Coarse vs. dry hair


New Member
Hey ladies :)

For my fellow type 4 ladies, how does your hair feel when it's retaining moisture?

I've been natural since 09 but BC again in March. I wasn't taking care of my hair before then and although I had reached APL, my hair was damaged. I'm sticking to a regimen now focused on retaining moisture.

I do the LOC method everyday and DC/acv rinse once a week. My hair feels soft all the way up until I put my silk bonnet on for the night.

Will coarse hair always feel "dry" even when it's moisturized? I found one article on the topic but want to hear others experiences. TIA!
Nope. When my hair has that coarse, rough feeling, I know it needs to be moisturized. My hair is capable of being soft and yet still be coarse (type 4 traits). But not rough or dry

Am I making sense?
I'm new to this healthy hair journey and don't know much. I had the same question until I experienced moisturized hair (after finding the right proportions for acv rinses for my hipo hair), recently. My hair became really soft and my products were absorbing into my hair as opposed to evaporating or rubbing off on my silk pillowcase. I know I'm not describing it very well and hope that the knowledgeable ladies will chime in.

But one thing that I'd definitely suggest is to lose the bonnet. My bonnet was absorbing my products from my hair, which left my hair dry. I ditched the bonnet and started sleeping on the silk pillowcase (okay, a piece of silk thrown over my pillow) with my uncovered hair. I've noticed a difference. That said, I'm a TTWWA.
I guess all types of hair will always feel rougher when unmoisturized, especially kinky/curly hair, but that doesn't relate to it being coarse or fine. Coarse hair are strands that are thick as far as their width and fine hair is thinner as far as their width. The texture of both will look rough/tough as all hell when dry, especially if it's very coily. It's a misconception that type 4 is automatically coarse and others are finer or more delicate.

What's your reason for acv rising, do you have porosity issues?
Thanks for the replies ladies.

Kupenda - yes you are making sense!

Meka - I think I should ditch the bonnet too. I literally don't feel the dry, crunchiness until I put it on. When I'm around the house during the day I'll wear it just to keep from rubbing on things when I'm lazying around. I can put it on for 30 min and boom - my hair is dry feeling again. I thought it was because my hair was just drying faster with the bonnet but maybe that's not so.

Amarilles - I have very high porosity hair so I stopped using shampoos. I mainly ACV rinse to cleanse my scalp once a week and am going to start incorporating mud washes in this week as well.