Date Scenario: How Does Lhcf Feel About This Situation?

I feel like she was testing him.

She was wrong. If her kids didn’t eat dinner before she left or she didn’t make provisions for them while she was out, they shouldn’t be sitting home hungry. She revealed more about herself than she realizes. She’s a bad date and a suspect mom.
She was (for sure) doing too much. I would never make a complete stranger responsible for feeding my kids (I don't have any but still). They are trying to get to know each other. I'm sure she mentioned that she had kids. If he had offered to send them something to eat - brownie points for him. If not, no harm no foul. I'm so offended that she had the nerve to ask but I don't know all the details.

I guess he found out all he needed to know about her on the first date. Some folks have 'entitlement' issues and she is one of them - unless he was asking for some things he had no business asking for.
I don't feel anyway about her asking or not asking.... shrugs.
Just like when I was young and clubbing, I had no problems asking for drinks for me and my friends. Some balk. Some bought.

Who cares? She'll find another guy who won't mind treating her and her kids.

Was she asking for much? Probably. But, there are plenty guys out here who are willing to do it. hmpf
Her request was ridiculous and indicates that she was raised in a barn. I do not condone this nonsense. This reminds me of people invited to the barbecue bringing some stranger as a plus one and the "guest" makes two plates at the same time: One to eat there and the other to take home to they mama/kids/bf/themselves.
She's like fifth period on a Saturday class.

This isn’t that far fetched.

My friend took a girl on a date who ordered another set of food to take home. He paid for it just to get away from her :lol:


I don’t understand why he had to ask social media how he should feel about the situation?
And let me add that this is attention seeking and shaming someone at it’s finest..

But you are probably right :yep:.
You have to wonder where the original question was presented. Maybe in a Facebook group (perhaps private) similar to this relationship forum? He says “Dear Group” not “Dear Internet.”

Ladies here post dating scenarios all the time and ask for feedback. If I read something interesting I might tell my sister about it.

It’s possible someone screenshot his post and that’s how it made it’s rounds to the shaderoom.

He could just be a jerk. But I wanted to present another possibility
Yeah Mista Hayne's page is full of wonders including the most puzzling thing I've seen on men's pages: They will have two pics side by side: One is obviously a group pic and the next picture is everybody else cropped out except the attractive woman he Bogarted his way into the picture to be next to. The cropping is to make it look like it's just him and her on a date. But the group picture right next to it makes it obvious it's not a date! Like why do dudes do that? Twenty extra points to Team Fail that the women in the cropped pictures are obviously putting space between him and their body.
Y'all, this is the kicker. He has a post about how it pays to have good credit and the title to your car. No argument there. But then he goes on to share that he borrowed $700 from TitleMax and only has to pay back $96 a month for 22 months. He says he's winning. Somebody, please help me understand because if my math is right at 22 months he will have paid back 3x what he borrowed.