COWASH CHALLENGE 2012 PART II- April 1-June 30, 2012

Diva_Esq, please add me to the challenge.

Started the CG method last Saturday and definitely want to continue to test it out until the end of June.

How many times per week will you cowash?
---At least 1x a week.

What conditioners are you planning to use?
---Starting out with Tresemme Naturals for the month of May

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
---More Moisture. My hair stays dry and hard to moisturize.
---Better retention. My ends have been brittle
---More definited curl definition

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
---Wil use Terressentials Mudwash 1x a month.

Starting Pics

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Cowashed ending in AOHSR - My hair felt so amazing from yesterdays first ever Aloe Vera Juice rinse I almost didn't co wash but I love wetting my head:grin:

If you haven't tried a Aloe Vera juice rinse....TRY IT:yep:
yeah, so...looks like this tresemme naturals might be green lighted. ((rubs chin))...i rinsed and then put the conditioner on. put a bag on my head for a few minutes while i washed my body and then rinsed. i also put some in as a leave-in. will report how my hair feels tomorrow. : )
Cowashed tonight with Hairveda's Amala Creme Rinse.

Will rinse this Henna out with VO5 Moisture Milks or Suave Tropical Coconut and finish it out with some Jessicurl Too Shea!
Prepooed and Cowashed with Suave Tropical Coconut. My hair doesn't like it, so I trashed the rest of the bottle. Applied Tresemme Naturals as my leave-in.

Hopefully Sunday's cowash will be better. :yep:

Is the AVJ Diluted or skrait? You and these concoctions. :lol:

You got me trying Agave Nectar *which i forgot to do tonight* And nah you talmbout AVJ.:look:

I might hafta' stop watching "As The Curls Turn":lol:

I don't like mixing stuff.:nono:
IDareT'sHair skrait up not shaken or stirred...ya I'm cheesy:lachen:

This one you have to try ... Unless you have issues with aloe it is an absolute must. My session tonight resulted in hair that's feeling beyond fantastic! At the end of your wash pour some refridgerated aloe juice over your head, squeeze out the excess, towle dry and do what you would normally do! No lie....your hair stays moisturized longer and feels devine!
I bought a few bottles of V05 and i've been cowashing with the Strawberries and cream. I love soothes my soul:)
Post a starting pic and ending pic

im joining
How many times per week will you cowash? 1-2x per week
What conditioners are you planning to use? vo5 lavender and suave lavender
What do you hope to achieve by cowashing? moisture retension, less breakage,How often (if ever) will you use shampoo? 1 biweekly


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I can't remember if I ever joined this thread lol I'm still working in finding a staple cowasher. So far it's looking like tresseme naturals. This daily co washing is really helping my hair. Especially since the Georgia Heat is destroying the moisture. It's like it's evaporating right out of my hair.