or maybe its because winter=dry hair=more risk of breakage=less lenght retention

i know that is my case:wallbash:

but i canot wait till sumer to co wash a LOT!!!:spinning:
Well that is good news for me. I just moved (less than a year ago) to a tropical island. I will be here for another 3 yrs so I am hoping for tailbone length by the time I leave here!!!!
I'm the opposite. My hair likes cold weather, even if its a bit dry.
I never understood how hair growth could be so greatly affected by weather
I think the moisture is good for our hair and it reduces breakage so we are able to retain more length. During the summer or warmer climates we are prone to wash frequently due to the warm sticky weather and the massaging action stimulates the scalp and may stimulate hair growth.
Boss: "Sunbubbles" Can I ask exactly what was the life threatening family emergency that caused you to take a leave of absence from work to go to Jamaica for 6 months??

Sunbubbles: Well sir there was a "Follicle Reconstructive Advancement Procedure" that had to be done. It was imperative to my mental and emotional health that those follicles be stimulated.

Boss: Well Im glad to see your back safe and sound and everythings ok!

Sunbubbles: Thank you for your concern Sir and just so you know, the specialists down at the "LHCF Division of Follicle health" have advised me to go back in another 6 months for another treatment.

Boss: I see........