Find support. When your friends/family give none.


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

Have you ever had a friend and/or family member who was/is non-supportive of your hair dreams, goals, and accomplishments? I have, and I thought I could start a thread that supports us gals going through situations as such. Maybe others have gone through the same thing, overcame the disapproval, and can shed some light on how to handle it?

Here's my story. (It's a long one).
So my best friend of 6 years (known her for 10) has always had the most beautiful hair. She has 3b/3c texture that would hang to about APL curly and Full MBL/Grazing WL straight. For most of our friendship my hair would only fluctuate between SL and APL.

When I started my hair journey 1 yr and 9 months ago, she didn't approve of me spending $100 on hair products and vitamins. She said it was a waste of money because my hair looked fine and could grow back by itself. I was BARELY SL at the time and by grow back she meant back to APL. (But in her defense my family said the same thing, I believe they didn't notice how damaged it was due to lack of hair care knowledge.)

Fast forward to a year later my hair is at full APL/ grazing BSB and she does tell me it looks good and tells her coworkers about my videos and tells me to give them advice.

Fast forward to 9 months later (now). She recently got her hair ombré-d with blond on 75% of her hair. Exactly one week after the color, it began breaking of in chunks due to over-bleaching. She, very unwillingly, cut it into a Full NL A-line bob. She hates it.

Now a couple things before I continue. She can be a little self-centered, self-indulged, and cares a lot about looks. These are flaws that I accept about her, we all have them. Since its been cut she's always upset and complaining about her hair. People have even told her "you are not your hair girl, and you're still gorgeous" she then replies "but I am my hair".

Here's where I come in. So I have takin on the reigns of being the long-haired friend (not complaining). I am now FULL BSL/grazing MBL and people notice. But she ALWAYS makes it a point to tell everyone that her hair was longer and I had to do all this stuff to make it grow and since she's half Mexican it'll be longer than mine in no time. I even told her that she was and still is a hair Inspiration for me and I always wanted my hair her length. She cut me off right there n said"but it's not" (YES I KNOW). Just last week a guy she knows that she hasnt seen in a while called to me thinking i was her because of my hair. she then says to him (infront of me and a couple of our friends) "how could u think she was me? her hair is NOWHERE NEAR as long as my hair was). I can't even be excited about my hair around her because either A) it's not as long as hers was or B) her texture is way better than mine. She brushes off any hair advice i give even though just over a month ago shes recommending me to give it to others. Idk what to do anymore.

Can anyone give me some tips on how to handle this? If not and you have your own story, please feel free to share and hopefully SOMBEODY can help us lol.
Sounds like all she has going for herself is her hair... Is she even pretty? I wouldn't waste my time on rude people like that. It's obvious she doesn't care for you or she wouldn't be so rude.. Kick her to the curb! She's not worth the frustration.
I know you said she's your friend and you accept her flaws. But are you willing to accept the fact that she is in competition with you and wants to be better than you. Not only that but it seems like she wants other people to think she's better than you too...all over some hair. Those are her own problems.

If you are going to keep her as a friend keep doing what you are doing. I say don't hide your excitement about your hair. You worked hard and took care of it to get it to where it is now. I would swing and sway and let everyone compliment and gush. This girl needs to get used to it.
As the saying goes "With friends like that, who needs enemies?" Sounds like she was okay with your hair achievements as long as she thought her hair was nicer (however you want to define that). Like you said, we all have character flaws and only you know if her friendship is worth the annoyance to you. I would steer clear of hair-related conversations with her until her hair grows back, but if her behavior bothered me, or if she hurt my feelings, I would have to tell her. If she's a real friend she'll change her behavior. Maybe she's the obtuse type and just doesn't get it.

My DH is not supportive of my hair goals and tries to start WW3 every time a new package arrives. It sometimes makes me feel like he doesn't think I'm worth spending money on. He says he hates wigs/weaves and doesn't want to go anywhere with me if I wear one (which is not often) and the crazy thing is he has no clue when someone else is wearing a weave/wig and actually thinks every woman on TV is wearing her own hair. And yes, I've thought about divorce, but for now I've opted to reach my goal, flaunt my hair and not let him touch it.
Looks like she was used to getting all the attention for hair and now its eating her up inside that you're the one getting the attention now. I don't think you should end the friendship or anything over some hair, but I would pay attention more to her comments from here on out. I couldn't be friends with someone who is always trying to one up me.
Thank you ladies for your advice. I agree that I don't think it's acceptable to end a friendship of insecurities. I hope she does get used to it cuz it ain't goin nowhere lol.
My DH is not supportive of my hair goals and tries to start WW3 every time a new package arrives. It sometimes makes me feel like he doesn't think I'm worth spending money on. He says he hates wigs/weaves and doesn't want to go anywhere with me if I wear one (which is not often) and the crazy thing is he has no clue when someone else is wearing a weave/wig and actually thinks every woman on TV is wearing her own hair. And yes, I've thought about divorce, but for now I've opted to reach my goal, flaunt my hair and not let him touch it.

What methods have u taken to talk to him about this? I don't think it should lead to divorce but if it's bothering you that much to even consider it something needs to be done. I sure hope he comes around.
Your friend is one of those friends who always wants to be the pretty-long-haired-friend and is gutted that rolls have reversed!

Like she said, she IS her hair! So she's lost a piece of herself now that it's been cut off!!

True friendships take the rough with the smooth! Try to work it out! This isn't about hair, it's about her low self esteem & need to be/feel/look better than you (& probably other friends too)

Ask her how she sees you? To her, are you her gorgeous friend? Are you able to be friends only if her hair is longer?! Ask! Then work out how to deal with her.
What methods have u taken to talk to him about this? I don't think it should lead to divorce but if it's bothering you that much to even consider it something needs to be done. I sure hope he comes around.

JK about the divorce growbaby (sort of...) We're vested so neither one of us is going anywhere. But seriously, I think it bothers me because it's a symptom of a deeper issue. He tends to be cheap and never thinks I should spend money on anything for myself and I rarely do. I guess my new hair hobby is hard for him to deal with. I know him well, so I know that he'll change his tune as soon as he can see results, but I just wish he could step out on faith and be more supportive.
What methods have u taken to talk to him about this? I don't think it should lead to divorce but if it's bothering you that much to even consider it something needs to be done. I sure hope he comes around.

I hope she wasn't being serious about divorce.
My hubby doesn't mind the money, he gets very annoyed & frustrated about the amount of time I spend on it, although he loves the results!

As women, having a man that spent all our money on golf clubs, beer and days out with the lads would annoy us, so I understand his frustration! Every marriage takes some give & take. Explain that hair is your hobby and make the comparison to his hobby. Then set an agreed budget for it and it will never need to cause another row! Good luck!

Hair isn't a reason for the break up of a friendship and certainly isn't good reason for divorce!! Xx
I hope she wasn't being serious about divorce.
My hubby doesn't mind the money, he gets very annoyed & frustrated about the amount of time I spend on it, although he loves the results!

As women, having a man that spent all our money on golf clubs, beer and days out with the lads would annoy us, so I understand his frustration! Every marriage takes some give & take. Explain that hair is your hobby and make the comparison to his hobby. Then set an agreed budget for it and it will never need to cause another row! Good luck!

Hair isn't a reason for the break up of a friendship and certainly isn't good reason for divorce!! Xx

Yep. I was kidding. At this point in our lives, budgeting isn't a real issue, and I have nothing to say and he doesn't have to consult me before he buys things. In fact, I'm happy if he buys things that make him happy. I just wish the reverse were true, particularly since I don't spend that much on hair care products. Been doing the marriage give and take for decades now, so I know it could be worse.
If you love despite all her bull-sh-- you need to remove hair talk from your life with her i know its a big deal for you right now and rightfully so it should be

however everything is not for everybody and you can enjoy your hair journey without involving her. There should be no mention of hair at all what so ever from you and if she wants to talk about something change the subject and act like you dont know nothing.

I had to transition a cousin out of my "mothering life" the same way we both have 5 yo and it seem like everything was a competition for no reason. i keep talking to her and it took a while but now we talk about everything under the sun except our kids. my other cousin ask how i do it i told her man listen i am not my children i do have a life besides them.

And you are not your hair and i am sure if you ladies were friends before your hair journey you two can be friends now.
I'm really sorry to hear that your friend behaves that way. I agree that you should have a heart to heart with her. Tell her that you feel hurt that after all your hard work she doesn't support you. Maybe she doesn't realize she's being so nasty. You shouldn't have to feel bad for accomplishing a goal.

If that doesn't work though, I'd start shutting her down. "My hair used to be so much longer than hers!" ..."Yeah, but its not now. Is it?"

Make her stop talking about it if it offends you. I've had to do that with my best friend. He HATES my natural hair and once told my boyfriend, "The next time she washes her hair, you need to throw a dryer sheet in with that s***." Yeah, he used to get me good until I started talking about his girlfriend's hair, the certified weave queen. "Dang! Her s*** looks like yours. Is her hairline receeding too?" That usually puts him on the defensive and the topic drops. I know its immature but the best hair wins and it works. I refuse to be uncomfortable about a choice that I'm happy with and proud of. HTH!
I'm really sorry to hear that your friend behaves that way. I agree that you should have a heart to heart with her. Tell her that you feel hurt that after all your hard work she doesn't support you. Maybe she doesn't realize she's being so nasty. You shouldn't have to feel bad for accomplishing a goal.

If that doesn't work though, I'd start shutting her down. "My hair used to be so much longer than hers!" ..."Yeah, but its not now. Is it?"

Make her stop talking about it if it offends you. I've had to do that with my best friend. He HATES my natural hair and once told my boyfriend, "The next time she washes her hair, you need to throw a dryer sheet in with that s***." Yeah, he used to get me good until I started talking about his girlfriend's hair, the certified weave queen. "Dang! Her s*** looks like yours. Is her hairline receeding too?" That usually puts him on the defensive and the topic drops. I know its immature but the best hair wins and it works. I refuse to be uncomfortable about a choice that I'm happy with and proud of. HTH!

Hahahaha oh gosh that's hilarious. Thank you for sharing your experience. Tough love is one way to go about it, hadn't thought of that.
Yep. I was kidding. At this point in our lives, budgeting isn't a real issue, and I have nothing to say and he doesn't have to consult me before he buys things. In fact, I'm happy if he buys things that make him happy. I just wish the reverse were true, particularly since I don't spend that much on hair care products. Been doing the marriage give and take for decades now, so I know it could be worse.

Phew! Glad to hear it!
everything is not for everybody and you can enjoy your hair journey without involving her. There should be no mention of hair at all what so ever from you and if she wants to talk about something change the subject and act like you dont know nothing.

And you are not your hair and i am sure if you ladies were friends before your hair journey you two can be friends now.

This is good advice
My Mother (of all people) is the worst!!! She was a Stylist when I was a little girl (licensed and all) but hasn't really done any hair in like 15 years. She will relax and cut friends' and family's hair, but never anything too much more than that. Anywho... She has extremely thin hair; which she wore out or in weaves up until a few years ago when she started occasionally wearing lace-fronts. Now she wears them everyday and always has a comment about my hair. My hair is just at APL and is thick at the roots (16 weeks post) and sometimes can sit pretty high atop my head! "When are you going to relax?!" "What did you do to your hair?!" <----- I would swear my Bantu knot-out was the bomb. "You should relax more often." It's like ever since I've been on my journey and stretching my relaxers, I can't come visit without a comment. "Aren't you tired of that bun on top of your head? I am..." Plus we live in Florida and my hair is overly porous. So anytime there is moisture in the air, my hair swells and gets frizzy. If she were to style her hair, it would look like a bobble head with straw hanging off of it, but I don't say anything. I just wait for the day when my hair is BSL or longer and the big hair I have gives Diana Ross sex appeal... Don't believe me, just watch.