Curing my PJism/Summer Product Junkie Challenge


Well-Known Member
I've decided that I have so many hair products that I will not need to buy any more for a good while.

So I've decided to ban myself from buying any hair products until September and then I will assess the situation.

By telling my fellow board members I know I can keep this promise to myself and will keep y'all informed of my progress.
Re: Curing my PJism

Count me in, too!!
My LHCF PJ Challenge ends on July 1st, but I fell off the wagon badly in June!!

I really shouldn't need to buy anything else at all until at least September!!
Re: Curing my PJism


You should change the title of this post to "Summer Product Junkie Challenge" so that others can join!!
Re: Curing my PJism

I'm in also! This is coming at a good time. Yesterday I bought Redken Anti Snap leave in just coz it worked for someone, well I used it last night and it did not "work" for me, so, I've had it, no more! I'm done!
OK count me in.
Re: Curing my PJism

I'm glad my son uses all the products that I don't use any more cause I was running out of room! Now he's starting to use the products I do use so I have to hide them!
Re: Curing my PJism

cutebajangirl said:
I'll go in it with you. I will only buy staple products that are on sale (if I run out of them).

[/ QUOTE ]

The word 'staple' is rather ambiguous to a true product junkie; in fact, that's the PROBLEM: We have a hard time deciphering exactly what a 'staple' is. THEY'RE ALL STAPLES TO US!!!
Re: Curing my PJism

bollyhair said:
cutebajangirl said:
I'll go in it with you. I will only buy staple products that are on sale (if I run out of them).

[/ QUOTE ]

The word 'staple' is rather ambiguous to a true product junkie; in fact, that's the PROBLEM: We have a hard time deciphering exactly what a 'staple' is. THEY'RE ALL STAPLES TO US!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

My staples are things I use everyday... conditioner for my no-poos, surge, on of my oil or butter concoctions (I have enough of this stuff to last the rest of the year!), and some sort of gel. I also use a shampoo (I have tons of this as well) once a week and I add oils and honey to my no-poo conditioner and do a deep conditioner once a week....

So... the only things I envision needing this summer are conditioner and gel... but only when I run out and only one at a time!

Count me in for this challenge cause I'm out of control!
Re: Curing my PJism

COUNT ME IN!!!! There is absolute no reason for me to buy not another hair product. This is becoming ridicilous
I will check in once a week.
Re: Curing my PJism

Okay, so for me a staple is something that I need and another product that I have cannot do the job. For example Biolage Ultra Hydrating conditioner is a staple that I use after protein treatments. I have come across nothing that can do as good of a job as the Biolage for this purpose. Now, say for condition washes VO5 and Pantene DMR and Garnier Fructris all do an equal job so if I run out of one, I do not have permission to buy another because I still have at least 2 bottles of each left. See? I have so much stuff and so many samples that I think I could go until December without buying anything new.
Re: Curing my PJism

I dont need another hair product either just spent about
$150.00 on hair product last couple of weeks.
I always fail these challenges.
Re: Curing my PJism

Sounds like a great idea!! I'm in too. I actually only bought 1 product this month and last month I bought nothing.
Re: Curing my PJism

When is the OFFICIAL start date of this challenge, there are still a few more things I want to get before I really start.
Re: Curing my PJism

Im in as well, I have really been getting out of control lately. I also want to know when the challenge is offically starting. The only thing I can see myself needing to buy is shampoo and conditioner because I am running low but other than that I don't need anything else. How often are we checking in?
Re: Curing my PJism

There is nooooo reason for me to keep buying and buying products, I mean Ive found several that are keepers but I need to use this stuff up before "trying" out more products. How many shampoos, oils, and conditioners can one person use? I will find a way to use up even the stuff I dont necessarily care for(a few oil lotions, etc). I have some good products that should get my summer regimen off to a good start, and I shouldnt run out until fall at least! As a matter of fact, I think too much product switching and experimenting can be negative for the hair, at least thats been my experience in the past.
Re: Curing my PJism

I will be starting immediatelly but because many want to join me I think that the official start date is the 4th July, Independence Day from PJism.
Re: Curing my PJism

I think once a week is ok to check in except we I or someone feels the urge too strongly and needs our help to brink them back from the brink!!!!
Re: Curing my PJism

Okay, I guess the 4th of July is it, just to check in my necessary products are as follows: Surge Powerwash, my conditioner concoction, EQ Mango butter, Aloe Vera Gel/pomade, salerm, motion potion. That's all I can think of for now. Ya'll are my witnesses: I will not buy anything that I am already using, nor will I buy new items even if there's a huge rave about it on this board. I will not buy any hair/skin stuff even if it's on sale....
Okay, there's my official challenge swear in(raising right hand, left hand on Bible)
Re: Curing my PJism

my only staple I may possible run out of is some kind of oil(hot six,etc), other than that, I have enough shampoos, conditioners, and serums to last a
Re: Curing my PJism

I'm bumping this as a reminder to the people who are participating in this challenge, let's see if you can last through the summer, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm stocking up on things I need and want to buy....
Re: Curing my PJism

Sigh......I guess I need to join the challenge too. I have 13 conditioners sitting in my closet. Why?
I don't yes, add me to the list. Maybe I can learn some self control over the summer

There is one item that I will definitely have to buy when I find it which is the scalp stimulating shampoo by Elasta QP. I am just going to have to live with my shampoo and 13 conditioners
Re: Curing my PJism

Thanks for bumping this. I just have to buy a bottle of shampoo and conditioner and i'll be set. I have everything I need, i'm trying to save money too so this is a great way to cut out unnecessary spending.
Re: Curing my PJism

I'm in! I have enough hair products to last me to the end of the year but I don't think I could last that long.

I'll start July 1st!