family and all (kisses & hugz), but keep your hands off of mah scalp please & thanx.

Sent from my iPhone. It does EVERYTHING :grin: ...except make calls :ohwell:
I understand, OP. After all the hard work and effort we put into our hair, it's discouraging for everyone to assume it's fake anyway.

The only "weave-check-proof" hairstyles I know of are pigtails or two braids with a split right down the middle, or a half-up half down style where people can see your part in the back.
i think u just need to live with it. Cuz you're bringing up 2 situations which from what u said....makes me believe it happened it grade school? I mean ur gonna deal with a lot more of that. So just chalk it up....don't pay them anymind and keep it moving. People are gonna believe what they want. Its up to you to care or not
You 'deal' with it by getting the heck over it.
People are always going to think what they want, what would u accomplish by changing their minds anyway? Do they pay your bills? If not, then u really shouldn't care.
people actually think my hair is real because of the texture. They are like "a weave can't be that kinky or thick so it has to be her hair." :lol: my twists are medium thick and it blends really well. After I had my first kid I really stopped caring what people thought about my looks and hair.
LOL I have NEVER cared what people think. Even as a teen (I'm 32 now) I just couldn't let myself get occupied with the opinions of folks that don't matter. Funny...I have people ask if my hair is fake when its mine and if it's mine when its fake.

Don't let anyone make you feel uncomfortable in your skin...or hair -whether its fake or not.

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I would enjoy it if women ever made hateful comments about my hair like that. It would just let me know my hair is the ish. I might even it whip it for them if I were in a cantankerous kind of mood. :)
It actually tickles me when someone thinks my hair is fake. Aside from that I really don't care what people think because few things in life are certain but one thing that is, is that fact that someone will always have something negative, doubtful, or nasty to say about you.
It depends on the context the question is asked or how its inferred case in point the yt woman at Super cuts informed me that they do not trim or cut weaves I found it beyond rude and irrating that she automatically assumed that I had a weave. I stayed to prove a point that an average black girl with 4B hair could have WSl and beyond hair, everyone looked in awe and shocked that I was having 2 inches trimmed putting me back firmly in the WSL camp. When the guy at Tarjay said wow your hair is beautiful if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe that a Sister could have long hair I took it as a complement even though he ruined the moment by asking if I had Injun in my family.
i dont care anymore. after 12 years my fathers wife still questions my hair, even had my own father questioning:/..whatever.

How do you deal with that? I flip my hair :lol:

Tell me about your situation. Do people often think your hair is fake because of the length or your texture?
Sometimes people do. A longtime friend just let me know that she thought my hair was a weave/wig all this time. She was shocked ahahhaha We laughed it off. Most of the time I just laugh it off because its not that serious for me.

And how can u make their hair seem "Real"?

I won't lie, sometimes my hair can look "fake." Even my sister and I had a great laugh about this last year when I met her for lunch one day. She said that if she didn't know me she would assume I had on a wig. I don't do anything to PROVE my hair is real. I don't really care.