Confessions Thread


New Member
So we all are on the journey to healthy ....long...manageable hair. And are trying to learn the do's and dont's and supposedly have sworn away all bad habits. BUT we are human and as sure as the day is long we will occasionaly fall off the wagon..

This thread is for your confessions. Here you can confess your hair sins!

I will start....

This morning I blow dryed and flat ironed my hair :ohwell:
I'll go next and I'm going to be brutally honest. I've been a member of this board since 2003 and I finally feel like I'm on the right track. I've had so many setbacks that one should have given up by now. Here's what happened:

2003: perfected my regimen
2004: super relaxer application and professional hair color in the same day (I dont know what I was thinking, but I was still learning about my new growth)
2005: I told my stylist I wanted a TRIM and she gave me a hair CUT! 4 healthy inches were gone and my hair was layered. ( She always gave my hair the evil eye when she realized how fast my hair grew since my last visit)
2006: I decided to take a well needed hair break.
2007: It just clicked!

When I look back, I dont think about how long my hair could've been. I take it as a learning experience and now, I know what to do!
I confess -

Just 2 weeks ago I had a function to attend and couldn't do a thing with my hair -


I GLUED a few tracks in my head:eek: :eek: :eek: BUT. . . Although I hated MTG as a growth aid - that stinky stuff melts glue like a hot knife on butter. I aint kiddin' ya'll - I may have lost a few strands but no more than normal during the wash & condish phase.

I've forgiven myself cause I know better and been giving my hair lots of TLC since then.
SunnyDelight said:
I confess -

Just 2 weeks ago I had a function to attend and couldn't do a thing with my hair -


I GLUED a few tracks in my head:eek: :eek: :eek: BUT. . . Although I hated MTG as a growth aid - that stinky stuff melts glue like a hot knife on butter. I aint kiddin' ya'll - I may have lost a few strands but no more than normal during the wash & condish phase.

I've forgiven myself cause I know better and been giving my hair lots of TLC since then.

Reallyyy.....thats one to grow on!

Not that I will be gluing in any track Im just sayin if I was at like gun point or something and had to at least I know how to take it out :p
I confess....yesterday I didn't do anything to my hair...didn't moisturize or anything....but, the dh said I looked sexy with my hair all wild....go figure!
I am becoming a PJ again.

I have been blowdrying and flat ironing my hair once a week since the weather has been hot, I need to go back to roller setting :ohwell:
I've been using a lot of heat of my hair lately. I need to get a sew-in or something because I've been going over board and don't want my hair to break.
I used a cheap, old gold plated curling iron (some of the gold had burnt off of it and the heat was uneven) to "straighten" my kitchen this morning because it wouldnt lay down this morning. Now its dry and crunchy like a brillo pad :(
I relaxed my hair knowing darn well that I didn't have enough relaxer to do my whole head. After almost 1 year of not having a relaxer, I now have a half straight, partially texlaxed, mostly underprocessed mess.

5 inches worth of mess. And somehow, my hair is only 2 inches longer than it was. :mad: Dern hairstylist.:mad:

Now I have to do a corrective in 6 weeks.
I hardly ever cover my hair at night. Actually the only time I do is when I get a blowout and I don't want to mess it up.
When I make a ponytail, I do not really use elastic bands, but thick rubber bands because I can make them tighter than elastic bands...:nono:
I confess that lately I've been falling asleep with out taking care of my hair . . . I just throw a silk bonnet on my head and then just co-wash in the morning and "start over" in terms of styling. :ohwell:
I'm ducking the "use it up" thread, because I have not been doing right. But, I think I've found staples, so now I can get back on track.

My biggest confession is that for the last week or so, I haven't been able to stay away from the blowdryer or flat iron. I know my hair can't take direct heat or too much handling. But I like checking the length and seeing how different products work. So, on Sunday I blow dried and use the flat iron. Then people liked my hair so much on Monday and commented on the growth, that Tuesday before work I pulled out the flat iron again. Then since I didn't take progress pictures showing my length on Monday or Tuesday, I blow dried and flat ironed again on Wednesday. :(
I've conditioned my hair too much this week.
I have also used heat.
I trimmed it because I was paranoid of splits.

Aw... hell! I'm just trifling altogether...:look::ohwell:
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i was slacking off with my proteing and dc'ing tx. I used to go under the dryer 15 minutes with the protein and 10 with the moisture. Then I stopped from pure laziness and started doing everything in the shower: 5 min with the protein and 5 minutes with the moisture. My hair was like "uhn, uhn, mami" and took a turn for the worst. Now I'm back on track and my hair is happy again.
I just washed my hair yesterday, but...

For the past 2 days I didn't moisturize or wrap it (I was so exhausted from work, that I just fell asleep).
I've used the blow dryer for the past couple of weeks. I used the flat iron once. I haven't done a hard core protein treatment in months. I hate sitting under the dryer, it is too hot for all of that. I am going to do better this week.
I confess that I am so sick of my hair that I am about to call it quits and leave it in the hands of a beautician.
sometimes i'll take a nap and not tie my hair down and i dont have satin pillow cases but ive been meaning to buy some.

after i got my touch up i didnt wash my hair until two weeks later. i didnt get any breakage or anything but i usually make it a habit to DC every week. and I got lazy.
I didn't have any heat protectant in the house, but I wanted to get the front of my hair straight to match my half wig, so I still used a used a curing iron on my hair regardless. :hammer:

Now even if it isn't bone straight, I will not risk the health of my hair for that one day and just use a hair band instead.
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I confess that last Friday I blow dried my hair, flat ironed a few pieces, didnt like the way it looked so I cowashed it and wrapped it wet. I flat ironed it the next morning.

Whew. Now life can go on.... :p