Dating a younger man

Ok, I'll bite first lol.... I am 40, I wouldn't go any younger than 39. Maybe 38. I don't have a lot of reasons why. But I just can't see it.
I would date a younger man but definitely there would be criteria. I am 46 and can see myself with someone 40+. One of the stipulations would have to be that they don't want children.
I'm dating a younger guy. Just 3 years, but when you're 22 and he's 19, 3 years is huge. For me, it was more about maturity than age. My SO is more mature than a lot of guys ten years older than he is. He has his head on straight and is more serious about our relationship than any other guy I talked to, and I always liked older guys.
My boyfriend is 7 years younger than me. I don't see a problem with it as long as his maturity level is in line with yours.
I am 26 and no I cannot see myself dating someone younger than me right now. It may change as I get older but the guys in their twenties are already sophomoric so NO.
I am 25 and my SO is 23. When we first met I was 20 and he was 18. It was a bigger deal then because he had just graduated high school. I love him but in certain ways he can be immature which I can attribute to his age. We broke up for almost a year and I felt like I needed to date an older man that was was 30. Ummmm there were things that I liked about him but the bad outweighed the good. I loved that he felt the need to take care of me. Not money wise but just like cooking for me, washed and fixed my car himself, rubbed my feet. But he was too damn possesive. I told his friend that his haircut looked nice and he scolded me for it later. How the hell u gone scold me and Im grow! And when I asked his friend to pass me my purse one day he blew up about that. Talking bout "You shoulda asked ME to pass u ur purse! That's disrespectful and u outta line!":ohsnap: SMDH I went right back to SO. And we been happy ever since.
I'm dating a younger guy. Just 3 years, but when you're 22 and he's 19, 3 years is huge. For me, it was more about maturity than age. My SO is more mature than a lot of guys ten years older than he is. He has his head on straight and is more serious about our relationship than any other guy I talked to, and I always liked older guys.

My roommate is in the exact situation, she is 22, he is 19, but he acts older. Im asking cause for the first time, I find myself liking a guy 5 years younger than 22, he is 17..bad I know, but consent in my state is 17.
17? Thats waayyy too young for me even if that was the consent in my state. Is he really that mature?

I'll be 29 very soon and I swear the older I get the younger the guys that come after me are. I just can' least right now. He would have to be very mature and be on my level or better i.e education, living situation, career, etc.
My roommate is in the exact situation, she is 22, he is 19, but he acts older. Im asking cause for the first time, I find myself liking a guy 5 years younger than 22, he is 17..bad I know, but consent in my state is 17.

17? Nah son. I don't want to judge, but uh uh.
How timely is this thread!? I was just contemplating a younger man earlier.

I think it depends on the guy. As long as I can still let myself be vulnerable and let him take the lead I think its okay. If I am not constantly reminded of his age by his speech, dress, interests, or actions I think I am fine with it.
My roommate is in the exact situation, she is 22, he is 19, but he acts older. Im asking cause for the first time, I find myself liking a guy 5 years younger than 22, he is 17..bad I know, but consent in my state is 17.

Most 17 year olds don't look like men... they LOOK like children. I'm not talking hollywood 17, I am talking about real life 17.
I'll be 29 very soon and I swear the older I get the younger the guys that come after me are. I just can' least right now. He would have to be very mature and be on my level or better i.e education, living situation, career, etc.

I'm 29 (turning 30 soon) and the guy I'm seeing is 26 going on 27. I'm literally approached by teenagers every so often, having no clue how old they think I am.

The guy I'm seeing has been awesome so far. More thoughtful and respectful than any of the men (of any age) I've dated in the past. We also have a lot of things in common and he's already accomplished some of the things in life that I hope to.
Good timing on the thread.. I've recently struck up convo with a guy who is 23, I'm 25. I normally like to date guys my age or a little older, but we have a lot in common and he's really cool, plus some nice eye candy. :lick:

In all seriousness, I think it depends on the age range and how mature the person is. I got approached by a guy who I found out later on turned 22 in August, and while he was super mature and really nice and sweet, all I kept thinking in my head was "...He was 21 for the majority of this year, I'm damn near 26." :lol:

I don't think I could 17 at 22 though, they just have a different mindset and they haven't fully physically matured. OP when does he turn 18?
Hes 18 at the end of this year, I will be 23 next year. Most people who don't know me think I am 18/19, so I routinely get hit on by younger guys, but I have never been interested. He looks like he is 20, and acts like he is older than I am. He has a level head, and knows where he is going in life. I know 17 and 22 sounds bad now, but I mean we wont always be 17 and 22 forever.
I'm currently talking to two guys who are younger than me. They're both 23 and will turn 24 this year, and I'm 27. I always went for older guys, and never dreamed of dating anyone younger, than me. But we shall see. These guys are both educated and accomplished and seem mature. I've been approached by a lot of 23 year olds lately, so this phenomena started me thinking outside the box, and giving the younger guys a chance.
I am dating a guy that is 24. I will be 32 in December. It is a bit weird that he and my brother are the same age. The other day he asked me if I had Tango and I had no idea about what it was! I felt so old. He seems mature. We'll see what happens.
DH is two years younger (we are 31 and 29 years of age). When I when we initially got together at 20 and 18, everywas was good, but we did split up for a while (when I was 22) and didn't really get back together (I say really b/c there was a lot of on an off again and kicking it but not really being exclusive) until I was about 28. While I think there are things that occured that caused us to split, the basline problem was that he was immature. With him going out and experiencing life more, he has grown and his age or maturity level really isn't an issue any longer.

And I think the younger you are, the more likely the age difference (even as little as 1 or 2 years younger) will seem significant and the older you are, not so much.

45 and 35 might not be as big of a deal as 35 and 25 or 28 and 18.
I just wanted to give some support to women dating younger guys. My stepdad is 10 years younger than my mom, and they have been married 20 years now. He WAS immature in the beginning... :nono: in a lot of ways... but he also was a successful entrepreneur and very mature in other ways ~shrug~ so it was a tradeoff I guess.
To be honest, I prefer older because they tend to be more ready to settle down and financialy stable. I like the younger guys because of their energy and they look nice and athletic. But ideally it would be older with his own home, not sharing one with a friend, nor living with mummy. :look:
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He was 30 and I was 37, that is about as young as I would go, no more than 10 years tops. I would never date any guy in his 20's though. I guess I don't need to worry about that anymore.
I guess I came in this thread and spoke too soon LOL...ended up meeting a guy 3 yrs younger than I am. Now I feel like the youngest person between us two. He definitely has what I have and OVER we shall see where things head. Right now I don't see a long time future but he's fun.