Christian's: Please Check In

:heart: Good morning ladies! I am checking in. I am a work in progress as we all are and trying to listen to God's voice. I am learning to want His will and not mine and I am grateful for the sisterhood on this forum. I had been away from the forum for a while but I am so glad to have come back and see this post and the love in this forum. You ladies are a blessing. :yep:
Good morning everyone.. I need help I guess. I used to be very close to Jesus. He was my all. Now that I have moved to a new State, I have fallen away from him and I am starting to hate the word church, christian, etc. This state is not like the one where I am from and I have a hard time feeling christ in the churches where I live now. It seems more like a profession than the real thing. I used to live in North Carolina and every church seemed filled with the holy ghost and the pastor preached from the spirit. I have been to umpteen churches here and I still haven't found a home. Pastors preaching from laptops and cell phones, movie cameras everywhere, people showing off more than showing out for the Lord. I have lost my will to go to church. I need your help ladies because I know there is a God and I know he loves me. I used to shout in church and cry and enjoy the service. Now I can't hardly stand anyone that says they are christians because they are mean as the devil. Bottom line, I guess I have lost my faith in the church and I am someone who needs a good church to keep me in line. HELP!!!!
Only one person respondeded in a private message to my post so I think I will start a thread with the same information. Hopefully more people will respond. I want to thank Janie again for responding.
I'm just a Christian woman trying to find her way. I've lurked here before, but I look forward to actively participating. Shimmie: Your posts have always touched me just when I needed it.
Hi ladies! I am honored to be the chosen daughter of the most high God. Thank you Jesus for conquering death so that we have the opportunity to be in heaven with Him.

I'm just a Christian woman trying to find her way. I've lurked here before, but I look forward to actively participating. Shimmie: Your posts have always touched me just when I needed it.

Hey Darlin'...

You've just touched my heart even more. :kiss:

God bless you Papoose... beyond Words, beyond long hair, beyond your prayers, God bless you and your loved ones.

One of The King's Daughters checking in. :love4:

Darling ms.mimi... Indeed you are one of the King's Daughters. You are royal from the inside/out and back inside again.

Love and blessings to you. The doors are open wide that no man can shut; beyond the doors are the dreams you thought were lost...and now are found.


Only you and the Lord know what it is. And it's more than you've ever asked Him for. Look forward, Dear Love. Look forward. The darkness was hiding your blessings from the enemy. Your light will glow upon them.

Look forward...

Mark 4:22

For there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested, neither is anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Your blessings shall no longer hide.......... from you.

Hi ladies! I am honored to be the chosen daughter of the most high God. Thank you Jesus for conquering death so that we have the opportunity to be in heaven with Him.


Well Hi There :wave: Abdijz...

It's a sure honour to God to have you as His chosen daughter. So long has God looked/searched for those who come to Him and.............. stay. And you are indeed one who stays, no matter what.

You've proven your heart, whom God has tested and tried. Through many trials and storms, your heart chose not to 'divide' your trust and faith in your Heavenly Father.

God has placed His trust in you (among many others) and you have not failed Him, although you may think that you have not failed Him and you are indeed worthy to be called 'His'.... forever.

When God speaks to your Heart, you listen. :yep: Yeah, you do... you listen. He loves this. It heals His heart from the fractures of those who choose not to be still and know that He is God. You are among the ones whom He speaks of in Psalm 46...

"God is in the midst of her and she shall not be moved"...

Even when the winds and the sea and the waves toss and blow... your 'stand' remains firm, upon His foundation.

Watch...Listen... He's speaking to your heart again. This time, you will know that you know that you know. Yes... you will know. :yep:

In Jesus' name,


Checking in!

I'm expecting a baby, today is my due date. Can I ask for prayers over my unborn daughter?

I'm dedicating my daughter to God. I pray that she will be forever united with our Father and his purpose, will and desire for life will be fulfilled. I also pray for a safe, enjoyable, natural delivery and a healthy baby when she decides to embrace us with her presence :-)
I though I had already done this but I didn't, oops :blush:

Either way Avidprayer (AP) checking in Saved, being sanctified/purified and FILLLLLLLEEEEEDDDDDD with the Holy Ghost!

Checking in!

I'm expecting a baby, today is my due date. Can I ask for prayers over my unborn daughter?

I'm dedicating my daughter to God. I pray that she will be forever united with our Father and his purpose, will and desire for life will be fulfilled. I also pray for a safe, enjoyable, natural delivery and a healthy baby when she decides to embrace us with her presence :-)

I am standing with you in prayer. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful, healthy daughter. May she have a life full of every joy and grace the Lord has for her. I pray she knows who she is in Christ and that she fulfill every plan He has laid for her, and that she never divert from His perfect way.
Blessings to you both! :yep:
I am standing with you in prayer. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful, healthy daughter. May she have a life full of every joy and grace the Lord has for her. I pray she knows who she is in Christ and that she fulfill every plan He has laid for her, and that she never divert from His perfect way.
Blessings to you both! :yep:


Thank you!!!!
Checking in!

I'm expecting a baby, today is my due date. Can I ask for prayers over my unborn daughter?

I'm dedicating my daughter to God. I pray that she will be forever united with our Father and his purpose, will and desire for life will be fulfilled. I also pray for a safe, enjoyable, natural delivery and a healthy baby when she decides to embrace us with her presence :-)



Praise God for you and your baby daughter. I join my heart with your prayers and surely you shall deliver safely and your beautiful baby girl shall be taught of the Lord; she will bring much joy to you and your husband; each day will be a day of new joys and discoveries.... even more each day shall be filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord.

Great shall be your peace... always. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
