Check out my Granny's waist length hair.

What a lovely picture, Your grandmother is beautiful, the entire family is lovely. Everyones hair looks so nice, thanks for sharing, its very, very encouraging.
AFashionSlave said:
Here folks. I know i'm late but, I'll post it again.

Wow!!:eek: Gone head Grandma!!!:lol:
Finally after all these years I get to see the waistlength grandma hair!!! She and the hair are gorgeous... I wonder what she used to get those spirals.... I get something similar with flexirods on dry hair...

Thanks for sharing this. What else did she say about haircare? How did she wear her hair on a daily basis?
I'm loving the suit the woman on the end is wearing. I'd rock that today. She has to be your mommy, right? To be sure, all the women have on slammin' outfits. I love older fashion.

Your Granny had it goin' on! I remember when this pic was first posted but I can't remember if I replied or not...:look:

But to be 35 and have all those girls, she looked young, and healthy, and she could have been one of the girls, herself and that hair is gorgeous! That's the hair I would love to have! Simply beautiful.
AFashionSlave said:
Here folks. I know i'm late but, I'll post it again.


beautiful family! I notice all the girls have nice thick healthy looking hair also!!!!

and grandma was HOT!! lovely hair! thanks for sharing!:)
patient1 said:
I'm loving the suit the woman on the end is wearing. I'd rock that today. She has to be your mommy, right? To be sure, all the women have on slammin' outfits. I love older fashion.


My mother is the tall one, she is the second from the right.

Thanks for the complements ladies!
Her hair is sooo darn beautiful. I agree, all the girls looked to have thick full hair.

My mom said she had waist length hair and i didn't believe that. lol She pulled out her wedding picture and I was like...WOW. I guess when you are not use to seeing hair all down black women's back,(weave not included in this statement) you don't think it's possible. (Now this was years ago when I was teenager. I know better now. lol)
Caramela said:
Finally after all these years I get to see the waistlength grandma hair!!! She and the hair are gorgeous... I wonder what she used to get those spirals.... I get something similar with flexirods on dry hair...

Thanks for sharing this. What else did she say about haircare? How did she wear her hair on a daily basis?

Sorry, It took me so long to reply.
My grandmother rolled her hair with strips of brown paper bags back in those days.
That is a very nice pic. I feel the same way about all of those products too. My grandmother who had waist lenght natural hair inspired me to go natrual. She lived in Haiti so I know she wasn't stressing over any hair products or extreme regime. There is something to be said about simplicity. Thats is why now, I just try to keep my hair in a protected at night and wear protective styles as much as I can stand because that is the only thing that my grand did. Also, she was eating organically so diet is another thing to consider.
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Re: Check out my Granny\'s waist length hair.

AFashionSlave said:
She uses shampoo: any cheap store brand
She combs through her hair (while using no products)and puts it in big braids while it dries.
After her hair is dry she then uses petroleum based grease Royal Crown or Blue Magic (the blue or the green one)
She presses and curls her hair over a gas stove.

You know, my grandmothers hair was to her knees and she pretty much followed the same regimen. Shampoo, air dry, grease, and sometimes she pressed it. Every now and then when she didn't have grease she would use olive oil, but she never used conditioner either. I think she told me she uses soap sometimes!

She cut all her hair off about 15 years ago in mourning when my grandfather passed, but It's to her butt now and she still follows the same regimen.

....and me with all my potions, widgets, and a whole bss in my closet:p
and my hair and shoulders are still strangers:lol:
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Re: Check out my Granny\'s waist length hair.

What a beautiful family. Grandma is gorgeous!! I love how she has an agonizingly simple regimine. Truly inspirational. :Rose:
AFashionSlave said:
Sorry, It took me so long to reply.
My grandmother rolled her hair with strips of brown paper bags back in those days.

Your family is gorgeous, FashionSlave!!!!!

I have to digress: The brown paper bag rollers just sent me way back in the day!!!! :lol: I also used to make rollers out of old SPAM cans, too (metal strips wrapped with paper or paper toweling)!!!!:lachen: I’m only 27, though, but my mom taught me all the "old-school" tricks.

The family hair is beautiful and granny is the bomb...She's so pretty and young looking:)

I bet grand dad had to beat the other men off with a bat.
Re: Check out my Granny\'s waist length hair.

Go Grandma! Go Grandma! Love her hair, her shoes are bangin too!