Cheaper silk bonnet

La Colocha

New Member
Ladies i am looking for a silk bonnet. I found a site that sells them, i did my reaserch on reviews and they sound nice, but my mind won't let me spend that much money on a bonnet. Is there anywhere with 100% silk bonnets for cheaper? Or is that how much i may have to pay for silk?

Here is the website

psa: I have never purchased from this company before, use at your own discretion.
I had to leave the bonnets alone...the elastic was rubbing my edges out. I like the 100% silk scarves better. :grin:

I have a silk scarf but it keeps sliding off my head. What i do now is put on the scarf then put my bonnet over it. But it hurts the side of my ears.
thank you magnolia, i have one of those now. But i would like to try silk to see the difference. I just don't want to spend alot of money.

Oh ok.. From what I have seen, Tenderhead has the cheapest price for pure silk. Hopefully someone has a different idea, im interested also.
I have a silk scarf but it keeps sliding off my head. What i do now is put on the scarf then put my bonnet over it. But it hurts the side of my ears.

That used to happen to me too cause i sleep like wild child! :lachen:But after i bought a satin pillowcase from Sally's, my scarf stays on all night.
I have a Friend that is a Seamtress. She was suppose to be making me some and some Satin Pillowcases.

If I got them: You Did.................:look::lachen: And that was back in January.

Let me know what you find tho'
I have a Friend that is a Seamtress. She was suppose to be making me some and some Satin Pillowcases.

If I got them: You Did.................:look::lachen: And that was back in January.

Let me know what you find tho'

you know what, dang my mom is here visiting and she can sew. She can just look at you and make you something that fits perfect, but the fabric store is closed today and she's leaving tommorrow. I'll let you know. Then i will have her make me some, but i need one now.
you know what, dang my mom is here visiting and she can sew. She can just look at you and make you something that fits perfect, but the fabric store is closed today and she's leaving tommorrow. I'll let you know. Then i will have her make me some, but i need one now.

Yeah Girl, Have her Hook You Up. She can at least make you some Pillowcases. And it wouldn't take her no time to whip you up a couple bonnets too.:grin: All she has to do is run some elastic or whatever through the base of it.

I wish I could sew.:rolleyes:
Yeah Girl, Have her Hook You Up. She can at least make you some Pillowcases. And it wouldn't take her no time to whip you up a couple bonnets too.:grin: All she has to do is run some elastic or whatever through the base of it.

I wish I could sew.:rolleyes:

Ot: I can sew but not like her, My singer is sitting here getting rusty, i should learn how to make my own.:yep: Colocha's Silk Bonnets, that can be my side hustle:lachen:.
I had to leave the bonnets alone...the elastic was rubbing my edges out. I like the 100% silk scarves better. :grin:
Thanks for sharing this. I believe that this is what is happening to my hairline, too. I was noticing that my hairline was looking a tab bit thinned out but I attributed that to my relaxer and having fine hair.
Ok, thank you cch and thank you to everyone for thier help and suggestions. Im going to get one of the pretty wraps on sale and let you all know how i like it when i get it.:yep:
This is cute. Have You tried? What is the Cap underneath? I wonder if it's Hot. :perplexed I can't stand for my head to get hot.

Lemme go back and re-read. I have a problem with mine sliding off a coupla' times a night as well.:look:

i hope i'm quoting you correctly, i have no idea how to do it. lol. the cap underneath is just like a bonnet, and the scarf on top makes it look more stylish than your bonnet, and i also tie it tightly if i want my new growth to lay down. its very lightweight because its silk. i have the strawberry ice one, and i love it.
^I just ordered a strawberry prettywrap, 9.99 are you out of your mind, couldn't pass that up. Thanks
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I have a pretty wrap and absolutely love it. I don't have problems with it coming off at night. The elastic is getting a but stretched out but all I have to do is tie the scarf part tighter and it stays on.
i just recently bought this...been usingg it for 3 months now and it does my edges well. No direct contact with the elastic and it does not slip off at night. Its worth it, IMO

Why am i now just hearing about this. Share the wealth ladies, lol:lachen:
Yall hiding stuff.
I go to Goodwill, buy silk scarves, give them a good hand wash and call it a day.

Girl the goodwill where i live has nothing. They were asking people to donate clothes because people aren't donating stuff anymore. I'd be good if i could find a bandana there:nono:.
So pretty antoinet's was high? It's the only one that looks like a real silk bonnet.. Is that one from prettywrap real silk? It looked like it was friends with Polly and Esther...:look:
So pretty antoinet's was high? It's the only one that looks like a real silk bonnet.. Is that one from prettywrap real silk? It looked like it was friends with Polly and Esther...:look:

lol! the website does make it look pretty cheap, but its 100% silk.