CO-washers and Creepy crawlies


Are any regular co washers getting the creepy crawlies. I have been co washing every day since 4/30/08. I have been using Denvergirl's Shakai-co mix (my hair loooves it).

Since i have been co washing it feels like i have things moving in my scalp. But it has been happening before I started using the mix. No Im not allergic and my scalp is not dry. I pre-poo before each co wash either with Coconut oil, Maha Bhringraj oil or Nyle oil. And moisturize every day with my Shea mango butter whip. As Im typing it feels like my hair is moving. Has anyone been expriencing this co washing. I know they say the creepy crawlies mean growth, could it be? Im now 16 weeks post relaxer.
Are any regular co washers getting the creepy crawlies. I have been co washing every day since 4/30/08. I have been using Denvergirl's Shakai-co mix (my hair loooves it).

Since i have been co washing it feels like i have things moving in my scalp. But it has been happening before I started using the mix. No Im not allergic and my scalp is not dry. I pre-poo before each co wash either with Coconut oil, Maha Bhringraj oil or Nyle oil. And moisturize every day with my Shea mango butter whip. As Im typing it feels like my hair is moving. Has anyone been expriencing this co washing. I know they say the creepy crawlies mean growth, could it be? Im now 16 weeks post relaxer.

I'm no expert about hair growth, but it could mean that you're expericing hair growth or you scalp is very stimulated. The key ingredient that may be causing the "creepy crawlies" it is the Maha Bhringraj oil. But just in case I'm wrong, ask your salon stylist check out your scalp for you. BTW, I'm planning on using Denvergirl's Shakakai-co mix as well. Can this be used as deep conditioning?
Yup. I guess the dirt left behind plus adding more product on top made my scalp have that feeling, which for me was just a feeling of being dirty. For me, co-washing is so wack.
Could be products left on your scalp....when co-washing it is very important to make sure you rinse all conditioner from the scalp....The only time I get that is when I didn't rinse well.......
i did denvers method for the first time today and loved it. I added cinnamon essential oil and eculuptus oil, all ai felt was tingles.
I'm no expert about hair growth, but it could mean that you're expericing hair growth or you scalp is very stimulated. The key ingredient that may be causing the "creepy crawlies" it is the Maha Bhringraj oil. But just in case I'm wrong, ask your salon stylist check out your scalp for you. BTW, I'm planning on using Denvergirl's Shakakai-co mix as well. Can this be used as deep conditioning?

off topic but you have amazing progress!
Yup. I guess the dirt left behind plus adding more product on top made my scalp have that feeling, which for me was just a feeling of being dirty. For me, co-washing is so wack.

I don't think its dirt at all...being that I co- wash every day and poo with backing soda once a week. I cannot say Co-washing is wack because to each his or her own. Im sorry it did not work for you and ..

Traycee.. I rinse everything out of my hair I make sure of that. It could be growth. So I will see. I had my scalp checked and I have no irritation.
Closer1 I don't think it's dirt either, I think it's growth. People think I'm crazy when I say I can feel my hair growing, but I really can! Especially when I'm cw'ing on the regular. It agrees very well w/my hair. I welcome the crawlies, I know my hair is doing what I want it to do-growing!
I'm perplexed at what that feeling could be also. Besides growth, the only other thing I've experienced close to that was one time when I had a curly weave and I was washing it everyday...well, much to my surprise, since my braided hair underneath never got a sufficient amount of time to dry it started to smell like it was getting moldy. I would say that you should make sure that your scalp is getting a sufficient amount of air in between washes.
Yeah i feel like that especially when im sleeping like something is crawling in my hair......i cant help but to check i have been co washing lately
I co-wash once a week. In order to get the oil and dirt from my scalp I have to scrub vigorously with my fingers concentrating on the scalp rinse and repeat a couple of times. I also allow the conditioner to sit for a few with a plastic cap while I wash my body, this way any dirt on my scalp gets a chance to loosen. On my final rinse my scalp feels clean and moisturized, and my hair is smooth and tangle free! I found that when I do not scrub the scalp I am left with a coated white film of build-up, that can become itchy!:nono: Co-washing for me has been the best thing ever, however I have not experienced any creepy crawlies since concentrating my wash on my scalp and not my hair.
:ohwell:Cowashing doesn't remove all buildup, you need to clarify at least once a month to remove any excess product left behind...maybe that's the problem
i think it's the shikakai. whenever i use my shikakai shampoo bar in the shower, i get the itchies. everywhere. on my scalp, my hand, my left pinky toe, my neck... it's weird.
conditoning washing, washing with conditioner not poo

it may be the shik, im gong to get brhignji (sp) powder and just use amla and shik oils. I think one powder would be enough

right now i have kapi tone that has a mix of the different powders.
I love co-washes, I rinse well and clarify often enough....I do have that itchy-tickle, hair-is-moving feeling in certain spots sometimes. I just imagine that my hair is growing a tiny bit more. I notice that the feeling is noticeable when Im relaxed or sitting around, when Im busy and movin around doing things during the day, I never have it or I dont pay attention to it.
I'm no expert about hair growth, but it could mean that you're expericing hair growth or you scalp is very stimulated. The key ingredient that may be causing the "creepy crawlies" it is the Maha Bhringraj oil. But just in case I'm wrong, ask your salon stylist check out your scalp for you. BTW, I'm planning on using Denvergirl's Shakakai-co mix as well. Can this be used as deep conditioning?

I would imagine so but I would substitute the cheapie conditioner for a deep conditioner, put on a plastic cap and dc for about 30 minutes or so.
conditoning washing, washing with conditioner not poo

it may be the shik, im gong to get brhignji (sp) powder and just use amla and shik oils. I think one powder would be enough

right now i have kapi tone that has a mix of the different powders.

Girl 4mia, I ordered the kalpi tone but it hasn't arrived as yet from and I can't wait to try that out. It has a plethora of powders already properly balanced for our hair. It did cost a tiny bit more than getting the single powders but heck I see savings ultimately getting that powder.
man I've had that same issue too. like i seriously thought i had lice and have more than 1 person check for it. it literally felt like something was moving in my head. I have no idea what it is. I clarify once to twice a month depending on what all im putting on my hair, and when I clarify I make sure I do a nice scrubbing of the scalp.

In other news can someone post the link to Denver's recipe so I can read up please. TIA