Cowashing and bunning the key to wsl hair!

I cowash once a week and bun (my minis) everyday and im now inlove with my hair. No breakage no splits no ssks
All I do is cowash daily and wet bun. Have gone from 4 inches long at big chop on April 5, 2010 to 3 inches before WL now. That's 2 yrs, 3 mos and counting.
Are any of you who cowash more than once a week relaxed?? I love to cowash but i dont want to "overdo" if there is such a thing.
Are any of you who cowash more than once a week relaxed?? I love to cowash but i dont want to "overdo" if there is such a thing.

I'm relaxed and I cowash 3-4 times per week. I have been doing it for a while now and I haven't had any ill affects. I am on the last week of a 14 week stretch and cowashing was a life saver.
I am bumping this thread for inspiration for me. I have been on a personal cowash and bun challenge. So I have been reading the bun threads to keep me focused. I also found the one posted on Yvette that bunned for a year. And boy is that one inspiration. I will only wear my hair down on this Sat Oct 20th for my mother's 70th birthday celebration. I am bunning for 3 months 7 days a week.
Guess I am inadvertently in this challenge because I sweat a lot in my head and can't stand to have it touching me and am now 1inch from BSL and just measured last night

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OK dumb question. I am planning to bun at least five to six days a week. My question is does my hair have to be in the same old bun styles or can I bun with character. I mean my hair would be up daily and moisturised nightly but I like to wear my hair diffidently from time to time. Will not having every last strand hidden defeat the purpose or does it have to be the buns the hide every last strand. My new routine will be cowash twice weekly and deep condition weekly. I will bun 6 days a week some totally hiding my ends and some with character. What do you ladies think?
Diva_Esq said:
All I do is cowash daily and wet bun. Have gone from 4 inches long at big chop on April 5, 2010 to 3 inches before WL now. That's 2 yrs, 3 mos and counting.

This morning I posted some pics in the "Everyday...." style thread with a comment that I might start Rollersetting soon, now I read this and am having second thoughts....simple is better for me. I bunned most of the last 3 months and had good retention despite some issues I was combating. I don't know, we'll see....
I agree with the cowashing, as ditching shampoo has been nothing but fantastic for my hair...but I see better results from WnG's & Pinappling with my Buff. Buns felt like too much manipulation for me.
Does anyone know of any YouTubers who do this? I'm interested in bunning for a few months to see if this works for me.

I think Tracey from Keep It Simple Sista does it. I don't know if she does it constantly throughout the year but I remember once she had a six month challenge with bunning and everyone was following her. Her hair is so pretty. Other than that I just notice that everyone with the extreamly long hair wears their hair in some sort of protective style on youtube.

I was wondering how often do the people who bun move their bun around so they won't create breaking from wearing the bun in the same place all the time. Those are the two things I fear breakage from wearing it all the time and wondering can I bun without every last strand being protected. Just wondering if I would get the same effect like a messy bun etc. I think I read in another thread that it could dry out your ends but I wasn't sure since it's not rubbing on your clothes.

Does anyone know of any YouTubers who do this? I'm interested in bunning for a few months to see if this works for me.

I think Tracey from Keep It Simple Sista does it. I don't know if she does it constantly throughout the year but I remember once she had a six month challenge with bunning and everyone was following her. Her hair is so pretty. Other than that I just notice that everyone with the extreamly long hair wears their hair in some sort of protective style on youtube.

I was wondering how often do the people who bun move their bun around so they won't create breaking from wearing the bun in the same place all the time. Those are the two things I fear breakage from wearing it all the time and wondering can I bun without every last strand being protected. Just wondering if I would get the same effect like a messy bun etc. I think I read in another thread that it could dry out your ends but I wasn't sure since it's not rubbing on your clothes.

I am co-signing with Dlewis on the fact that different things work for different people. I think fine haired women who bun wet must be very careful. I used to do this when my hair was relaxed and I thought that the low manipulation and no heat were helping but the wet bunning with all of the moisturisers caused breakage.

Almond Eyes

That was my experience as well. Breakage city.
I used to be frightened of co washing because I have fine hair. But now
I use my fingers for light combing and do not go heavy on the moisturisers and now I see a lot of progress.

Almond Eyes
just wondering if this would too much manipulation?

I have been wetting my hair 3 times a week. Cowash either Mon and Wed or Tues and Thurs. My regular wash is on Sat. I have bunning since Sept. My hair is manipulated more if I rollerset.
I think Tracey from Keep It Simple Sista does it. I don't know if she does it constantly throughout the year but I remember once she had a six month challenge with bunning and everyone was following her. Her hair is so pretty. Other than that I just notice that everyone with the extreamly long hair wears their hair in some sort of protective style on youtube.

I was wondering how often do the people who bun move their bun around so they won't create breaking from wearing the bun in the same place all the time. Those are the two things I fear breakage from wearing it all the time and wondering can I bun without every last strand being protected. Just wondering if I would get the same effect like a messy bun etc. I think I read in another thread that it could dry out your ends but I wasn't sure since it's not rubbing on your clothes.

I move my the right, to the left, low and high bun. Someone mentioned wet bunning. Personally I let my hair hang and air dry at least 80% before I put it in a bun. I don't bun soaking wet hair.
OK dumb question. I am planning to bun at least five to six days a week. My question is does my hair have to be in the same old bun styles or can I bun with character. I mean my hair would be up daily and moisturised nightly but I like to wear my hair diffidently from time to time. Will not having every last strand hidden defeat the purpose or does it have to be the buns the hide every last strand. My new routine will be cowash twice weekly and deep condition weekly. I will bun 6 days a week some totally hiding my ends and some with character. What do you ladies think?

You can change your bun styles. I'm pretty simple with my buns. I just move them around. If I do a rollerset sometimes I sweep that into a bun. However, I have not rollerset since mid Sept. I'm really keeping it simple and just giving my hair a rest. Buns are not my favorite but what the heck. I'm trying to make some decisions on what I want to do with my hair, so for now it is bunning.
I agree with the cowashing, as ditching shampoo has been nothing but fantastic for my hair...but I see better results from WnG's & Pinappling with my Buff. Buns felt like too much manipulation for me.

For me, buns can be a little hard on my ends.

Lately I started putting my hair up in a "ponytail" (using a stretched head band) and pin curling my hair to look like a bun without using tension on the ends. I think the tension to keep the ends in the bun was too much.
I co-wash at least 3xs a week and bun. I play around with bang options and accessories so I wont get bored.
For me, buns can be a little hard on my ends.

Lately I started putting my hair up in a "ponytail" (using a stretched head band) and pin curling my hair to look like a bun without using tension on the ends. I think the tension to keep the ends in the bun was too much.

I kinda do the same to keep my hair out of my face, except I leave my ends's more of a puff, than a pony. My hair is so all over the place, that it's a battle to get it all bunned, it's just better to leave it lookin crazy. :lol:
i wash/dc and bun twice a week. i am relaxed, so it really helps with protecting my ends. i don't use elastics. i use Spin Pins to hold the bun in place. those elastics would wreck havoc on my ends.
i wash/dc and bun twice a week. i am relaxed, so it really helps with protecting my ends. i don't use elastics. i use Spin Pins to hold the bun in place. those elastics would wreck havoc on my ends.

I have the goody spin pins and they don't keep my bun in place.
Hello Ladies,

So I have recently been trying wet bunning and I find my hair really likes it. So my question is would you suggest wet bunning for the winter months? I live in NY so I am trying to figure out how to keep my hair (without covering it up everyday) from freezing in the winter. Do I have to give up wet bunning : (
Hello Ladies,

So I have recently been trying wet bunning and I find my hair really likes it. So my question is would you suggest wet bunning for the winter months? I live in NY so I am trying to figure out how to keep my hair (without covering it up everyday) from freezing in the winter. Do I have to give up wet bunning : (

Do it at night. That way the following morning your hair is mostly dry. I prefer cowashing and bunning at night, tying it down with a scarf. The next morning, I have very little to do.