I think this is why my hair thrives in the Caribbean.Our hair is adapted to a naturally humid environment. This is why some other ladies and I have gone the way of steam treatments.:lick:
ETA: I think the humidity keeps the hair moisturized, allowing it to retain it's length

my point exactly:yep:

I always say it's the African in me showing. If you think about it, as moisture-loving as our hair is, humidity is a DREAM - constant, constant moisture in the air, just loving on and soaking into our hair.

I know that my hair grows faster in the summer. Whether it's the additional blood flow (cuz I'm a very scant sweater) because of the heat bringing more nutrients to my scalp, or what - but I get more 'roots' in the summer than I do in winter. I'm sure the all day erry day steam treatments help, too - but that's only the ends, there - unless the humidity does something lovely to the scalp, too....

I find the more moisture my hair gets,the faster it grows:yep:
...atleast in my case!...it just seems like everytime its warm & humid outside I can feel the "creepy crawlies" on my scalp...since I took notice of this phenomenon,I started spraying ONLY my scalp with a mixture of water,Alter Ego Cren & Jojoba oil in the evening (been having a heat wave in NY so I do morning as well)...the same thing...I feel GROWTH!

My hair definitely grows faster in the warmer months. I'm going to start spraying my scalp also:yep: for added bonus. Thank for the suggestion PV:grin:
...atleast in my case!...it just seems like everytime its warm & humid outside I can feel the "creepy crawlies" on my scalp...since I took notice of this phenomenon,I started spraying ONLY my scalp with a mixture of water,Alter Ego Cren & Jojoba oil in the evening (been having a heat wave in NY so I do morning as well)...the same thing...I feel GROWTH!

My hair definitely grows faster in the warmer months. I'm going to start spraying my scalp also:yep: for added bonus. Thank for the suggestion PV:grin:

great idea...u can't go wrong with this:yep:...
Yanno? I was wondering what that was. I thought I had bugs in my head playing bumper cars.. Thass friggin nasty! ugh! but I was gonna make a doctors appointment. I didnt like the feeling but boy o boy u may be right. Al tho I felt the creepy crawlies I didnt notice any growth because at the time I was too busy abusing my hair. My mother made mention of the heat making your hair grow. You may be on to something my dear.
Yanno? I was wondering what that was. I thought I had bugs in my head playing bumper cars.. Thass friggin nasty! ugh! but I was gonna make a doctors appointment. I didnt like the feeling but boy o boy u may be right. Al tho I felt the creepy crawlies I didnt notice any growth because at the time I was too busy abusing my hair. My mother made mention of the heat making your hair grow. You may be on to something my dear.


I say we do overnight baggies for growth!
What would hapn if I baggied all day for a week straight but washing it each day..and not putting too much condish in the baggy? :perplexed

I think maybe Im taking it too far.
What would hapn if I baggied all day for a week straight but washing it each day..and not putting too much condish in the baggy? :perplexed

I think maybe Im taking it too far.

Hmmm, sounds like an idea - the baggying I mean since my hair loves this. Maybe not all day, everyday though - only at bedtime for me would be great.

I say we do overnight baggies for growth!

Ciera I would not mind doing the overnight baggies! I just have to take my sammiches outta them first :ohwell:. lol but honestly I have never tried the baggy method because I always have a weave in my hair or a wig on my head and pretty soon my lace front wig will be arriving. I cant wait to spoon it when she comes lmaoooo!!
Lately, I have even been baggying my whole head with mahbhringraji oil for the whole weekend and I think I'm producing a nice amt of soft newgrowth but I do take biotin and other vitamins as well:rolleyes: but warmer months does produce faster growth for most of us, so let's rack up on the bonus growth, by any means necessary:grin:

I use to do this last year,I had great growth...I think I'm gonna' try this again,starting 2nite:look:
Yanno? I was wondering what that was. I thought I had bugs in my head playing bumper cars.. Thass friggin nasty! ugh! but I was gonna make a doctors appointment. I didnt like the feeling but boy o boy u may be right. Al tho I felt the creepy crawlies I didnt notice any growth because at the time I was too busy abusing my hair. My mother made mention of the heat making your hair grow. You may be on to something my dear.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:...it does feel carzy,doesnt it?!...but the growth is worth the weird feeling:yep:
My mom always said hair grows faster in the summer months....I always thought this was an old wives tail. I do notice that my relaxers grow out alot faster during the summer months...I thought it was because of all the sweating. My scalp sweats more than any other part of my body....I wouldn't mind a growth spurt this summer.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:...it does feel carzy,doesnt it?!...but the growth is worth the weird feeling:yep:

Lol the growth really is worth the weird feeling. Being that I am wearing wigs as a protective style I notice it more than ever because the wig traps the heat in my hair and my head is always itching and the "bugs" are pushing the pedal to the metal. This time around I feel those lil boogers making trips to the Cayman Islands!! and yes girl.. they are driving! lmaooo I cant wait until my first check in May 31st to see how long my hair has gotten.
Ciera I would not mind doing the overnight baggies! I just have to take my sammiches outta them first :ohwell:. lol but honestly I have never tried the baggy method because I always have a weave in my hair or a wig on my head and pretty soon my lace front wig will be arriving. I cant wait to spoon it when she comes lmaoooo!!

ready yet mam?
Yes it's true:yep::yep::yep::yep:

Everytime I've been to Florida I've gotten a growth spurt.

I was just there last month, and I had more ng than usual. I had an inch in some places at 8 weeks post, I NEVER get that. Even my stylist noticed how much growth I had, but she trimmed it all off. :ohwell:

One time I went to FL for about a month, I got lots of growth, everyone kept telling me how much my hair grew when I came back.

Being there reminded me that my hair CAN grow.:yep:
Wow! I was just telling my sister that there are waaaayyy more black women with longer hair down here (I live in Houston)! Now it all makes sense! This place STAYS humid - it's like swimming. lol I recently moved from MI and we didn't have nearly as much moisture in the air. Shoulder length hair was considered 'long.'
Gotta agree with all - Faster growth in summer. I moved from Chi to Dallas in March of this year and Growth is just out of this world.

Our bodies naturally have faster growth in summer but I think the humidity really helps in retaining all of the wonderful growth and of course some good hair practices.

I even started bun baggy all day at work, then take it off when I get home and then remoisturize and seal and leave out to airdry in a loose pony.

Lovin the growth!!!:yep::grin:
Hmm, I don't know. Maybe. Do y'all's nails also grow faster in warmer weather? It's definitely true that my hair feels better in warmer and more humid weather. Maybe this topic warrants a poll. If you are shoulder length, do you live in warm climate, cold climate? If you are apl, do you live in warm climate, cold climate? If you are bsl, . . . and so forth. Would we notice a trend that as the hair gets longer the percentage of people living in a warm climate goes up?
Hmm, I don't know. Maybe. Do y'all's nails also grow faster in warmer weather? It's definitely true that my hair feels better in warmer and more humid weather. Maybe this topic warrants a poll. If you are shoulder length, do you live in warm climate, cold climate? If you are apl, do you live in warm climate, cold climate? If you are bsl, . . . and so forth. Would we notice a trend that as the hair gets longer the percentage of people living in a warm climate goes up?

Great idea...please start one:yep:
Count me in for the spring/summer hair growth spurt. And my scalp is itchy during these months too - or at least it was when I was relaxed.
I know most of my growth is from Nov to May. So during the winter months basically. It gets really cold (I'm in Alberta Canada) here so I'm thinking in my case it's my growth cycle that determines things moreso than the weather. I'm sure humidity would kick it up a notch though if I lived in such a climate
I can't wait for the summer either!! I'll be going back to my daily cowashes and try to get some crazy length! :gorgeous::happydance: