Cowashing and bunning the key to wsl hair!

I just started co washing and I must say that I love it. I see my hair gaining thickness and moisture. I haven't gotten the method of bunning just yet but I might give it a try. I usually do Bantu Knots as my PS and wear a knot out for low manipulation. My hair likes the Bantu knot out. I do wants to up my co washing from once weekly to 2-3x weekly. I also found that co washing has helped tremendously with my new growth during stretching past 8 weeks (I have just started stretching to 20 weeks now)

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Now thinking about it, last year i was in the cowash challenge and my hair grew sooo much! Why did I stop!!!!
Co-washing has definitely been a part of my regiment for about 2 months. I have recently up'ed my times per week from 1x to 2-3x. I would love to bun exclusively but I'm so in love with my swang! I do notice that retention is hindered by my frequent heat use... So I'm making an extremely conscience effort to gradually ween off direct heat (blow-drying and flat ironing) and return to roller-setting and wet wrapping in 3 weeks after I relax. This together with bunning will assist my retention and overall health :yep:

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I don't Cowash but I do helps tremendously...but I have to give myself breaks, I'll bun for like 6 weeks straight and then wear my hear down for a while, maybe a week or two, then start bunning or protective styling again...if I tried to bun to MBL I'd lose my mind, all this work and I never get to enjoy my hair =\
Cowashing and bunning is what i've been doing this whole time. Works for me. Buns are so much easier with long hair.

I'm trying to cowash every other day now. I shampoo once a week
Cowashing/bunning absolutely works. My hair on my profile page is from bunning/cowashing and I grew it very quickly because I retained all of my growth.

My hair isn't that long anymore because I've kept it around BSL or SL. I'm in between SL and BSL and I got serious about growing back to WL so I've been cowashing/bunning for a month and my hair is already thriving. I plan on doing this until Dec. 2013 and trim every 6 months (instead of cutting 6-7 times a years to maintain BSL).
beautiful hair!!!

maybe I'll start weekly cowashing...:ban:

I have one month to go in my 6 mo stretch.....

maybe I'll try it the last month
RayRayFurious said:
Does anyone know of any YouTubers who do this? I'm interested in bunning for a few months to see if this works for me.

Fgrogan does this and as a result she has thick waist length relaxed hair
I am going to try this. Instead of wet bunning, I wash the night before and then bun in the morning.
I've been doing this for a while now. But my method is kind of different from a lot of peoples. So I wash my hair once a month for starters. And on the first day after the wash, I let it air dry for a bit, then blow it dry on cool. Then I put it up in a pony tail. I braid the ends of the pony tail in a semi loose braid. I then proceed to tuck the braid under and bun my hair. I NEVER undo that braid. The only thing I do is at the end of each week, I undo the bun and pony tail I made (so keep in mind my hair is still in that braided shape) and repackage the pony tail together. And tuck the braid under once more. And bun again. I don't comb my hair for a MONTH. The bun still looks fresh everyday. I rap the bun itself with a scarf every night, then I put a bonnet on top of it. In the morning I just slick down the edges and go. Quite simple. Works for me. If you are prone to tangles and matting. Then it may not be your type of thing. But I retain allllll of my growth this way. Only problem is my boyfriend is starting to complain about my hair being in a bun all the time. But whatever. He can wait til March when I decide to be a little bit freer with my hair. For now. I want to retain ALL of my growth.
I've been doing this for a while now. But my method is kind of different from a lot of peoples. So I wash my hair once a month for starters. And on the first day after the wash, I let it air dry for a bit, then blow it dry on cool. Then I put it up in a pony tail. I braid the ends of the pony tail in a semi loose braid. I then proceed to tuck the braid under and bun my hair. I NEVER undo that braid. The only thing I do is at the end of each week, I undo the bun and pony tail I made (so keep in mind my hair is still in that braided shape) and repackage the pony tail together. And tuck the braid under once more. And bun again. I don't comb my hair for a MONTH. The bun still looks fresh everyday. I rap the bun itself with a scarf every night, then I put a bonnet on top of it. In the morning I just slick down the edges and go. Quite simple. Works for me. If you are prone to tangles and matting. Then it may not be your type of thing. But I retain allllll of my growth this way. Only problem is my boyfriend is starting to complain about my hair being in a bun all the time. But whatever. He can wait til March when I decide to be a little bit freer with my hair. For now. I want to retain ALL of my growth.

How do you moisturize your hair during that time?
I've been doing this for a while now. But my method is kind of different from a lot of peoples. So I wash my hair once a month for starters. And on the first day after the wash, I let it air dry for a bit, then blow it dry on cool. Then I put it up in a pony tail. I braid the ends of the pony tail in a semi loose braid. I then proceed to tuck the braid under and bun my hair. I NEVER undo that braid. The only thing I do is at the end of each week, I undo the bun and pony tail I made (so keep in mind my hair is still in that braided shape) and repackage the pony tail together. And tuck the braid under once more. And bun again. I don't comb my hair for a MONTH. The bun still looks fresh everyday. I rap the bun itself with a scarf every night, then I put a bonnet on top of it. In the morning I just slick down the edges and go. Quite simple. Works for me. If you are prone to tangles and matting. Then it may not be your type of thing. But I retain allllll of my growth this way. Only problem is my boyfriend is starting to complain about my hair being in a bun all the time. But whatever. He can wait til March when I decide to be a little bit freer with my hair. For now. I want to retain ALL of my growth.

UnexpectedDamsel - What do you use to slick down the edges? Do you work out? If so, how do you manage the sweat, etc? Do you by chance have photos? :meme:

How do you moisturize your hair during that time?

Ditto - how often do you moisturize and how? How long have you been following your reg and how long is your hair now?

I only wish I had the patience to do this! I get too :spinning: when it comes to protective styles.
I tried to read thru most of the thread but I didn't see any one mention how they avoid build up on the hair from frequent co washing?
Are there any 4a naturals with REALLY thick hair that wet bun? I'm thinking about giving it a try, but I'm not entirely sure if it's possible with my thickness and shrinkage.
Doing a modified version and just saturating my hair with water as part my LOC method nightly. So far so good....I'm trying to get a handle on how best to work with my low porosity. I tried co-washing daily and every other day but it was too much for me.