Communication while away...


Well-Known Member
I posted about the younger guy I'm dating before... Well I posted he was pursuing me but now.. We're dating... But anyway

He's away visiting family in DC for almost 2 weeks. While there he wants us to keep in touch . He's texted me while there but I haven't initiated any contact. I feel he should spend time with his family and friends, uninterrupted. I don't want to bother him and annoy him.

We spoke yesterday, should I hit him up today with a 'hey' ? How often would you contact him while away?

I'm trying to do this dating thing right since I've been failing at it.
He can multi-task. If he said he wanted to be in contact while away, then be in contact with the man while he's away.
Why would you feel like you are being a bother? Yes, he is with his family but you a part of his life as well. And even if he is with them it doesn't mean he is with them 24/7. At some point he has to shower, sleep, change clothes, take some time for himself, whatever.

If you are dating I'd expect to talk at least once or twice a day. Tomorrow morning shoot him a quick text and say, "Good morning. Just thinking of you and wish you a great day." Put a smiley that you're comfortable with. LOL!
Act natural.

the thing is, if he says he has time to communicate with you, then you can't tell him that he should be doing something else.

You sound a little self conscious. Well, if you are don't be. Dating is supposed to be fun!