christianity and online dating?


Well-Known Member
What are your views on this? I've been going back and forth on if I should get serious about finding a mate and nonlinear dating is one option. My issue is that I feel God may not want me to take this route. I'm just confused and wanted to hear from some of you on your thoughts on this.
Well ill touch it because that's how I am :-) My opinion is that it's not necessary. I go to a church that focuses a lot on changing the way you think and making your thoughts line up with the Word of God. As Christians we are apart of an unshakable kingdom in which we operate under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His kingdom is superior to the kingdoms of the world. What does that have to do with dating? There is no lack in God's kingdom. When we operate under His rule and reign he provides. And I think many times we Christians get caught up in what we see (meaning we don't see these good men anywhere), but we are instructed to walk by faith and not by sight. According to the kingdoms of the world there is a shortage of good men (especially black ones). But in the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ if we delight ourselves in Him, he WILL give us the desires of our heart. That is a promise. So if you desire a husband God wants you to have one. If you feel that God doesn't want you to pursue online dating don't do it. Just begin to profess the Word of God and believe it. Believe that God's kingdom is full of good men who will make good husbands. Now I'm not married (yet) but we have to begin to believe this as Christian women. Thoughts proceed form and what we believe to be true does show up in our daily lives. So choose to believe that God's kingdom is superior in ALL things, including marriage. We have to trust Him more. I refuse to believe that I'm doomed to be single based on the world's statistics. Maybe my views are extreme but I did pray a long time ago and ask God to purge me of the views of the world and the worlds way of doing things. I wanted to be consumed with him. And when I became consumed I met someone in the most unusual way .. ill share one day :-)

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Well ill touch it because that's how I am :-) My opinion is that it's not necessary. I go to a church that focuses a lot on changing the way you think and making your thoughts line up with the Word of God. As Christians we are apart of an unshakable kingdom in which we operate under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His kingdom is superior to the kingdoms of the world.

What does that have to do with dating?

There is no lack in God's kingdom.

When we operate under His rule and reign he provides.

And I think many times we Christians get caught up in what we see (meaning we don't see these good men anywhere), but we are instructed to walk by faith and not by sight. According to the kingdoms of the world there is a shortage of good men (especially black ones). But in the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ if we delight ourselves in Him, he WILL give us the desires of our heart. That is a promise. So if you desire a husband God wants you to have one. If you feel that God doesn't want you to pursue online dating don't do it. Just begin to profess the Word of God and believe it. Believe that God's kingdom is full of good men who will make good husbands.

Now I'm not married (yet) but we have to begin to believe this as Christian women. Thoughts proceed form and what we believe to be true does show up in our daily lives. So choose to believe that God's kingdom is superior in ALL things, including marriage. We have to trust Him more.

I refuse to believe that I'm doomed to be single based on the world's statistics. Maybe my views are extreme but I did pray a long time ago and ask God to purge me of the views of the world and the worlds way of doing things. I wanted to be consumed with him. And when I became consumed I met someone in the most unusual way .. ill share one day :-)

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF

Awesome Word... Completely True. :yep:


Don't be discouraged when responses don't come but lots of views do... it's just one of those things until someone has time to put their thoughts together. So be encouraged, okay? :yep:

Now... as for me, I'm just too vain and knew I didn't need online dating and I didn't... that's just my way of thinking. As MrsHaseeb shared above, there no limit to what God can do and God knows how to bring people together; for some it may just be a dating sight, for others, it may not.

I know several people who have tried them and ended up with disappointments; plus and this is just me..... Okay.. it's ONLY Me, who's thinking this way, which is...... I feel that if men are on a dating sight, that they must be desperate and not really making out in the real world.

Now I said, that this is just me. I mean really, why does a man need a dating sight unless he's lacking something. I'm not discounting the men who are there, not at all... Well, maybe I did take some points away...

I dunno, I again have no doubt that God may lead some men there for that's where his future wife is waiting to meet him. Notice I said, 'some', not all.

Nevertheless, follow God's heart. If you are truly wanting to be married, then married you shall be and happily married at that.

Father in Jesus' Name, you know exactly where our precious sister's husband is and how you have planned for them to meet. I just thank you for bringing their hearts together even now, in loving prayers for one another. Father thank you for speaking to each of their hearts about one another, and when the day comes when they meet, they will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is the one... to become 'One' in you and with one another.

He will see her and know that she is 'Bone of his Bones and Flesh of his Flesh', she is his Beloved Wife, whom you have joined together, Male and Female, whom no man can put assunder.

Father thank you for 'banning' and binding away all counterfeits and deceptions, and giving them YOUR peace deep within their hearts. No games necessary to be played.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

Now... start with the hair... keep it glowing and keep your nails well oiled with vitamin E oil. Hair, Skin and Nails and a pretty smile... you're ready. :up:
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I'm totally on the other side of the spectrum on this topic. I find that online dating is like any other thing it opens the possibilities. Now don't date stupidly ie sexually stuff,not praying about things upfront,not asking questions,etc but online dating can be good and bad. It's like dating period. Not everyone is into being at a bar or a church for that matter. I wouldn't be found at a church since the church I belong to and follow is based out of MD.

I look at online dating like applying for jobs online. Some won't connect,some will call but won't workout but then there is those that do work and can lead to friendship and more. It's all on perspective and knowing what you want upfront. I am in the process of doing the online dating thing. And yes it can be hard but alas dating is just hard for people like me. It's just the facts of life at this phase. Some are able to find a great mate and be happy. Again it's all in how your working it upfront.


Don't be discouraged when responses don't come but lots of views do... it's just one of those things until someone has time to put their thoughts together. So be encouraged, okay? :yep:

Now... as for me, I'm just too vain and knew I didn't need online dating and I didn't... that's just my way of thinking. As MrsHaseeb shared above, there no limit to what God can do and God knows how to bring people together; for some it may just be a dating sight, for others, it may not.

I know several people who have tried them and ended up with disappointments; plus and this is just me..... Okay.. it's ONLY Me, who's thinking this way, which is...... I feel that if men are on a dating sight, that they must be desperate and not really making out in the real world.

Now I said, that this is just me. I mean really, why does a man need a dating sight unless he's lacking something. I'm not discounting the men who are there, not at all... Well, maybe I did take some points away...

I dunno, I again have no doubt that God may lead some men there for that's where his future wife is waiting to meet him. Notice I said, 'some', not all.

Aww...don't give them too much of a side eye, lol. I really think that some men who would make perfectly good husbands experience frustration in dating. They may be able to get dates but can't find what they want (some don't know where to look), and others for some reason, just might not be able to find dates with women they really click with. I also think that some just view it as another way to meet people you wouldn't normally be exposed to irl.

Regarding the op, IMO, internet dating is not itself godly or ungodly. It's just a venue for being introduced to people.

I've been in this very same boat many many times. Should I wait and try to meet someone in church or try an online Christian dating site? I've tried both.

For some odd reason, the churches I ended up attending never had an abundance of men or the men there were there were married, younger or older or just had too many issues. But alas, I stayed and prayed and nothing ever happened. Many people suggested I change churches and attend one with more men. I was hesitant as I did not want that to be my main purpose for attending church. I eventually did that and still nothing so you know what happened.....................mami tried online dating and what a mess. I guess I can just leave it at that cause if I get started, this will turn into a college paper. I personally don't feel like online dating for Christians should be an issue as long as you are seeking Christian online dating services but still prepared with all the mess that comes with online dating. Good luck to you and be careful!
Brighteyes35 said:

I've been in this very same boat many many times. Should I wait and try to meet someone in church or try an online Christian dating site? I've tried both.

For some odd reason, the churches I ended up attending never had an abundance of men or the men there were there were married, younger or older or just had too many issues. But alas, I stayed and prayed and nothing ever happened. Many people suggested I change churches and attend one with more men. I was hesitant as I did not want that to be my main purpose for attending church. I eventually did that and still nothing so you know what happened.....................mami tried online dating and what a mess. I guess I can just leave it at that cause if I get started, this will turn into a college paper. I personally don't feel like online dating for Christians should be an issue as long as you are seeking Christian online dating services but still prepared with all the mess that comes with online dating. Good luck to you and be careful!

You sound just like me. I've gone to different churches and the only ones I attract are to old or to young or just not my type! The decent looking ones are married. It's frustrating because I don't go to clubs or many social functions often so church would be a good place for my future husband to find me. The online thing is so intimidating and there is so much evil out there. I feel like God would not want me to expose myself to certain people. Putting my picture up is doing just that, exposing myself. It's a scary feeling. Maybe I'm over thinking it idk.
I don't agree with the dating online thing . It just seems......worldy. This is my opinion so please dont attack me :lol:. When I say wordly I mean it just seems like it's the world's way of doing things. As people of God, we just trust God. We don't put ourself in unsafe positions to get out desires. You have a man sitting behind computer screen trying to impress you. You don't know if that man is a killer, rapist, 700-pds's just too much of liability. You said, I go to church and I don't see anyone. I don't go to clubs or social events, so how am I going to find the one? You are trying to figure this out, and the bible says to Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean NOT to your understanding and he will direct your paths.

Call me old school, but I don't believe in women pursuing men. God said my price is far above rubies :look:. And a virtuous woman who can find her? I am meant to be sought out. We are treasures and we have to become to a point that we know our worth. I am picky. When I say that I don't mean picky to where I care about the size of thier nose, ears and head. I mean picky to the point where I won't settle for anything. I want a Man of God and that's what I shall get. I want a man with a prayer life, one who is connected to God and loves God more than anything.Not a man sitting behind a computer screen looking for a date/wife, but one that is busy in the things of God. But I have to become that very thing I am asking for.

So this is not to down you in anway sis. But this is to encourage you, you are a daughter of King, and He shall supply you with everything you have need of.:yep:
I don't think there's anything wrong with it per se and God can bring two people together through this medium. If it's a Christian site (or even a certain denomination) you can really get to the heart of what someone believes. I became a believer in online dating after seeing the marriage success stories on one particular website and seeing how faithful these people were. To me, it's another way to be "out there" for your future spouse to find you. These days, Christian singles need a lot more help than our grandparents did.
Now I said, that this is just me. I mean really, why does a man need a dating sight unless he's lacking something. I'm not discounting the men who are there, not at all... Well, maybe I did take some points away...

I dunno, I again have no doubt that God may lead some men there for that's where his future wife is waiting to meet him. Notice I said, 'some', not all.

Actually, joining one particular site restored my faith in Godly men! For the first time, I saw men professing their faith, talking about reading scripture, praying, and staying chaste (some even admitted to being virgins)! Of couse it's the internet, and anyone can say anything which is why you need wisdom. :yep: I think it's possible that some men on the internet can't make out in the real world. Have you seen what's out there? :nono: A Godly man will be repelled by the things of the world, just like we are. That being said, I've seen some genuine ones on there. However, the profiles of the ones in their mid-late 40s and 50s who have never been married? Yeah, they probably have issues. :yep:
I feel like online dating creates 'more' of an opportunity for deception, the internet allows the individual to create a fictious person or be the person that they wish they were meanwhile some poor hapless woman/man is buying into a dream...
Call me old school, but I don't believe in women pursuing men. God said my price is far above rubies :look:. And a virtuous woman who can find her? I am meant to be sought out. We are treasures and we have to become to a point that we know our worth. I am picky. When I say that I don't mean picky to where I care about the size of thier nose, ears and head. I mean picky to the point where I won't settle for anything. I want a Man of God and that's what I shall get. I want a man with a prayer life, one who is connected to God and loves God more than anything.Not a man sitting behind a computer screen looking for a date/wife, but one that is busy in the things of God. But I have to become that very thing I am asking for.

I totally agree and I don't think women should contact men on the internet. I've tried it exactly 3 times and even though 2/3 ain't bad, I don't intend to do it again. :yep: Online, the man can still "find" you and "pursue." IMO, it's like going outside your house. A man can see what you are about and decide to pursue or not. All that beign said "those who trust in the Lord SHALL NOT be disappointed" which is my new mantra (along with "Jesus I trust in You!"). He can work through Church, school, the internet, the supermarket. One common denominator I have seen is that it tends to just "happen" when we are gleaning in the fields and minding our own business liek Ruth. :yep:
you finding God's match for you, :grin: well at least that what the commercial says and that just dont sound right ...

I don't agree with the dating online thing . It just seems......worldy. This is my opinion so please dont attack me :lol:. When I say wordly I mean it just seems like it's the world's way of doing things. As people of God, we just trust God. We don't put ourself in unsafe positions to get out desires. You have a man sitting behind computer screen trying to impress you. You don't know if that man is a killer, rapist, 700-pds's just too much of liability. You said, I go to church and I don't see anyone. I don't go to clubs or social events, so how am I going to find the one? You are trying to figure this out, and the bible says to Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean NOT to your understanding and he will direct your paths.

Call me old school, but I don't believe in women pursuing men. God said my price is far above rubies :look:. And a virtuous woman who can find her? I am meant to be sought out. We are treasures and we have to become to a point that we know our worth. I am picky. When I say that I don't mean picky to where I care about the size of thier nose, ears and head. I mean picky to the point where I won't settle for anything. I want a Man of God and that's what I shall get. I want a man with a prayer life, one who is connected to God and loves God more than anything.Not a man sitting behind a computer screen looking for a date/wife, but one that is busy in the things of God. But I have to become that very thing I am asking for.

So this is not to down you in anway sis. But this is to encourage you, you are a daughter of King, and He shall supply you with everything you have need of.:yep:
But it's not like going out the house or church. You put your profile up on a dating site, that lets men know you came to the website for one reason. You want a date. So that's all they are focusing on when they are chatting on you. To some men, they can even spell desperation and vulnerability. And men prey on stuff like that. I just want my sisters to be safe and not put themselves in any dangerous situations.I love yall :lol:

I totally agree and I don't think women should contact men on the internet. I've tried it exactly 3 times and even though 2/3 ain't bad, I don't intend to do it again. :yep: Online, the man can still "find" you and "pursue." IMO, it's like going outside your house. A man can see what you are about and decide to pursue or not. All that beign said "those who trust in the Lord SHALL NOT be disappointed" which is my new mantra (along with "Jesus I trust in You!"). He can work through Church, school, the internet, the supermarket. One common denominator I have seen is that it tends to just "happen" when we are gleaning in the fields and minding our own business liek Ruth. :yep:
you finding God's match for you, :grin: well at least that what the commercial says and that just dont sound right ...


One christian dating online site commercial said "Help God find the match for you". I was the like devil is a liar. God don't need our help. Thats our problem we always want to help God. He created the Heavens and Earth, He know what he doing :lol:
LucieLoo12 said:
I don't agree with the dating online thing . It just seems......worldy. This is my opinion so please dont attack me :lol:. When I say wordly I mean it just seems like it's the world's way of doing things. As people of God, we just trust God. We don't put ourself in unsafe positions to get out desires. You have a man sitting behind computer screen trying to impress you. You don't know if that man is a killer, rapist, 700-pds's just too much of liability. You said, I go to church and I don't see anyone. I don't go to clubs or social events, so how am I going to find the one? You are trying to figure this out, and the bible says to Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean NOT to your understanding and he will direct your paths.

Call me old school, but I don't believe in women pursuing men. God said my price is far above rubies :look:. And a virtuous woman who can find her? I am meant to be sought out. We are treasures and we have to become to a point that we know our worth. I am picky. When I say that I don't mean picky to where I care about the size of thier nose, ears and head. I mean picky to the point where I won't settle for anything. I want a Man of God and that's what I shall get. I want a man with a prayer life, one who is connected to God and loves God more than anything.Not a man sitting behind a computer screen looking for a date/wife, but one that is busy in the things of God. But I have to become that very thing I am asking for.

So this is not to down you in anway sis. But this is to encourage you, you are a daughter of King, and He shall supply you with everything you have need of.:yep:

I totally agree with you. I had posted my pic on and noticed there were some men on looking for only sec and one had him and his girls pic up looking for a 3 some! I was flabbergasted and quickly took the pic down. Just too much to handle. I was on Christian mingle for like a month and gave up. Those guys are not true Christians I don't think!
I'm trying to gather my thoughts on this whole issue of the un-married christian woman ...

yall dont kill me now...

imo it's a spiritual issue; look at the churches there are more women than men I'd dare say that there are more saved women than there are saved men, the men left their positions, meanwhile God wants to give us husbands but there aren't that many out there and since he doesn't force himself on folk our waiting time is going to be long in some cases many of us wont get married...

but did we cause this, from the beginning in the garden and later with women's liberation ....

excuse my ramblings but consider it, sorry OP not trying to hi-jack your thread...

Shimmie what do you think?
Aww...don't give them too much of a side eye, lol. I really think that some men who would make perfectly good husbands experience frustration in dating. They may be able to get dates but can't find what they want (some don't know where to look), and others for some reason, just might not be able to find dates with women they really click with. I also think that some just view it as another way to meet people you wouldn't normally be exposed to irl.

Regarding the op, IMO, internet dating is not itself godly or ungodly. It's just a venue for being introduced to people.

Shimmie bows her head in shame... :blush3:

nicola.kirwan... you're right. Reading your post makes more sense than my perception. It really does. Thanks for giving me a 'gentle' nudge in the right perspective. :Rose:
I'm trying to gather my thoughts on this whole issue of the un-married christian woman ...

yall dont kill me now...

imo it's a spiritual issue; look at the churches there are more women than men I'd dare say that there are more saved women than there are saved men, the men left their positions, meanwhile God wants to give us husbands but there aren't that many out there and since he doesn't force himself on folk our waiting time is going to be long in some cases many of us wont get married...

but did we cause this, from the beginning in the garden and later with women's liberation ....

excuse my ramblings but consider it, sorry OP not trying to hi-jack your thread...

Shimmie what do you think?

:lol: The most dangerous question to ask in this forum is:

'Shimmie what do you think'..... ?

It's just too loaded... :lol:

Truthfully, I am a hopeless 'Romantic' and I see everyone woman who wants to be married to have her Dreams fulfilled.

One of the reasons is because just about everyone that I've prayed for, gets married.

I'm not saying that I have any powers to bring this about. Not at all :nono: I could never shadow God's glory. It's just that I believe so strongly in marriage between a man and a woman, that it just seems to happen to those around me. Most of my family are married. Most of my friends are married. My first marriage didn't work out, but my 2nd one will. :yep:

I've learned not to 'limit' God and He has yet to fail my expectations.

This could be why I'm so protective of marriage when I fight so hard against the invasion of gay marriage. I love what marriage is supposed to be which is between a man and a woman, no in between's or etc.'s. It's man and wife, for eternal life.

I love what Belle Du Jour, Galadriel and nicola.kirwan shared in the 'chicken thread', about marriage. It pierced my heart. Now even more, I'm protecting marriage and praying for as many people as I can... to be married... happily marriage in Jesus' Name.

I told you that was a 'loaded question'. :lol:

I love you Iwanthealthhair67 :love3: You are my sister indeed. :Rose:
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Frankly, what's the difference between being 'deceived' by a church deacon one meets with and goes to church with, and a church deacon one happen to have met online? :look:

I feel like online dating creates 'more' of an opportunity for deception, the internet allows the individual to create a fictious person or be the person that they wish they were meanwhile some poor hapless woman/man is buying into a dream...
Can I answer this please? :look: I know it wasn't directed to me.:look:

Ok, so when you are on a dating site, you are advertising "I want a date". So this man is mostly like fronting, tell you all the things that you want to hear to impress you because he already knows what you are looking for.

But at church, you are able to learn a person better when they don't think you are trying to date them. In better words, you learn more about a person from afar than all in their face. You can see whether or not this brother is always late to church, if he sleeping in church, if he always looking at the sister's booty when they walk by. Is he active in ministry? How does he treat the members in the church? Do he even go to church? Is he active in the ministry? Does he have a wife already ?:look:


You don't have to decipher through so much when actually know the person in some way. But the online thing just seems........scary. Now we know there is always a chance of a guy being trifling in real life or on the net, but your chances are lower with someone you may know at church.

Frankly, what's the difference between being 'deceived' by a church deacon one meets with and goes to church with, and a church deacon one happen to have met online? :look:
Well, say you met said brother online and both of you now go to each other's churches now... so wouldn't the same opportunity to check him out in person apply? I guess that was my, meeting in person. At some point they have to meet and spend time. Or are we talking about "online dating" only via Innanet and email, with no meeting face to face .? then that's just plumb crazy... :lol: Even with long distance, wouldn't the seriousness apply as to one's expectations?

Maybe I'm not understanding...there seems to be a stigma attached to online dating for some Christians that seems well "ungodly" but I'm not so much sold on this. God always will be God and the same discernment we have dealing with people offline, we should have online, no.. esp concerning one's own safety. A person seriusly looking for a mate won't waste time with games, online or offline....


But at church, you are able to learn a person better when they don't think you are trying to date them. In better words, you learn more about a person from afar than all in their face. You can see whether or not this brother is always late to church, if he sleeping in church, if he always looking at the sister's booty when they walk by. Is he active in ministry? How does he treat the members in the church? Do he even go to church? Is he active in the ministry? Does he have a wife already ?:look:
um, nothing all is deception ...I believe that some people think that they have more freedom to do whatever because they are on the net, that's all

Frankly, what's the difference between being 'deceived' by a church deacon one meets with and goes to church with, and a church deacon one happen to have met online? :look:
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Philippians 4:6 - "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

Online dating itself isn't bad, like anything else it's as good (or as bad) as the people who use it. I believe there's a way to prayerfully date online. Bring God in the middle of it, you can use your profile to reflect your personal relationship with Christ. Pray and ask God to protect you from counterfeits online and in real life(believe me He will, the past 2 years are a testimony to that specific request in my life).

Further, I think it's dangerous to assign particular character traits to men who create online dating profiles. We shall know them by their fruit not a dating profile:lol:

I see online dating as a form of positioning.
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I guess my point is, why would you even be searching online?

Online dating is meeting someone online so yall can go on a date.

But to answer the question, if I did meet a brother online and we go to the same church now, he would know I was interested in him, so he would have his "best foot forward". He about to be real spiritual now, because he know I am looking :lol:.

I never stated it was sin/ungodly...but I can't say that it is godly either. It's one of those "lawful but not expedient" things.

And thats the thing. You may be seriously looking but it's alot of guys that prey on women on the Christian websites..

Well, say you met said brother online and both of you now go to each other's churches now... so wouldn't the same opportunity to check him out in person apply? I guess that was my, meeting in person. At some point they have to meet and spend time. Or are we talking about "online dating" only via Innanet and email, with no meeting face to face .? then that's just plumb crazy... :lol: Even with long distance, wouldn't the seriousness apply as to one's expectations?

Maybe I'm not understanding...there seems to be a stigma attached to online dating for some Christians that seems well "ungodly" but I'm not so much sold on this. God always will be God and the same discernment we have dealing with people offline, we should have online, no.. esp concerning one's own safety. A person seriusly looking for a mate won't waste time with games, online or offline....
I guess my point is, why would you even be searching online?

Online dating is meeting someone online so yall can go on a date.

But to answer the question, if I did meet a brother online and we go to the same church now, he would know I was interested in him, so he would have his "best foot forward". He about to be real spiritual now, because he know I am looking :lol:.

I never stated it was sin/ungodly...but I can't say that it is godly either. It's one of those "lawful but not expedient" things.

And thats the thing. You may be seriously looking but it's alot of guys that prey on women on the Christian websites..

Unfortunately they're in the church too:ohwell:, pray or wisdom and discernment.
I respect your opinion so I'm always interested in what you will share on certain topics...

like you marriages are also near and dear to my heart...I don't believe in limiting God either but the reality is not all who desire to be married will get married ...

at the bolded, I second that ...

:lol: The most dangerous question to ask in this forum is:

'Shimmie what do you think'..... ?

It's just too loaded... :lol:

Truthfully, I am a hopeless 'Romantic' and I see everyone woman who wants to be married to have her Dreams fulfilled.

One of the reasons is because just about everyone that I've prayed for, gets married.

I'm not saying that I have any powers to bring this about. Not at all :nono: I could never shadow God's glory. It's just that I believe so strongly in marriage between a man and a woman, that it just seems to happen to those around me. Most of my family are married. Most of my friends are married. My first marriage didn't work out, but my 2nd one will. :yep:

I've learned not to 'limit' God and He has yet to fail my expectations.

This could be why I'm so protective of marriage when I fight so hard against the invasion of gay marriage. I love what marriage is supposed to be which is between a man and a woman, no in between's or etc.'s. It's man and wife, for eternal life.

I love what @Belle Du Jour, @Galadriel and @nicola.kirwan shared in the 'chicken thread', about marriage. It pierced my heart. Now even more, I'm protecting marriage and praying for as many people as I can... to be married... happily marriage in Jesus' Name.

I told you that was a 'loaded question'. :lol:

I love you @Iwanthealthhair67 :love3: You are my sister indeed. :Rose:
Unfortunately they're in the church too:ohwell:, pray or wisdom and discernment.

Yall not getting what I am saying :look:. I said earlier that it lowers your chances of danger or meeting rascals alot by not doing it online. I totally agree, bad men are everywhere in the church, online, everywhere. But when you go online you open yourself up to much more danger because you are setting something up with someone you can't even see. Yea, you see a picture, but is that really him? You find yourself been interested in someone you don't even see.