Coarse 4A/B hair trying to extend...


New Member
my relaxer.

I have read numerous posts regarding extending relaxers, but I wanted to exapand a little. For those of you who have coarse hair and don't necessarily wear it in a bun (or have enough to wear in a bun) What have you found that works? I shampooed my hair last night and did the nexxus protopak recommended by CandiBaby and my hair is soft. HOWEVER, if you see below I recently (about 3-4 weeks ago) got a touch-up and my roots are getting bad. I used to go anywhere from 8-10 weeks without a touch-up, but of late my hair has been getting unruly at about 3-4 weeks. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

When I need a touch-up not only does my hair get PUFFY, but it also looks crazy. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I think the longest portion of my hair is 10.25 inches. I typically roller set my hair, so I am not one looking for a bone straight finish, however I don't want to look like Jimmy Neutron (for those with kids or who watch kid shows). If you don't know who he is, just imagine a huge head and little body.

So for those of you who can relate, what helpful hints or tips do you have? /images/graemlins/confused.gif
I'm almost 3 months post relaxer and I've been wearing braidouts pretty consistently recently. There's little manipulation of the hair, it blends the new growth with the rest of my hair, and it gives me the feeling of wearing my hair "down." Sometimes I just need a break from the dreaded bun but I don't want to use heat.
Thanks for your feedback. Do you use anything special on your hair prior to braiding?

I used to do this and haven't done it in a while, I am so lazy these days. /images/graemlins/spank.gif But I used to use a leave in conditioner to do it.
I use a leave in too, along with a serum. Then I oil the ends. (I know, that's a lot.) Some people use perm rods to get rid of the straight ends but I just roll the end of the braid and attach a bobby pin. That seems to work well for me.
I am in the same boat. I have 4A/4B too. Last relaxer was in May. I am hurting. Plus I have sandy brown hair and that makes your hair even dryer. Right now I am sitting here with some bantu knots in my head. I hope they turn out ok. Been putting in alot of time on my hair. I just hope it is worth it.
Kaddy what type of relaxer do you use lye or no lye? I asked because I am 4b and my hair was horrible with no lye extending a relaxer was like pulling teeth /images/graemlins/frown.gif. But the only thing that has helped me extend my relaxer is protective styles. I am currently in braids and at 3 months post relaxer so I guess I will be doing this every time to extend. I think trying not to manipulate it in any way is the best thing less damage and breakage /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Well I had my best results with no lye (I think it was) then I went to my stylist from when I was younger and she was using lye. I swear she must have made that crap herself because my hair would be peasy (sp) again in a week. /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif It was some generic relaxer that I don't think did a darn thing for my hair. Now my most recent relaxer was also lye and that hasn't lasted long either. This is my fourth week and my hair is becoming unmanageable. However I will try my best to make it to November. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

I can't wear braids they break out my scalp and wreck my hair.
Actually, the point of relaxing your hair is to loosen the curl/make it straighter. No sense it tolerating the high PH range and its after effects and still have kinky/curly hair in 3 weeks. You will get the side effects/damage whether it effectively straightens your hair or not, so you may as well get the result YOU want in the process. Are you saying your relaxed hair is reverting, or are you talking about new growth?
I totally agree with you Audra regarding getting the results I want. I am saying my relaxer is reverting. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

As for the name of the relaxer my stylist was using...I can't remember it.

I am going to start using the Phytorelaxer though, so at least I know that one...
If your relaxer is reverting you need to change to another brand. Sometimes a product you're using will cause your hair to revert. If you've used the same relaxer for a period of time and never had a problem of reverting, it could be a product you're using. Have you recently starting using any new products? If it is a different person applying the same product, it could be their method of application. If you've never used the relaxer before, it could be the relaxer and you need to switch brands. Every relaxer will yield a slightly different result. That is why it is important to really pay attention to what a product does to your hair. Especially with a chemical. Reverting can be dangerous! The next time your hair is relaxed, neither you nor the person applying the relaxer would know what is new growth and what isn't. Get that under control.