Cheezy Essay I Found...


Well-Known Member
ETA: Maybe I should have titled this thread "HOW WOMEN CHASE THEIR MEN AWAY"

...with some truf to it. Now, of course, there is a flip side to this and there are faults that men have as well in relationships. But, consider trying an experiment for once....contemplate only yourself in relationships (meaning 'women') and not what dude did. :look:

What do you think about these principles heya?

Will Women EVER Be Happy With Their Men? How Women Chase Their Men Away

A common problem between the sexes is the way each views their relationships.

As a woman I have noticed that my female friends rag more than brag about their men, or men in general, and they do this in almost every conversation. Men don't do this! Why? Well, some would say it is because men don't discuss their personal lives, their feelings, their emotions, or their intimate relationships. But that's not true! So why is it that women rag about their men, and men talk about sports, tell jokes, and discuss things—anything—other than their relationships, or women in general?

Because men don't focus inside, they focus outside. Men see the world around them—women feel the world within them.

Women are very emotional creatures (don't you just love 'em?). Men see the world through reason and logic—they systemize, while women feel the world through emotions and feelings—they empathize. Women have always been credited with having an inordinate amount of intuition, or 'gut feelings', but it really is just a heightened awareness of their 'feeling' senses, being so emotionally in tune to everything around them.

I remember years ago taking part in a witness accuracy test. The 'Witness Test' was an attempt to test the reliability of witness's testimony in the courtroom, or related to the law at the actual scene of the crime. The test consisted of a film and a questionnaire. The film was a short clip of a crime taking place. They showed the film to both men and women, then they passed out the 'Witness Questionnaire'. The questionnaire had various questions about the scene, such as what color shirt was the man wearing; how tall was the man; any tattoos; facial features, such as did he have facial hair, or a big nose; what was his body build; what state was the license on the car registered to; etc; as well as place for the person to write a brief report describing what he or she had witnessed. Invariably the men scored very high in given accurate details—but the women, ugh! They remembered feelings and emotions... "I felt frightened" "He was sweating" "The victim was crying" "It all happened so fast, but I think he looked very mean" "She was scared, I wanted to hold her and comfort her" "I felt sorry for her"...

....Women feel or sense the world around them and men watch or observe the world around them...

....That's why women's emotional needs are very, very high, and why men may 'notice' these needs, but they notice it purely on an 'observer' level, and not on an understanding or empathetic level.

For the most part, though, men tend to deal with their unpleasant emotions by—not denial—but by looking beyond them, whereas women get caught up in the web of emotions. A good example of what I am getting at is in these quotes: "The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to support you long enough to enable you to reach for something higher" (by Thomas Henry Huxley). This quote is suitable for men. Not for women! Here would be a more defined quote for a woman: "Life is not advancement. It is growth. It does not move upward, but expands outward, in all directions." (by Russell G. Alexander). See, women aspire to go 'deeper' whereas men aspire to reach 'higher'. Success to a woman is to delve inward, explore, and then take this exploration outward and touch the world around her. Success to a man would be to see higher and not let anything inward or outward impede his upward climb. Women need to delve inward to see outward (translate to feel). Women sense their environment. Men need to look beyond and upward in order to envision their summit (translate tosee). Men envision their environment.

A man's number one priority is to achieve status, which he needs independence in order to achieve. Whereas, opposing that, a woman's number one priority is to achieve involvement, which she needs connectivity in order to achieve. This creates an ongoing battle between the sexes.

The problem arises when women obsess over the details of a man's actions and behavior. Women's ever-rationalizing minds are always trying to make things more significant than they really are. They are continuously looking for certain patterns, reasons, and explanations to everything man does, and they put an over abundance of importance to each word said, falsely believing that man's every action means something significant and profound. This is why they sometimes mistake something a man does as a 'sign' that something is amiss in his life, with his feelings for her, or in their relationship itself. A simple afternoon of him going off fishing to her may mean that he doesn't want to be around her, or that he is unhappy in the relationship—but to him, hey, he just went fishing. Whereas she is at home dwelling, and obsessing, and fearing over his 'motives' to go fishing, he is just out 'fishing'. By the time he gets back from fishing she is waiting for him, all emotional—possibly either sad or angry. She may even request that they have a 'talk' about their relationship 'problems', and this utterly confuses him. What problems? He didn't know they had problems! And then he starts complaining, as all men do, that women are too 'emotional', and she will start complaining, as all women do, that men are insensitive.

See a man's relationship just 'exists' to him. It's just 'there'. He doesn't have to think about it, he doesn't need to dwell on it, and he definitely doesn't feel the need to 'analyze' it to death. But she does. Her relationship is her whole world and so she must make sure it is perfect. So she obsesses and dwells and analyzes and scrutinizes and examines and worries and so on and so on—to its death. She can't ever just 'let it be'.

To a man a relationship is just something that he is in, not doing or having. To a woman her relationship takes on an entity of its own. It becomes a living, breathing appendage of her, much like an offspring would be, and she must watch it very carefully and tend to it constantly to keep her 'child' alive.

A funny thing happens while she is obsessing over him and their relationship, and possibly—out of fear—reading simple things like his fishing one afternoon, as a sign that things are going wrong. She starts to feel like it's all falling apart! So she then begins to feel 'incomplete', unattractive, and insecure. Another funny thing happens, too, when a woman obsesses and dwells over her partner and her relationship: The more she dwells on it, the more 'power' she gives both to her partner and to her relationship. And then the more dependent she becomes on them. When something begins to have so much power (to her), she thinks of it as being far more important to her survival than it really is. This dependency—coupled with her feelings of incompleteness, unattractiveness, and insecurity—causes her to become needy and clingy, and constantly unhappy with the relationship... whereas she then starts striving to 'fix' him or their relationship. Which, ironically, can often times be the actual cause and true onset of relationship problems. Most men will not be too happy with a partner that lacks self-esteem and is too dependent; needy; suffocating; clingy; insecure; complaining; or emotionally volatile. These are men's biggest turn-offs!

And what does she do if she does get a good man? Out of fear of losing him, she becomes hypervigilant to him. She starts finding faults and flaws in him and begins her 'fixing' program. She feels that more power will be added to her self-esteem and ego if she can 'fix' him. Thus, the huge attraction to the 'bad boy' image. So now we know that most women do obsess over their men, and their relationships, and that therefore they have a constant need to fix and improve their men. But what really is happening here is that basically, and unknowingly, she is giving out the signal to her man that she is 'unhappy' with him, and that who he is isn't good enough; or that he is wrong; bad; flawed; or faulty. So now we have a man who is with a women that is not only 'over emotional', but also needy, nagging, clingy, and telling him that who he is is wrong! And she let's him know that she is unhappy.

Unfortunately, a man's primary relationship goal is to keep his women happy! Her unhappiness makes him feel even more like a failure—when he is around her!

While many women are lacking in self-esteem it is mostly because women feel they need to be in a relationship with a perfect and doting man in order to be 'successful' in their lives. They need these two things to feel good about themselves and their 'achievements'. Unfortunately, nobody has ever told them that they really don't need a man to feel good about themselves, they just need to become more aware of—and in control of—their emotions.

And that, my friends, is how some women chase their men away.

Article by Tigress Luv - An Exclusive Writer for Breakup Magazine
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Wow, deep indeed.

Especially this part that stood out to me:

To a man a relationship is just something that he is in, not doing or having. To a woman her relationship takes on an entity of its own. It becomes a living, breathing appendage of her, much like an offspring would be, and she must watch it very carefully and tend to it constantly to keep her 'child' alive.
I must admit...I have been guilty of that whole, "hypervigilance" thing...reading waaaay too much into simple things than what is needed. (such as the fishing story from the essay) Anyone else done this?
I must admit...I have been guilty of that whole, "hypervigilance" thing...reading waaaay too much into simple things than what is needed. (such as the fishing story from the essay) Anyone else done this?

I think we all have! I know I have.

I think it's just part of our nature as women, unfortunately!
Great article! A couple of parts hit home.

The last guy I dated said that I tend to hang on to EVERY word..I'm always trying to find the motives of everything which leaves me an emotional wreck. I'm working on just letting things "be". :yep:
Great article! A couple of parts hit home.

The last guy I dated said that I tend to hang on to EVERY word..I'm always trying to find the motives of everything which leaves me an emotional wreck. I'm working on just letting things "be". :yep:

wouldn't things be so much more peaceful if we could mentally REST? :grin: I feel you. RELAX, mamas! Let him do his thing and you do yours and meet in the middle where the love is!
Women's ever-rationalizing minds are always trying to make things more significant than they really are. They are continuously looking for certain patterns, reasons, and explanations to everything man does, and they put an over abundance of importance to each word said, falsely believing that man's every action means something significant and profound. This is why they sometimes mistake something a man does as a 'sign' that something is amiss in his life, with his feelings for her, or in their relationship itself.

so embarrassing! :blush:

I must admit...I have been guilty of that whole, "hypervigilance" thing...reading waaaay too much into simple things than what is needed. (such as the fishing story from the essay) Anyone else done this?

:yep: :sad: :yep: I wish I could say no!

so embarrassing! :blush:


Right?!! Embarrassing indeed. I am just getting to the point where I realize it is just a relationship, it has it's place, you know? There is so much more to life than your relationship. Really. And sometimes we forget just how much pleasure we get out of so many other things (like shopping/finding a new restaurant/learning to knit lol) other than our relationship. Sometimes my little mind gets to working and I just have to tell it to shut the heck up and chill:lol: :look: :lol:.
:yep: :sad: :yep: I wish I could say no!

Right?!! Embarrassing indeed. I am just getting to the point where I realize it is just a relationship, it has it's place, you know? There is so much more to life than your relationship. Really. And sometimes we forget just how much pleasure we get out of so many other things (like shopping/finding a new restaurant/learning to knit lol) other than our relationship. Sometimes my little mind gets to working and I just have to tell it to shut the heck up and chill:lol: :look: :lol:.


So true! I love your comment! Meanwhile, the rest of the world is moving and things are events...serious humanitarian issues...LIFE...friends, family, culture, politics, revolutions....but I'm mad because dude has another meeting and forgot to kiss me three times and grab my booty before he walked out the door! :lol:

So true! I love your comment! Meanwhile, the rest of the world is moving and things are events...serious humanitarian issues...LIFE...friends, family, culture, politics, revolutions....but I'm mad because dude has another meeting and forgot to kiss me three times and grab my booty before he walked out the door! :lol:

:lachen:Love it! You are so funny.:lachen:
Wow...what a great article Smuckie. Thanks for this. :up:

I must admit...I have been guilty of that whole, "hypervigilance" thing...reading waaaay too much into simple things than what is needed. (such as the fishing story from the essay) Anyone else done this?

*raises hand* Guilty as charged! :ohwell: I've done it more times than I like to admit. Plus, add to the fact that I was a psychology major in school...UGH...that just = disaster!! I'm so ashamed at some of the conclusions I have jumped to, the OVERanalyzing, etc. :nono: I think all women have done this in one point or another though. It's a "woman" thing. LOL!

wouldn't things be so much more peaceful if we could mentally REST? :grin: I feel you. RELAX, mamas! Let him do his thing and you do yours and meet in the middle where the love is!

This is so true. :yep: I'm learning now days to just relax, and I'm trying hard not to read more into every little thing when there probably isn't even anything to dissect! It just makes you crazy and act psycho! :dizzy:
[vent on]

I understand what the the article is getting at and the mistakes that many women make. I guess I'm getting tired of these books and articles that make women seem pathetic, a slave to their feelings and emotions, as if they don't or cannot think logically. The so-called 'experts' seem to suggest that women are inherently irrational beings, hence the "hysterical woman."

I'm just tired of women being blamed for everything while men don't seem to be held accountable for the relationship on any level. Men want relationships, too. Why is it that I seldom read an article that holds men's feet to the fire; one that points out his shortcomings and his inability to be responsible in relationships? These diatribes often seem to chastize women for who they are and their mistakes, as if women are inherently emotionally unstable. Never are men broken down on such a level, which seems to suggest that they are incapable of feeling empathy for the other. This does a disservice to men as well and doesn't give them enough credit.

I guess I'm just tired of accepting the blame. Why can't men be responsible in relationships, too? Why is all the work and effort on women's shoulders? That's all I'm saying.

[/vent off]
[vent on]

I understand what the the article is getting at and the mistakes that many women make. I guess I'm getting tired of these books and articles that make women seem pathetic, a slave to their feelings and emotions, as if they don't or cannot think logically. The so-called 'experts' seem to suggest that women are inherently irrational beings, hence the "hysterical woman."

I'm just tired of women being blamed for everything while men don't seem to be held accountable for the relationship on any level. Men want relationships, too. Why is it that I seldom read an article that holds men's feet to the fire; one that points out his shortcomings and his inability to be responsible in relationships? These diatribes often seem to chastize women for who they are and their mistakes, as if women are inherently emotionally unstable. Never are men broken down on such a level, which seems to suggest that they are incapable of feeling empathy for the other. This does a disservice to men as well and doesn't give them enough credit.

I guess I'm just tired of accepting the blame. Why can't men be responsible in relationships, too? Why is all the work and effort on women's shoulders? That's all I'm saying.

[/vent off]

I've read plenty of articles like this and seen plenty of books like this. (geared toward men making changes) They are out there. It's probably just rare to see them both in one work unless it's a series like "Men are from Mars/Women are from Venus." But, there are a plethora of works imploring men to take a look in the mirror and do better in love relationships.

It's just, at the end of the day, I really cannot change anyone. I can only have my standards and be clear about who I am in a relationship and what I bring. It's exhaustive and ineffective to try and fix someone else. That is their own job. If the relationship doesn't match up to my standards, being clear that my standards are reasonable and not "hypervigilant", then I could KIM.

I just liked the article because women DO have a tendency to be slightly irrational sometimes when they are emotionally involved. It's the truth and it's high time we admit it. Sure we are capable of doing better but how do we do better when we haven't even noticed what the problem is?

I dunno, we can only focus on one issue at a time. We have plenty of discussions here dealing with mens' issues in relationships. This one, just happens to be about US and what WE do. I don't see anything so wrong with that. The article made me chuckle and also helped me see where I can relax a bit more. It was a relief of sorts.
^^^ Yeah, I take no issue with the content of the article, nor the central theme and points being made. At the end of the day, we are indeed responsible for our own happiness and it's the case that we must take charge and be held accountable for our own mistakes. There is just so much pressure being put especially on women as far as building and maintaining relationships. I think men are often put off the hook, and none of these experts can tell us why there is such a high divorce rate and so many unhealthy relationships. It takes two in a relationship; I just get the overwhelming feeling that the brunt of that is put on women. We do tend to let men off the hook and I wonder if that's why so many of them feel that they don't have to be responsible for them. As this article puts: it is women who see relationships as beings in themselves...things that must be shaped and fixed. No wonder why things fall apart if the other half of the relationship is unconcerned with wanting to fix and improve relationships.
^^^ Yeah, I take no issue with the content of the article, nor the central theme and points being made. At the end of the day, we are indeed responsible for our own happiness and it's the case that we must take charge and be held accountable for our own mistakes. There is just so much pressure being put especially on women as far as building and maintaining relationships. I think men are often put off the hook, and none of these experts can tell us why there is such a high divorce rate and so many unhealthy relationships. It takes two in a relationship; I just get the overwhelming feeling that the brunt of that is put on women. We do tend to let men off the hook and I wonder if that's why so many of them feel that they don't have to be responsible for them. As this article puts: it is women who see relationships as beings in themselves...things that must be shaped and fixed. No wonder why things fall apart if the other half of the relationship is unconcerned with wanting to fix and improve relationships.

I hear you. And, you know what? The toughest part of the article and real life relationships, IMO seems to be the notion that for men...the priority is success/status/power while for women the priority is love/security/family/relationship. If we are not both prioritizing this thing then how can it be expectedto be successful? I don't know if it's true with all men, but I do see with a LOT of relationships that men follow their professional pursuits first and foremost while doing their best to keep their wives happy whereas women seem to have their marriage and family on the front burner and then professional pursuits directly behind that. Look at the Obamas...Barack has never ceased to pursue where his heart led matter whether Michelle was up for it or not. She had to come along for the ride. Must be kind of tough sometimes.
Men and women are different.

When I have a hard day, I want to come home and vent to my husband. He immediately goes into fix mode. He starts offering suggestions, ideas, asking what he can do.

As a woman, I used to get offended because this approach made me feel like he was undermining my feelings. He thinks he can just swoop in and fix my problems.

Yet, when he had a bad day, he would come home, vent, and I would just listen. Nod, rub his back. Say, "that sucks."

As a man, he would get offended and think I didn't care, because I didn't offer any suggestions to fix it.

Men for the most part don't talk to each other just to vent. They will offer up their problems because they want the guys to give them suggestions to fix it, whether it be practical, or settling down to play video games or drink.

So what we started doing, is when I talk to DH, he will ask me whether I want him to listen or him to fix it.

It makes a world of a difference.

When I listen to him, I affirm him, and offer suggestions.
[vent on]

I understand what the the article is getting at and the mistakes that many women make. I guess I'm getting tired of these books and articles that make women seem pathetic, a slave to their feelings and emotions, as if they don't or cannot think logically. The so-called 'experts' seem to suggest that women are inherently irrational beings, hence the "hysterical woman."

I'm just tired of women being blamed for everything while men don't seem to be held accountable for the relationship on any level. Men want relationships, too. Why is it that I seldom read an article that holds men's feet to the fire; one that points out his shortcomings and his inability to be responsible in relationships? These diatribes often seem to chastize women for who they are and their mistakes, as if women are inherently emotionally unstable. Never are men broken down on such a level, which seems to suggest that they are incapable of feeling empathy for the other. This does a disservice to men as well and doesn't give them enough credit.

I guess I'm just tired of accepting the blame. Why can't men be responsible in relationships, too? Why is all the work and effort on women's shoulders? That's all I'm saying.

[/vent off]

Although I agree with the majority of the article, you do make some very good points. :yep: These are things I've often wondered myself. A relationship is a two-way street. It can't always be the woman's fault. :rolleyes:
Why would God make men and women so different and yet want us to still be together? It shouldn't be so hard. Both parties must work at it. When only one party gets the brunt of the responsibility, the other is let off the hook and now we have no many men who refuse to take full ownership of their relationship reponsibilities. We as women must work to improve ourselves and we have to allow men to be men. At the same time, however, we must also hold our men accountable and not be so quick to point the finger inwards. We make it too easy for men and that's why they won't do what they need to do.

NOTE: I'm not asserting that ALL men are this way, but according to the article, since we are wired differently, we need to be proactive, expecting them to do their part as well.
haven't read this yet but its a good idea to have a book "How Men Chase Their Women Away". i think some times we place them on to high of a pedestal in our lives.
Just a quick thot that my pastor always mentions. These differences will cause issues if we let them. Men and women were created differently so that we would COMPLEMENT eachother. The objective isn't to change who you are (because you're made that way for a reason) but to put your faith in God ultimately and give your partner what he needs the most IMO.
Just a quick thot that my pastor always mentions. These differences will cause issues if we let them. Men and women were created differently so that we would COMPLEMENT eachother. The objective isn't to change who you are (because you're made that way for a reason) but to put your faith in God ultimately and give your partner what he needs the most IMO.

I like that. Good advice. :yep: