CREME OF NATURE..Discontinued (APO BHM Forum):CON Users come inside!


New Member
Hello everyone. This is a thread that my sister started on BHM. I am going to copy and paste it from BHM and hopefully you guys can add to the cause. TIA.

The title was "Creme of Nature is GONE"

...Unless, we can come together and do something about it.

I hate to inform the trusty CON users that the old CON shampoos (the red and green bottles) are now discontinued. You can still find them at some BSS and some grocery stores for the time being or until the stock runs out, but after a while they will be no more. They are now replacing it with the new "Organic" shampoos. Not only are the ingredients totally different, but the new shampoo contains 3 sulfates (which the old CON had NONE) and the price has jumped approx. 2 dollars (from 2.63 to 4.54, in my area).
Not to mention it only has 2 "certified" organic ingredients.

I first read about this on LHCF, and didn't believe it. But I called CON's customer service line about 10 minutes ago and found out that this is true. The old CON shampoo will no longer be available.

If you're anything like me and you want this shampoo back all you have to do is make a quick 2 minute call. The customer service rep that I spoke to told me that there would be a chance that the marketing team will rethink their decision. But as will anything, there is strength in numbers. I already called and told them how I felt, but 1 call is not enough. So that's why I am urging ALL of you to call the CON team and just express your displeasure. All you have to do is state that you are displeased that CON has discontinued the old CON poo/that you've used it as a child/ that you won't be buying from CON ever again/whatever your reasons, etc. Even if you do not use it and/or don't plan to use it, we could still use your help.

I told them that I was a member of various hair boards so they are expecting your calls lol. I am so sick of these companies messing up a good thing. CON has been around for YEARS, so why would they do this?

Share this with anyone that you like. Here is the number and other information. Ladies, please don't let this one go. The product was such a good product. It was cheap, didn't contain any sulfates, and had great ingredients all of which is now being taken away.

Here is the number:
Phone (Toll Free):
[1] 866.340.7883

For those who like to write letters:
Colomer USA Ltd.
P.O. Box 37557
Jacksonville, Florida 32236

[1] 904 693.1207

Thanks in advance
It looks like they are 'cutting' back. But why make the product 'harmful' to the users? The original is fine. If it's not broke don't fix it.

I will call. :yep: Even though I don't use it anymore, there are many others who do use it and benefit from it. So I will definitely call and voice my disapproval of it being discontinued.

Thanks for sharing this information. :yep:
I am very disappointed that CON is discontinuing their shampoo.

I have been a faithful user for years. That is the only shampoo that got me though my transition stages and relaxer streches.

Not to mention that it is the only affordable shampoo that softens my little girls hair.

I will give them a call.
Thats not right!! I called twice this morning. The first person told me that their not discontinuing anything and the second person said they are. As mentioned, I told her to foward my complaint. I think we all need to write them too. If they get a flood of letters maybe they will rethink it. Im almost in tears!!!

Maybe someone should create a form letter for us to send.
This is terrible news.

It has been around for SOO long.

I think I will head to the BSS - and load up for my mama.
This all that she uses.
Are you serious!! This is my holy grail shampoo. It's the only thing that moisturizes and detangles my hair when I wash it.

Why is that ALL good products are always discontinued even when they're returning profits? I'm calling as soon as I find my phone. I'm heated. :mad:
See its reasons like this that I fear falling in love with a product.

I will def call. I use to use it then swithched up to Pantene, but I loved CON as well.

Then they call them self improving something. Hump :wallbash:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! WHY do companies DO this???!!! :pullhair:

I'll definitely be calling and ripping someone a new a-hole :mad:
I just called and the lady said that the shampoo wasn't being discontinued. I said that I heard word that they were and she was like, "Well, I just spoke to our product manager and she said that they weren't discontinuing anything." So, other people must have been calling for her to just have spoke with someone about the product....Gosh, I hope this isn't true.
Thats not right!! I called twice this morning. The first person told me that their not discontinuing anything and the second person said they are. As mentioned, I told her to foward my complaint. I think we all need to write them too. If they get a flood of letters maybe they will rethink it. Im almost in tears!!!

Maybe someone should create a form letter for us to send.

IA! Individual letters and a joint letter. That shampoo is my staple. Man oh man. :nono:
I just called and the lady said they're not discountinuing the old formulas...and that she has had several calls about this topic today! I donno if she's being honest, so I'm going to get myself a few bottles.
WTF???????? :wallbash: :wallbash::wallbash:

This is the best product/shampoo ever! I will NOT use the new "organic" version with sulfates!
Are they out of their minds?
If its not broke.....
I just called that number, and the CON represenative said:

That the shampoo formulas will still be available- going on to list them:

Dry/Damaged Hair forumla, Limp Hair formula, Color Treated forumla and Normal Hair formula.

Then I went on to ask her were they going to replace it with the Oranic Formula, she responded " No, they are just a new edition to CON and the old formulas will still be available.

:wallbash:She better not have been Lieing!!!!!!!!!!!:wallbash:
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I just called and the lady said they're not discountinuing the old formulas...and that she has had several calls about this topic today! I donno if she's being honest, so I'm going to get myself a few bottles.

Ditto. Same here.
But I don't even have the money to stock up like that!! :censored:

So it is TOTALLY gone!

No!! Can't be. I don't even use it and I feel sad.

That was my shampoo as a child and teenager.

I want to stock up just to have it on tap - SO MANY of my family members use.

Uh uh, I don't believe it. Let me go email KhandiB.
I just called that number, and the CON represenative said:

That the shampoo formulas will still be available- going on to list them: Dry/Damaged Hair forumla, Limp Hair formula, Color Treated forumla and Normal Hair formula.

Then I went on to ask her were they going to replace it with the Oranic Formula, she responded " No, they are just a new edition to CON and the old formulas will still be available.

:wallbash:She better not have been Lieing!!!!!!!!!!!:wallbash:

Whew. Oh okay. She betta not be or it will be on. Hair Board members from all over the US will be on it!! LOL
This doesn't make any since. We all are calling, and talking to different people and getting different responses. So, whats the truth??!!!

Im writting a letter as we speak. If ya'll don't mind, im going to copy and paste some of your responses so they can see that we are highly upset.:wallbash:
I just called that number, and the CON represenative said:

That the shampoo formulas will still be available- going on to list them:

Dry/Damaged Hair forumla, Limp Hair formula, Color Treated forumla and Normal Hair formula.

Then I went on to ask her were they going to replace it with the Oranic Formula, she responded " No, they are just a new edition to CON and the old formulas will still be available.

:wallbash:She better not have been Lieing!!!!!!!!!!!:wallbash:

Okay. My heart rate is almost back to normal.

I didnt like this little shake up though, now im unsettled. I need to find a back up from a longtime brand/a very famous shampoo that makes too much money to discontinue---I think Elasta Qp ( I think its called Creme) shampoo is similar to CON---(but Elasta Qp doesnt strike me as something that will be around for 20-30 years because its very hard to find the whole line and all the shampoos in all stores, and they have a couple of shampoos and i dont even know if their good sellers)
OMG!!!! I just called them. The lady who answered said that they are considering discontinuing the product but that they haven't come to a final decision. She also said that if enough people complain, they might take that into consideration.


She also said that they've received a ton of calls already. PLEAAAAASE KEEP THE CALLS COMING.

I'm going to weep and stare out the window now to mourn the possible loss of my beloved CON.

ETA: After having read everyone's responses, I realize that we were definitely told different things.

Also, I made sure to explain to the lady that ADDING SULFATES does not IMPROVE a shampoo product. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
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It's reason like this that I fear falling in love with a product.

I use to be a user of it, but switch it up with Pantene. I will most def call.

Then they call themselfs making a improved version. Hmph :wallbash:

Me too.....

Im so paranoid that im always trying to look for all natural ingredients to use by themselves that will never be taken away from me LOL

I cant be 60 years old and not knowing what to do :ohwell:
OMG!!!! I just called them. The lady who answered said that they are considering discontinuing the product but that they haven't come to a final decision. She also said that if enough people complain, they might take that into consideration.


She also said that they've received a ton of calls already. PLEAAAAASE KEEP THE CALLS COMING.

I'm going to weep and stare out the window now to mourn the possible loss of my beloved CON.

Haha. :grin::grin: Okay, now back to being mad. :mad::mad:
OMG!!!! I just called them. The lady who answered said that they are considering discontinuing the product but that they haven't come to a final decision. She also said that if enough people complain, they might take that into consideration.


She also said that they've received a ton of calls already. PLEAAAAASE KEEP THE CALLS COMING.

I'm going to weep and stare out the window now to mourn the possible loss of my beloved CON.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Im wearing all black for a while


What did you say when you call? Im so angry right now all i can think of is "WTF do yall thank yall doin? Put the manager on the phone" LOL
OMG!!!! I just called them. The lady who answered said that they are considering discontinuing the product but that they haven't come to a final decision. She also said that if enough people complain, they might take that into consideration.


She also said that they've received a ton of calls already. PLEAAAAASE KEEP THE CALLS COMING.

I'm going to weep and stare out the window now to mourn the possible loss of my beloved CON.

ETA: After having read everyone's responses, I realize that we were definitely told different things.

Also, I made sure to explain to the lady that ADDING SULFATES does not IMPROVE a shampoo product. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
OK, right now I am sooo confused. Hating the fact that there's even a POSSIBILITY that something that works so well MAY NOT be available to me in the future..:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: