Dating life: Do I go? Guys seem to never listen...

OK. Please never date a guy that spells like that again. :lol:

I'm reading it in a Somalian accent for some reason lol
Vanthie, I told yall upthread he improved... I could understand him this time... :perplexed

he is from Ivory Coast

See thats why you never listen to folks... My friend who is married to a Russian, told me to give him a chance, because when she meet husband his English wasnt so good... Should have side-eyes her as they both in College at time, like he cant be THAT bad....
I dont necessarily feel bad, but doped, as I doped self into going out with him, at sneakers I was like nah... But thought hey not dating or going out anyways why not...

Now I am like, darn he got upper hand, ego bruise sorta, Lol... I am sure to see him again, SURELY...

When I have gone out in past, always knew what doing and if not interested was able to get plans changed... But again thought hey that situation didnt really work out wit dude lets try something new... Nope, never again...

:ohwell: Lesson learned
"Hey I'm sorry four las nit I'm soy buddy my friend sorry"

Sent from my Galaxy

I'm sorry, but this is funny. Being as though you did say he was bad with text/grammar. But I'm gonna give him an excuse and say that MOST men have big fingers and have a hard time texting on virtual keyboards and they don't have the patience to correct what spellcheck gave them. Okay, re-reading his text again, spellcheck wasn't his problem because las and nit aren't words LOL.
Oooh. Girl if a guy is taking you out on a date, let alone a first one, you shouldn't have to do a thing but show up and have fun. All this wondering, texting, following up. Umm that's his job.

Anything more required of you and you don't show up. Boom.

Especially on the first date and especially if dude is a dyslexic.

And all African guys aren't like that. It sounds like this one just has issues with vocab or something