Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

I don't think night time or daytime matters in terms of washing, but for styling it would.

I've been washing my hair everyday, sometimes twice when it's hot. I started this in May and I gained 3 inches of growth. My hair is also the healthiest it's ever been since I started doing conditioning washes.
I don't think it matters what time of day the washing is done, just as long as it's getting the moisture it needs. Time of day is a personal preference. With the summer being hot and all, I don't mind starting the day with a wet head.
Yes I've been wahsing 5-6 times per week for over 4 months. I started mainly because I work out and boy the smell of conditioer washes is a much welcomed addition.
I wash my relaxed 4A hair put in a leave in and wrap. The morning it's dry so I use biosilk as a protective and the cernamic iron. The combination of the frequent washing and no more blow dryer has my hair healty and growing better then ever. I also TRY to do a protein deep condition on the weekend.
Re: Daily Washing: what about the children

Now I have seen then frequent washing is what my 4A hair needs for healthy growth. My question is what about kids?
My daughter has combination hair. She's 7 and has almost shoulder length soft ring curls around the perimeter of her head. Then there is 3-4 inch circle of kink on the top. When her hair is washed the patch dries up so fast, almost as soon as the last rinse. Her hair grew pretty nicely until she was 4 or 5 when the top started changing (to my type of hair
I guess that is around the time I slowed down on the washing since it was so difficult even with detanglers. I then went up to 2 weeks between washings. When it's wet I just put some type of moisturizer or curl activator then comb it into 1 pony tail to dry. Then I use some moisturizer daily to make the pony tails neat. The ones I've tried seem to only sit on top of her hair and dont seem to really help the dry frizz on top.
I would like to try washing her hair more often but I don't know what do to with it.

Anyone have any suggestions on drying, products or methods?
Re: Daily Washing: what about the children

I wash my daughter's hair on a daily basis now. That is conditioner washes. I use shampoo once a week. She is seven with hair a little past her shoulders. Her type is 2a/b and it is very thin except in the middle area. Her hair is responding to the daily con washes and is less dry. After washing I just put on some S-curl and aloe vera gel and brush it back into a ponytail. This seems to be working quite well for her. She did suffer a lot with the frizzes also but I think the daily washes have moisturized her hair enough so it won't puff up so quickly.
Re: Daily Washing: what about the children

still hanging in there, doing my washing, and conditioning, daily weting of my hair, or evening, which ever, I was reading a post about what does not work for some ppl, and come to find that alot of ppl r not having good results with DW,
I was shocked, I am not giving up, My hair does feel strange though, I dont know if it is from the water, but it feels thin, and in the front when I am weting my hair, seems extra easy to touch my scalp not thicker
Re: Daily Washing: what about the children

Conditioner washes don't have to be an absolute. You can wash every other day. Somtimes I skip a day or two but when I work out I make sure to wash.

Also how are you combing your hair while it is wet?????
A friend of mine complained that it does not work for her but when I saw her comb her hair out I almost collapsed. Hair is most frigile when it is wet. So you have to be gently. I am natural yet I have not used a comb in over 6 months. I detangle with my finger and lots of conditoner. Out of the shower I apply leave in conditoner and still use my finger to seperate my hair. This helps so that you dont break your hair every time it is wet. Otherwise get a very wide tooth comb.

hope that helps.

Just to give my update on daily washes. I am still doing them. Again, I don't always shampoo. I usually shampoo once a week and the other days I just do the conditioning washes. I leave regular conditioner in my hair (although I've been told this is not good.) I'm going to try some of the creamy leave-in conditioners that some board members recommended.

I do take a break from them only because I don't blow dry my hair so I when I want to wear it straight I have to wrap it. My hair is still growing very well. I have to be very carefull with my buns now because I noticed some breakage at the nape. I use a scrunchy on my hair, but I guess I wrapped it too tightly. Wet hair is very fragile...especially wet, relaxed hair. It takes me a little bit to comb my hair out everyday, and I have to admit sometimes I cheat and use a soft bristle brush and just brush it back in the bun. (bad!)

Although I want to weave my own hair, I'm still going to do daily washes. Hopefully, this will work out.
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

I've been doing the daily rinse for a month now... I'm loving the results on my locs and new growth.

At this rate, this time next year I'll have long long locs.
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

When I first went natural, my hair grew extremely fast and I was constanly told how long it was, but I just contributed that to the lack of chemicals, and manipulation. I used to risne my hair everyday, and sometimes twice a day, depending on my mood. I use to spray my scalp with mt rosemary coconut concotion, and that helped alot in the dryness area.
I have read all 11 pages of this thread, and I am too excited. I truly do beleive in daily rinsing, and I am going to start again.
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

I have not really been able to measure, because I lost my tape, but I should do that, since I am doing DW and CW, and increased my biotin,
, if I found out I will tell u ty
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

Congratulations Alma,
I'm with you on that one

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Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

I think this is the key for my daughter's hair. I have been daily washing for a month and it seems like her hair is taking off!
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

Hello all.

I am getting back to the daily washes/rinses, as this is when my hair was moisturized effectively and maintained its length, attributing to longer hair. Hmmm! Go and Stay with what works best for you, and always try and eat healthy, take in plenty of water, use vitamins and minerals as needed, and don't forget the herbs.

Best wishes for continued success to you all.
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

I was given the BIG speech today about how washing every "4" days or everyday is bad for the hair.
I said to myself "Oh lawd, why did I mention that?" Well, needless to say that this woman's hair is SHORT. I'd say that she's not one for advising others.
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

In my experience daily washing will dry your hair out if you have hard water, so be careful if you do. I know someone on here uses distilled water; I think that's a good alternative.

Has anyone read "Hair Rules" by Anthony Dickey? For people with curly and kinky hair he recommends washing with shampoo every other wash, and rinsing with water in between. According to him, the massaging action that you do with your fingertips removes the majority of the dirt. I think he's right.

Also, if your hair tends to be on the dry side then there's less oil on your scalp to attract dirt to. So it takes longer to accumulate dirt. I definitely think shampoo washing promotes hair growth because you're keeping the follicles clear of debris, dirt, particles etc, but with the right frequency. Alternating between water rinses and shampoo washes has proved to be the right balance for me
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

the middle part of my hair grew way faster than the rest of my hair i guess that is because the water hits the scalp there all the time and there gets cleaner than the rest of the scalp
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

When I rinse,no poo or shampoo, I always give my scalp a good 15 mins of massage under the shower -with or without the conditioner or shampoo on the scalp. It really helps me to clear up all the dirt and it totally relieves my scalp -stress builds up on the scalp apparently. Its relaxing, keeps my scalp clean and it stimulates my hair growth more.

The natural oils, I replace them with a spritz ( water, rosemary /tea tree oil eo's and almond oil). After the massage and putting the mix on my scalp, my scalp is properly nourished.
Re: Daily Washing: what about the children

Conditioner washes don't have to be an absolute. You can wash every other day. Somtimes I skip a day or two but when I work out I make sure to wash.

Also how are you combing your hair while it is wet?????
A friend of mine complained that it does not work for her but when I saw her comb her hair out I almost collapsed. Hair is most frigile when it is wet. So you have to be gently. I am natural yet I have not used a comb in over 6 months. I detangle with my finger and lots of conditoner. Out of the shower I apply leave in conditoner and still use my finger to seperate my hair. This helps so that you dont break your hair every time it is wet. Otherwise get a very wide tooth comb.

hope that helps.


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I think you're right on point. The combout is essential in retaining hair length and avoiding thin spots. I detangle mostly with my fingers, then very light combing because I was starting to notice thin spots from daily washing like Happylocks. I changed the way I combout and also started washing in the shower(which I hate)and I hardly get any hair loss.
I'm guessing but warm/hot water opens the pores up and stimulates the scalp....

is that why it really promotes growth?
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

When I rinse,no poo or shampoo, I always give my scalp a good 15 mins of massage under the shower -with or without the conditioner or shampoo on the scalp. It really helps me to clear up all the dirt and it totally relieves my scalp -stress builds up on the scalp apparently. Its relaxing, keeps my scalp clean and it stimulates my hair growth more.

The natural oils, I replace them with a spritz ( water, rosemary /tea tree oil eo's and almond oil). After the massage and putting the mix on my scalp, my scalp is properly nourished.

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Yes Alma me too. I never realize how tense I am untill I get into the shower at night. While massaging my scalp it feels as if I am removing several heavy hats from my head. It surprises me how amazing it feels.

Really sometimes I feel like I am in those Herbal Essences comercials except I am not using Herbal Essences. go figure! hehehe
Re: Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?


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Yes Alma me too. I never realize how tense I am untill I get into the shower at night. While massaging my scalp it feels as if I am removing several heavy hats from my head. It surprises me how amazing it feels.

Really sometimes I feel like I am in those Herbal Essences comercials except I am not using Herbal Essences. go figure! hehehe

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ooooh girl...I hear ya! That massage makes all the differnce!!!
Do any of you get problems in Winter with the daily rinsing?

I'm thinking that I'll have to stop when the cold comes in...
There's nothing like clean, good smelling hair!

My thing is, I wear cornrows...actually it's a full head sew in. So I don't know if I can do the daily rinsing or conditioner washes. I don't want too much tugging and pulling on the hair.

Does anyone think I would get the same results with spraying my cornrows with water and then applying olive oil to the braid and/or scalp daily until I do my next wash?

I currently wash (shampoo and deep condition) weekly
I think that could be pretty effective as well. I imagine the things you would miss would be the massaging action as well as having the scalp clean everyday.
