chinablk/bronzeg: Inspiration!!


Well-Known Member
She's not a member here (i don't think:look:) But.......

She's relaxed 4B. (Like me)
She went from damaged SL to healthy MBL.(Where i'm and now and where I wanna be in the future)
Her regimen is super simple (Like I strive for)
Her hair is :lick:!(Like I want mine to be)

That's why she's my biggest inspiration.

Her YT has a braidout tutorial (the best ive seen:yep:)
Rollersetting tutorial (tha truth)
Quick No Heat style (Pincurl) tutorial (Fierce)

Check her fotki for pics of her journey, Enjoy!:grin:
She's not a member here (i don't think:look:) But.......

She's relaxed 4B. (Like me)
She went from damaged SL to healthy MBL.(Where i'm and now and where I wanna be in the future)
Her regimen is super simple (Like I strive for)
Her hair is :lick:!(Like I want mine to be)

That's why she's my biggest inspiration.

Her YT has a braidout tutorial (the best ive seen:yep:)
Rollersetting tutorial (tha truth)
Quick No Heat style (Pincurl) tutorial (Fierce)

Check her fotki for pics of her journey, Enjoy!:grin:

I agree! She took my braid outs from looking like Ben Franklin to looking pretty good!

She is one of my favorite hair role models!
aero21, you have to be signed in to Fotki to view the albums

Saffirejuiliet, I know she is a member of BHM but I don't know about over here
Yes I love her hair, and I just love her vids. She is so sweet! And her hair is gorgeous. Her tutorials have helped me a lot.
I am pretty sure she is a member here. She doesn't post though!

I love her hair. I'm all up in her fotki always!!!
She's definitely one of my inspirations and helped me a lot through my hair journey! I always asked her for some tips..she's very supportive! Yep...beautiful head of hair and such a nice person!
I love Bronzeg's braidout tutorial. It's one of the best I've seen. Her hair is very pretty and she is a sweet person.
I can't view her videos or fotki at the moment but I can't wait to check it out. It seems like she came a long way. Good for her.
She is so sweet...She is a member on KISS ....Her braid out is the beautiful....I love finding relaxed 4 b inspiration ...

I knew she had to be a KISS member because her regimen is very simple and I love that she doesen't use really expensive products.

Girl! Aint her braidout tha truth:lick:!?!! I look forward to my hair being as long and as full as hers one day
She has beautiful hair! Are those rollers she is using in the rollersetting tutorial smaller than the gray ones???