Christian Rap/ Hip Hop/ "Christian Hip Hop"?


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
What is the difference between rap and hip hop? One Christian says that rap is an art form and is not to be confused with Hip Hop, which is its own religion and a form of spirituality. I'm inclined to believe that. Yet they both seem synonymous and used interchangeably. Shouldn't, then, Christian rap artists make the distiction clear? It doesn't help if they're dressed like hip-hop artists (i.e., earrings in the ears, graffiti wear, baseball cap). We can argue "render your heart, not your garment"... but is the message being scrambled because of the "hip hop" culture?

We know about G Craig Lewis and his "Truth Behind Hip Hop". But there are Christian artists, like LaCrae, who speak truth.

I'm just musing.... if you have any thoughts..would love to hear it!
Now I'm 'musing'. I thought they were all one in the same. The same rhythm, beat, and words on non-distinction, I never know what they're saying... :spinning:


Hey, I'm from the UE bunch. What more can one expect from me? I can't even sing, but I'm alla' dis here... :gorgeous:
Hmm...I'm not sure I understand either. As far as I can tell, hip hop is a genre that barely exists anymore. It seems that hardcore rap has eclipsed most of it.

Perhaps they're trying to distinguish rap as an art form from the broader culture of mainstream rap, and they're labelling that broader culture hip hop? I guess then that you make a good point about how some Christian rappers hold on to the outward mannerisms of mainstream rappers.

I wasn't aware that hip hop had any spiritual connotatiins other than with resepect to Illuminati-type stuff.

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Hip hop is tupac, run d mc, mc lite, even lacrae its the clothes, the life, the rules, the lyrics with actual meaning. It's expressing truth and empowering... It's a culture

Rap is... Well... Turn on ya radio you'll hear it... Its just spitting some lyrics now a days its more about the beat and sounding computerized forget if the bars make sense and if the hook only consists of 3 words and sounds

As for how christian rap artists dress... There's nothing in the bible about baseball caps or graffiti wear. I mean there's preachers who get up in 3 piece suits and have 3 women pregnant for them in the same church lol so it's like I hope we as people especially christians aren't going to "make someone sit on place for having a baseball cap and make someone else sit another place for having a polo or suit".

I get the ear ring thing but besides that... They're people just like us all. If I'm hot I'm going to wear a tank top regardless of what title I hold and if someone wants to tr stripping me of the title I hold or being a christian because of what I have on that's between God and them...

I use to love LaCrae haven't heard him lately but he use to bring some realness.

But yeah to me hiphop and rap aren't the same rap is about putting bars and a hook together to make a song. With hiphop you live, breathe, and eat it and sadly without a certain *look* its not hiphop.

I guess they feel like *Christians need street cred too* lol
Hip hop is tupac, run d mc, mc lite, even lacrae its the clothes, the life, the rules, the lyrics with actual meaning. It's expressing truth and empowering... It's a culture

Rap is... Well... Turn on ya radio you'll hear it... Its just spitting some lyrics now a days its more about the beat and sounding computerized forget if the bars make sense and if the hook only consists of 3 words and sounds

As for how christian rap artists dress... There's nothing in the bible about baseball caps or graffiti wear. I mean there's preachers who get up in 3 piece suits and have 3 women pregnant for them in the same church lol so it's like I hope we as people especially christians aren't going to "make someone sit on place for having a baseball cap and make someone else sit another place for having a polo or suit".

I get the ear ring thing but besides that... They're people just like us all. If I'm hot I'm going to wear a tank top regardless of what title I hold and if someone wants to tr stripping me of the title I hold or being a christian because of what I have on that's between God and them...

I use to love LaCrae haven't heard him lately but he use to bring some realness.

But yeah to me hiphop and rap aren't the same rap is about putting bars and a hook together to make a song. With hiphop you live, breathe, and eat it and sadly without a certain *look* its not hiphop.

I guess they feel like *Christians need street cred too* lol

WELL ! ! ! :drunk:

You have some serious knowledge going on here. :yep:
Hip Hop is a music genre that came from rap.. ..... a culture.

I agree alot of the Christian rap artist do look like the wordly ones. The crowds do the same dance to the Christian rap artists as they do the wordly ones. It's like the same tone and spirit behind them both...but thats another thread :look:.......

Christians dont need "street cred", we need holiness and righteousness..We've been called from the world to be seperate.

I myself dont agree with the whole Christian Hip Hop because Hip Hop orginally came from rap, beatboxing, freestyling, that has nothing to do with God. And then someone came and stuck Christian on it.

This is MY opinion, please dont stone me...
Hip Hop is a music genre that came from rap.. ..... a culture.

I agree alot of the Christian rap artist do look like the wordly ones. The crowds do the same dance to the Christian rap artists as they do the wordly ones. It's like the same tone and spirit behind them both...but thats another thread :look:.......

Christians dont need "street cred", we need holiness and righteousness..We've been called from the world to be seperate.

I myself dont agree with the whole Christian Hip Hop because Hip Hop orginally came from rap, beatboxing, freestyling, that has nothing to do with God. And then someone came and stuck Christian on it.

This is MY opinion, please dont stone me...

I agree... 'they' can't stick a label on it to make it right. :nono:

The problem is there's truly 'no change' being brought about in the Ministries who have this 'noise' going on. As stated above, the same moves as the world are being danced. So where is the 'change' that honours God our Father?

And this is why we have so much dis-tachment in the Church; no commitment to the Word. Folks claiming to be Christians, yet the behaviours and the mindset say different.

There's just no 'Holiness' coming forth from the rap culture in Christian music.

As for stones, all stones will bounce back... :look: :lol:
Preach Shimmie

I know people say the "message" is good, but its hard to hear the message when it sounds like Im listening to Jay-Z or Tupac..
These artists try to hard to 'draw people', especially the "draw the youth", with wordly means. The word of God drew me, it wasn't a pizza party, rap concert, singles night, it was THE WORD OF GOD. The bible says the sheep know His voice and they will follow. People are trying too hard and doing too much. Throw seeds, sow the word Of God and the sheep will come.

I get tired of people keep saying "the youth not serving God anymore" "We got to get the youth back in church"..Well preach the TRUE word and they will come. Jesus never preached a different gospel or a different message to draw the youth or even had a different method. The youth had to get saved like everyone else did.They heard the same truth.
Sometimes we have one foot in the world and one foot in God. It dont work that way. We are called to be pecuilar people, royal priesthood. We shouldn't be fitting in with the world.and Hip Hop is of the world.

I agree... 'they' can't stick a label on it to make it right. :nono:

The problem is there's truly 'no change' being brought about in the Ministries who have this 'noise' going on. As stated above, the same moves as the world are being danced. So where is the 'change' that honours God our Father?

And this is why we have so much dis-tachment in the Church; no commitment to the Word. Folks claiming to be Christians, yet the behaviours and the mindset say different.

There's just no 'Holiness' coming forth from the rap culture in Christian music.

As for stones, all stones will bounce back... :look: :lol:
Preach Shimmie

I know people say the "message" is good, but its hard to hear the message when it sounds like Im listening to Jay-Z or Tupac..

These artists try to hard to 'draw people', especially the "draw the youth", with wordly means. The word of God drew me, it wasn't a pizza party, rap concert, singles night, it was THE WORD OF GOD. The bible says the sheep know His voice and they will follow. People are trying too hard and doing too much. Throw seeds, sow the word Of God and the sheep will come.

I get tired of people keep saying "the youth not serving God anymore" "We got to get the youth back in church"..Well preach the TRUE word and they will come. Jesus never preached a different gospel or a different message to draw the youth or even had a different method. The youth had to get saved like everyone else did.They heard the same truth.

Sometimes we have one foot in the world and one foot in God. It dont work that way. We are called to be pecuilar people, royal priesthood. We shouldn't be fitting in with the world.and Hip Hop is of the world.

All this type and hype of 'noise' does is tell folks 'make your own' Jesus. :nono:

I'm serious, Alicia. The message being conveyed is, They don't have to 'change', just 'change' God to conform to their rhythm, be it crunk, punk, or junk. :nono:

It didn't take the world to bring my heart to the Lord. I was 'drawn' by the Holy Spirit... His gentle tug at my heart and His 'still small voice' which is 'still' the strongest voice ever and without 'confusion' or intrusion. It was simply the pureness of God's Holiness.

How can one enter into the presence of God with the foolishness of the flesh. I don't care who sings rap or whatever, none of it is 'worship'. It's all flesh, bouncing and jumpin' flesh. Just because one adds 'Jesus' to it, don't make it holy. :nono:

And you know what Alicialynn86 ? THIS IS WHAT's MISSING? Worship! Instead of bringing folks in through worship, carnality, lavciviousnes, hollow hearts, have been brought into the Church and THIS is why the Church has 'weakened' pillars and degrading structures. :nono:

Can you imagine how many yokes and bondages would be literally destroyed simply by the pure presence of worship?

Alicia... in the presence of worship, sin and flesh can't overrule. :nono:
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This is it!! In the flesh we can not please God. They trying to give God worship out of their own minds and understanding, when it has to be done through the Holy Ghost.

All this type and hype of 'noise' does is tell folks 'make your own' Jesus. :nono:

I'm serious, Alicia. They don't have to 'change', just 'change' God to conform to their rhythm, be it crunk, punk, or junk. :nono:

It didn't take the world to bring my heart to the Lord. I was 'drawn' by the Holy Spirit... He gentle tug at my heart and His 'still small voice' which is 'still' the strongest voice ever and without 'confusion' or intrusion. It was simply the pureness of God's Holiness.

How can one enter into the presence of God with the foolishness of the flesh. I don't care who sings rap or whatever, none of it is 'worship'. It's all flesh, bouncing and jumpin' flesh. Just because one adds 'Jesus' to it, don't make it holy. :nono:

And you know what @Alicialynn86 ? THIS IS WHAT's MISSING? Worship! Instead of bringing folks in through worship, carnality, lavciviousnes, hollow hearts, have been brought into the Church and THIS is why the Church has 'weakened' pillars and degrading structures. :nono:

Can you imagine how many yokes and bondages would be literally destroyed simply by the pure presence of worship?

Alicia... in the presence of worship, sin and flesh can't overrule. :nono:
Preach @Shimmie

I know people say the "message" is good, but its hard to hear the message when it sounds like Im listening to Jay-Z or Tupac..
These artists try to hard to 'draw people', especially the "draw the youth", with wordly means. The word of God drew me, it wasn't a pizza party, rap concert, singles night, it was THE WORD OF GOD. The bible says the sheep know His voice and they will follow. People are trying too hard and doing too much. Throw seeds, sow the word Of God and the sheep will come.

I get tired of people keep saying "the youth not serving God anymore" "We got to get the youth back in church"..Well preach the TRUE word and they will come. Jesus never preached a different gospel or a different message to draw the youth or even had a different method. The youth had to get saved like everyone else did.They heard the same truth.
Sometimes we have one foot in the world and one foot in God. It dont work that way. We are called to be pecuilar people, royal priesthood. We shouldn't be fitting in with the world.and Hip Hop is of the world.

I just got my shout on b/c of the bolded part!!!! If you teach anyone the True Word of God they will follow it. I think most kids need to hear the TRUE Word, be able to understand it and then they will get it. Most of the youth are just like a lot of adults searching for the real thing but can't find it. We have to take it to them and make sure they understand it for themselves.

My daughter and I was watching Gospel Music channel a couple of years ago and they had a "Holy Hip-Hop" night. My daughter and I were shocked at what we were listening to because one we could not understand it and two it sounded like the regular hip hop. :nono: My daughter said we could've put on MTV2 and been just as entertained :lachen:
I think the real issue is whether or not chrisitan rap/ hip hop is worship music for church. I tend to use christian hip/hop for my everyday music-the beat is great for cleaning the house. Worship music is reserved for bible study time and Sabbath. I don't think either one is wrong but the question is appropriateness.

As far as the youth not being able to understand the message or the words it is quite individual. I can understand most rap, regge, ect. I just have that ear. So does my nephew. He can sing along with christian rap using the correct words and he understands what he is saying. Some traditional songs are so over-sung that I can't make out their message easily. I would not be so bold to claim that they are no longer an appropriate form of praise because they seem to be focusing of vocal gymnastics rather than clarity. Because in all honesty, most gospel performers are so busy trying to SANG that much of the message behind the song is lost.
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I just got my shout on b/c of the bolded part!!!! If you teach anyone the True Word of God they will follow it. I think most kids need to hear the TRUE Word, be able to understand it and then they will get it. Most of the youth are just like a lot of adults searching for the real thing but can't find it. We have to take it to them and make sure they understand it for themselves.

My daughter and I was watching Gospel Music channel a couple of years ago and they had a "Holy Hip-Hop" night. My daughter and I were shocked at what we were listening to because one we could not understand it and two it sounded like the regular hip hop. :nono: My daughter said we could've put on MTV2 and been just as entertained :lachen:

My daughter is the same. My children grew up on the Word of God... 'straight... no chaser'. There were no gimmicks or disguises. We didn't 'rock' the music to obtain the Word, we were upon the Rock and upon which we now and continue to stand.

How do we ever expect to know God's voice if it's camophlaged in the sounds of the world? Why cover it up? Just give it to them straight. If the kids can cuss straight, then all the more they can take the Word of God straight. Just bring out Jesus and show these kids who God is straight up, no undercover.

It's an insult to the Holy Spirit that He has to be disguised in order to have a fragment, the stale crumbs of one's attention.

This rap confusion is giving kids permission to be ADHD (Attention Deficeit Hyperactivity Disorder) when it comes to an attention span for Jesus. In other words, they're not giving the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ any of their attention unless they can 'rock' or drop it like it's hot....

This is just sad... :nono:

It's no small wonder why they are tossed to/fro with every wind and doctrine, not knowing the truth, not being infilled with righteousness, not being convicted or lead of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Dyslexia.... :nono:
I think like in all things we would have to test the spirit behind these songs before drawing a conclusion.
For example, I really do believe Lecrae loves the Lord. His lyrics and video are anything like the foolishness they show and play on the T.V. and radio. I don't see any dropping like it's hot.

These are lyrics from one of my fav Lecrae song, Just Like You. I don't see anything wrong with them

I remember the first created being
And how he shifted the blame on his dame
On fruit he should’t have eaten
And now look at us all out of Eden
And now look at us all that are eating
Wearing designer fig leaves by Louis Vuitton
Make believe it
But God sees through my foolish pride
And I’m weak life Adam another victim of Lucifer’s foolish lies
But then in steps Jesus
All men were created to lead but we need somebody to lead us
More than a teacher
But somebody who buy us back from the darkness
Say He redeemed us
Taught us that real leaders follow God
Finish the work ‘cuz we on our job
Taught us not to rob
But give life love a wife like He loved the Church
Not seeing how many hearts we can break first
I wanna be like you in every way
So if I gotta die everyday
Unworthy sacrifice
But the least I can do is give the most to me
Because being just like you is what I’m ‘spose to be
You said you came for the lame
I’m the lamest
I made a mess you say you’ll erase it
I’ll take it
You said you came for the lame
I’m the lamest
I broke my life, but you say you’ll replace it
I’ll take it
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I think like in all things we would have to test the spirit behind these songs before drawing a conclusion.
For example, I really do believe Lecrae loves the Lord. His lyrics and video are anything like the foolishness they show and play on the T.V. and radio. I don't see any dropping like it's hot.

These are lyrics from one of my fav Lecrae song, Just Like You. I don't see anything wrong with them

I remember the first created being
And how he shifted the blame on his dame
On fruit he should’t have eaten
And now look at us all out of Eden
And now look at us all that are eating
Wearing designer fig leaves by Louis Vuitton
Make believe it
But God sees through my foolish pride
And I’m weak life Adam another victim of Lucifer’s foolish lies
But then in steps Jesus
All men were created to lead but we need somebody to lead us
More than a teacher
But somebody who buy us back from the darkness
Say He redeemed us
Taught us that real leaders follow God
Finish the work ‘cuz we on our job
Taught us not to rob
But give life love a wife like He loved the Church
Not seeing how many hearts we can break first
I wanna be like you in every way
So if I gotta die everyday
Unworthy sacrifice
But the least I can do is give the most to me
Because being just like you is what I’m ‘spose to be
You said you came for the lame
I’m the lamest
I made a mess you say you’ll erase it
I’ll take it
You said you came for the lame
I’m the lamest
I broke my life, but you say you’ll replace it
I’ll take it

Absolutely beautiful... the words and his heart that flows within the lines.

Can he just 'sing' it? No 'runs'........ no 'rap'........ just sing, with the words flowing from his spirit, giving God the glory.

Rap... has the sounds of the 'appearance of evil'. In no way am I saying that he is. Not at all. However, rap is sharp, and it's tone and rhythm sounds too much like like the harshness of the world.

LoveisYou... Thank you for sharing the lyrics, they are truly beautiful, just like the heart of you. :yep:
I thought christian hip hop was fine until I dreamed about it last night for anyone open to hear about it. I was at an outdoor event with Alicialynn and there was a young boy rapping christian lyrics. He was innocent enough and so were the lyrics. Buy his clothing were diabolical and i was aware that it was halloween So i mention that how he presented himself is an abomination a nd the ladies with me echoed the same phrase: abomination
Luke 16:15
What is highly valued among men is an abomination in Gods sight. I think that although the intentions of christian rappers culture is diabolical because it is ruled by the enemy. The spirit of rap is to woshp the orator. He is exalted. I heard Micah Stampley say that the job of the worship leader is to draw christs bride into his chambers. If you draw them into your own this is spiritual idolatry. The songs he gives the psalmists are his love letters to the church. Thus spritual idolatry is an abomination. Ephesians 5:16 says sing spiritual songs in your heart as unto the Lord.
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I agree. Nothing are really wrong with the words, its just the wordly delievery of it all.

I can be singing "Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior", but if I am grinding my body when singing, doesn't that change the tone of it?you would be so focused on what I am doing with my body, than what I am saying.

Thats what happening, we see so much bling bling, pants hanging down...head banging,beats booming that its taking away from whats really being said. It's not the message, its the delievery.

The "yo,yo, yo, yo, check it one two three. Its ya lil boy Z, giving a shout out to my homeboy Jesus on the mic"...come on now...first all Jesus is not your homeboy and you better come to Him with honor and reverance.

You let me start singing " Lord I love you today" the beat of Al Green or Jagged Edge or Rhianna song...yall gone be like :nono:. So the "beats" and "instrumentals" affect the song too...

I am not saying this people are not sincere, alot of them probably are, but good intentions dont make it right...
I agree. Nothing are really wrong with the words, its just the wordly delievery of it all.

I can be singing "Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior", but if I am grinding my body when singing, doesn't that change the tone of it?you would be so focused on what I am doing with my body, than what I am saying.

Thats what happening, we see so much bling bling, pants hanging down...head banging,beats booming that its taking away from whats really being said. It's not the message, its the delievery.

The "yo,yo, yo, yo, check it one two three. Its ya lil boy Z, giving a shout out to my homeboy Jesus on the mic"...come on now...first all Jesus is not your homeboy and you better come to Him with honor and reverance.

You let me start singing " Lord I love you today" the beat of Al Green or Jagged Edge or Rhianna song...yall gone be like :nono:. So the "beats" and "instrumentals" affect the song too...

I am not saying this people are not sincere, alot of them probably are, but good intentions dont make it right...

Can you name specific artists? I never see Reach Records artists dressed like that, but correct me if I'm wrong.

The lyrics these artists rap adhere to Scripture. That is what is important. I think it's really sad that they're being dismissed because of the way they supposedly dress. I've never heard a song from a legitimate Christian rapper who's referred to Jesus as his homeboy.

Heads banging to a beat is no different to me than one clapping their hands or stomping their feet to a song. Beats booming is no different from cymbals being clashed. Just because something is attached to a culture doesn't mean it itself is inherently evil. The message is not being heard because too many are focusing on what they look like, or are trying to compare them to worldly artists. This isn't fair at all. Christian rock and contemporary artists (I listen to them too) don't get scrutinized like this but it's no different. God can use any vessel as He sees fit.

As far as the Christian rap artists I know, they don't dance inappropriately, they just rap. I went to a Trip Lee concert and he literally just stood there on the stage reciting. It's just a poem with beats. The beat is not what's evil, the message being preached can be. That's why we must search all things and see how it matches up with Scripture.

Rap may not be one's choice for Christian music, but that doesn't mean one should dismiss it as invalid. Not everyone wants to be listening to Mahalia Jackson. :ohwell:

1 Samuel 16:7:

"But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
I appreciate everyone's comments... you know, we always say we are the ones who limit God..... :look:

From looking at not just rap but other musical genres, I've come to the conclusion music is music. God created music, the devil perverted it. With Lucifer being the band leader and now fallen, Satan does indeed have a foothold on music on earth. STILL, he didn't create music.

I asked this question about rap/hip hop, simply because there was discussion among other Christians about the distinction. Hip Hop is a worldly culture, but it's not limited to music and clothes ..(it includes and promotes attitudes, such as love of money, greed, lusts, lasciviousness, all kinds of idolatry, etc.) If an artist who is saved and is gifted to rap, are they really caught up in the culture if they dress a certain way, was my question.

We are to avoid every appearance of evil, that includes avoiding evil or anything even seems to be wrong. Since when is a song dedicated to God evil or wrong? *scratching head* And black folk are always most critical of black folk. We'll reject rap but embrace Rock. Both genres have Christian artists..

Here is Jeremy Camp, a contemporary Christian Rock artist:

Here is LeCrae, a rap Christian artist:

What do you see? Anyone listens to their music?

I do listen to all types of Christian that moves stirs my soul, set me to look inward or to God. sidney, you're right and God has spoken to you through that dream to make this point clear: whenever an artist is being glorified -- it can cause soulish idolatry. That's with any musical genre.

So I agree, we have to be careful that we are not worshiping these artists as gods. To presuppose that is their intentions without knowing, is in fact, evil.
It's not about the dress, but the persona they display.

Our dressing isn't the a complete part of our Christianity, but it is important. If it wasn't important to God, then there wouldn't be scriptures that reference how we should dress.

You have to realize that God never intended anything about Him or for Him to be mixed with with these of the wrong. Did not rap music start as a thing of the world? Did we not bring these custom from the world into our churches?

And for the scripture you referenced you have to use that scripture in its right context. He told Samuel this because Samuel was looking at the outward appearances of David brothers to see who would be King. David was impressed by the build of the men and figured since they big and strong that they would be the one who should be picked. But David was small in stature, probably didnt seem qualified for the position. But God said He looked at the heart of David because He knew what was in him and what he called Him to be. That does not mean God dont care about what we wear. If thats the case, then why does God prohibit tattoos? It's on the outside? So God shouldn't care right? Why does the bible speak about a man having long hair or a woman cutting her hair? God don't care about our hair and clothes right? Well why in 1st Timothy, it tells you we as women should dress modest? So there is some emphasis on what we should wear.

I am not judging the gospel rappers just on apperance alone. If you read my posts before, I am talking about how SIMILAR and alike they are to worldly rappers. God never wanted us to take ways of the world. We are always to remain seperate.

I will be back some examples
Can you name specific artists? I never see Reach Records artists dressed like that, but correct me if I'm wrong.

The lyrics these artists rap adhere to Scripture. That is what is important. I think it's really sad that they're being dismissed because of the way they supposedly dress. I've never heard a song from a legitimate Christian rapper who's referred to Jesus as his homeboy.

Heads banging to a beat is no different to me than one clapping their hands or stomping their feet to a song. Beats booming is no different from cymbals being clashed. Just because something is attached to a culture doesn't mean it itself is inherently evil. The message is not being heard because too many are focusing on what they look like, or are trying to compare them to worldly artists. This isn't fair at all. Christian rock and contemporary artists (I listen to them too) don't get scrutinized like this but it's no different. God can use any vessel as He sees fit.

As far as the Christian rap artists I know, they don't dance inappropriately, they just rap. I went to a Trip Lee concert and he literally just stood there on the stage reciting. It's just a poem with beats. The beat is not what's evil, the message being preached can be. That's why we must search all things and see how it matches up with Scripture.

Rap may not be one's choice for Christian music, but that doesn't mean one should dismiss it as invalid. Not everyone wants to be listening to Mahalia Jackson. :ohwell:

1 Samuel 16:7:

"But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Absolutely beautiful... the words and his heart that flows within the lines.

Can he just 'sing' it? No 'runs'........ no 'rap'........ just sing, with the words flowing from his spirit, giving God the glory.

Rap... has the sounds of the 'appearance of evil'. In no way am I saying that he is. Not at all. However, rap is sharp, and it's tone and rhythm sounds too much like like the harshness of the world.

LoveisYou... Thank you for sharing the lyrics, they are truly beautiful, just like the heart of you. :yep:

I completely understand where you are coming from, but then I read quotes (like the below) by Lecrae in response to criticism of Christian rap and they cause me to pause:

"Imagine a butcher knife. Society says it’s a murder weapon, but I use it to cut meat off a bone and serve food to the homeless. I am bringing life. It’s all in how you use it."

ESSNCE.COM: Why is it so hard for Christian Hip Hop to be accepted in the Gospel industry?
LECRAE: Hip Hop culture has been portrayed as sinful, evil, and unclean. When truthfully, every culture has aspects that are messed up. But when something is redeemed or given new direction, it can still maintain its substance. It just functions differently. Cocaine is portrayed as an addictive illegal drug, but doctors use it as a topical anesthetic. The drug isn't the problem, people's intention and desire is the problem. Hip Hop isn't the problem. Art, rhythm, expression, and rhyme are not the problem. The motivation, heart, and use of them are. We call it sin. That's the real problem.

Then I listen to his songs like Don't Waste Your Life (, and I can't help but wonder if he's not just merely using a means of expression, rap, to bring glory to God. In the same way ppl use art, poetry, music, drums, and know.
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These are only TWO examples of christian artists you have provided. So to say they all are alike is really pushing it. So lets not put everything on just Lacrae and Jeremy Camp.They are many more out there.The reason why no other music genre was talked about is because the name of your thread is Christian Rap/ Hip Hop/ "Christian Hip Hop"? :look:, so of course Hip hop is being discussed.

I said in posts before that alot of them may be sincere, but good intentions dont make things right.

We we start thinking on how WE feel, we error. We have to stick to scripture. You said music is just music and then you said, music can be perverted, so that means music can be defiled. All music is not pure music. All music is not approved of God. If thats the case we can listen to all sex, drug, murder filled music then? NO.

You said it yourself that Hip hop is a culture. A culture is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization. So it goes waaaayyyyyy beyond how they dress. The way they dress was ONE variable that was used to relate to wordliness not the only one.

And you said "Black folk is the most critical of black folk? So when is hip hop just about black people? There are whites who are in the hip hop movement, asians, mexicans, etc :look: Remember now, its not about race, its about culture, way of life, its about beliefs and attitudes.

The was a man in the bible (Cant remember his name) . But they was carrying around the Ark of the convenant and God said only the priest was suppose to touch the ark. This particular man was not a priest. Well he seen the Ark falling and he reached out and grabbed the ark. God killed him. Some may say...oh no! How could God kill the man, he was only trying to help!! Well God said, Dont do it and he did it anyway.Therefore judgement had fallen. So its not about what we feel is right. Its about what does God say. And God said, "Be not conformed to the world,", and rap AND rock was originated from the world. So alot of them may be sincere. (So was the man who grabbed the ark)....but are they right?

I appreciate everyone's comments... you know, we always say we are the ones who limit God..... :look:

From looking at not just rap but other musical genres, I've come to the conclusion music is music. God created music, the devil perverted it. With Lucifer being the band leader and now fallen, Satan does indeed have a foothold on music on earth. STILL, he didn't create music.

I asked this question about rap/hip hop, simply because there was discussion among other Christians about the distinction. Hip Hop is a worldly culture, but it's not limited to music and clothes ..(it includes and promotes attitudes, such as love of money, greed, lusts, lasciviousness, all kinds of idolatry, etc.) If an artist who is saved and is gifted to rap, are they really caught up in the culture if they dress a certain way, was my question.

We are to avoid every appearance of evil, that includes avoiding evil or anything even seems to be wrong. Since when is a song dedicated to God evil or wrong? *scratching head* And black folk are always most critical of black folk. We'll reject rap but embrace Rock. Both genres have Christian artists..

Here is Jeremy Camp, a contemporary Christian Rock artist:

Here is LeCrae, a rap Christian artist:

What do you see? Anyone listens to their music?

I do listen to all types of Christian that moves stirs my soul, set me to look inward or to God. @sidney, you're right and God has spoken to you through that dream to make this point clear: whenever an artist is being glorified -- it can cause soulish idolatry. That's with any musical genre.

So I agree, we have to be careful that we are not worshiping these artists as gods. To presuppose that is their intentions without knowing, is in fact, evil.
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:lol: @ Tupac

Yet the Gospel is for everyone... the message has to get through; everyone can't listen to the same kinds of songs. God made us all unique and different. Those same folks may not want to hear Shirley Caesar belt out a tune. They might even tune her out... because they chose to tune her out, doesn't mean the message isn't there.

Preach Shimmie

I know people say the "message" is good, but its hard to hear the message when it sounds like Im listening to Jay-Z or Tupac..
So would God take something thats filthy and condone it?

I completely understand where you are coming from, but then I read quotes (like the below) by Lecrae in response to criticism of Christian rap and they cause me to pause:

"Imagine a butcher knife. Society says it’s a murder weapon, but I use it to cut meat off a bone and serve food to the homeless. I am bringing life. It’s all in how you use it."

ESSNCE.COM: Why is it so hard for Christian Hip Hop to be accepted in the Gospel industry?
LECRAE: Hip Hop culture has been portrayed as sinful, evil, and unclean. When truthfully, every culture has aspects that are messed up. But when something is redeemed or given new direction, it can still maintain its substance. It just functions differently. Cocaine is portrayed as an addictive illegal drug, but doctors use it as a topical anesthetic. The drug isn't the problem, people's intention and desire is the problem. Hip Hop isn't the problem. Art, rhythm, expression, and rhyme are not the problem. The motivation, heart, and use of them are. We call it sin. That's the real problem.

Then I listen to his songs like Don't Waste Your Life (, and I can't help but wonder if he's not just merely using a means of expression, rap, to bring glory to God. In the same way ppl use art, poetry, music, drums, and know.
@Lela :lachen:

I was trying to give something that the older folks could relate too as well :lachen:

And by no means am I personally attacking you. This is a healthy discussion :yep:
I know I can get "excited" in my discussions....:look:

ETA: I dont really like Shirely Cesar that much..too much hollering...:lol::look:
:lol: @ Tupac

Yet the Gospel is for everyone... the message has to get through; everyone can't listen to the same kinds of songs. God made us all unique and different. Those same folks may not want to hear Shirley Caesar belt out a tune. They might even tune her out... because they chose to tune her out, doesn't mean the message isn't there.
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So would God take something thats filthy and condone it?

He said it was portrayed as such, he didn't say it was filthy. Real Hip Hop is NOT filthy it has been perverted by some rap artists unfortunately. The history of Hip Hop is not based on filth. But to answer your question, yes! All of us were filthy in our sin until Jesus redeemed us! He is the redeemer! Lecrae actually made that point after the sentence you bolded.

"But when something is redeemed or given new direction, it can still maintain its substance. It just functions differently."

In fact, all forms of expression have been perverted by the world. Art, music of all genre, motion picture, poetry, do we stop expressing because the world have perverted those means? Or do we glorify God anyhow? Let's take ourselves out of the picture for now? You may not understand/like rap, but what bout the other people it has the potential to reach? What about the seeds he could plant with his music? What about them?
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That gave me pause as well, I don't agree with Lecrae on this..the hip hop culture is a sinful one. But I beleive he's trying to make it a good thing because his music can classify as that and he is glorifying God with his music. But it doesn't work that way.

I completely understand where you are coming from, but then I read quotes (like the below) by Lecrae in response to criticism of Christian rap and they cause me to pause:

"Imagine a butcher knife. Society says it’s a murder weapon, but I use it to cut meat off a bone and serve food to the homeless. I am bringing life. It’s all in how you use it."

ESSNCE.COM: Why is it so hard for Christian Hip Hop to be accepted in the Gospel industry?
LECRAE: Hip Hop culture has been portrayed as sinful, evil, and unclean. When truthfully, every culture has aspects that are messed up. But when something is redeemed or given new direction, it can still maintain its substance. It just functions differently. Cocaine is portrayed as an addictive illegal drug, but doctors use it as a topical anesthetic. The drug isn't the problem, people's intention and desire is the problem. Hip Hop isn't the problem. Art, rhythm, expression, and rhyme are not the problem. The motivation, heart, and use of them are. We call it sin. That's the real problem.

Then I listen to his songs like Don't Waste Your Life (, and I can't help but wonder if he's not just merely using a means of expression, rap, to bring glory to God. In the same way ppl use art, poetry, music, drums, and know.
ALICIALYNN, you've got me :lol: over here. Don't mean to make it a racial thing thing.. I'll try to stick to hip hop/rap.. LOL ..ahh...zeal can cause error.