Challenges 2018

These are the challenges I would want to do next year.
  1. That Girl 2018
  2. Fly Lady
  3. Nutrition, Water, & Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge
  4. Ayurvedic Hair Care Challenge
  5. Max(imize) Your Hair Retention Challenge
  6. Use (Up) Your Stash Challenge
  7. Hair Photo Documentation Challenge
The Max Your Hair Retention Challenge would allow me to create an initial post detailing what I believe would give me maximum retention.

Then each weekend I could post what I will do for the upcoming week to maximize my hair retention. In 7 days (next weekend), I post again: I tell whether I stuck to the plan, whether I feel what I did was effective, and what the plan for the UPCOMING week is.

This will allow me to put my ends care, detangling techniques/frequency, protective styling, and overnight care plans all in place.

Again, just thinking aloud!

I want a retention-focused thread that doesn't force me to do any particular thing week after week but allows for flexibility.

That said, perhaps the various INCHES threads are already this???
The wig challenge has all of that. You should check that out. I don’t want to come off as a jerk, but I like I said, I would like a challenge that is strictly for dealing with your own hair. There was one this year, but I wash my hair too much, so I couldn’t participate in that, and that was ok. I didn’t harp on it. I went to something that I could participate in.

Maybe a damp bunning challenge would be good for you. How often do you wash your hair?
The wig challenge has all of that. You should check that out. I don’t want to come off as a jerk, but I like I said, I would like a challenge that is strictly for dealing with your own hair. There was one this year, but I wash my hair too much, so I couldn’t participate in that, and that was ok. I didn’t harp on it. I went to something that I could participate in.
You’re not coming off as a jerk. I suggested two challenges for a reason. I respect your opinion. The forum is big enough for spin offs, so we can all have options that fit our desires.
These are the challenges I would want to do next year.
  1. That Girl 2018
  2. Fly Lady
  3. Nutrition, Water, & Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge
  4. Ayurvedic Hair Care Challenge
  5. Max(imize) Your Hair Retention Challenge
  6. Use (Up) Your Stash Challenge
  7. Hair Photo Documentation Challenge
The Max Your Hair Retention Challenge would allow me to create an initial post detailing what I believe would give me maximum retention.

Then each weekend I could post what I will do for the upcoming week to maximize my hair retention. In 7 days (next weekend), I post again: I tell whether I stuck to the plan, whether I feel what I did was effective, and what the plan for the UPCOMING week is.

This will allow me to put my ends care, detangling techniques/frequency, protective styling, and overnight care plans all in place.

Again, just thinking aloud!

I want a retention-focused thread that doesn't force me to do any particular thing week after week but allows for flexibility.

That said, perhaps the various INCHES threads are already this???

What's the difference between That Girl and Fly Lady?
These are the challenges I would want to do next year.
  1. That Girl 2018
  2. Fly Lady
  3. Nutrition, Water, & Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge
  4. Ayurvedic Hair Care Challenge
  5. Max(imize) Your Hair Retention Challenge
  6. Use (Up) Your Stash Challenge
  7. Hair Photo Documentation Challenge
The Max Your Hair Retention Challenge would allow me to create an initial post detailing what I believe would give me maximum retention.

Then each weekend I could post what I will do for the upcoming week to maximize my hair retention. In 7 days (next weekend), I post again: I tell whether I stuck to the plan, whether I feel what I did was effective, and what the plan for the UPCOMING week is.

This will allow me to put my ends care, detangling techniques/frequency, protective styling, and overnight care plans all in place.

Again, just thinking aloud!

I want a retention-focused thread that doesn't force me to do any particular thing week after week but allows for flexibility.

That said, perhaps the various INCHES threads are already this???
I do think the 2 inches in 4 months could work for you. I don't know the details of the 12 inches in 12 months but that may work for you as well.
Is there already a Fitness Journey type of challenge yet for 2018? I’ve finally got my butt in gear and would love something like the Hits sand Misses thread on fitness/health products but for actual workouts. I saw a weightlifting one...
Are there enough people interested in a Fitness Challenge 2018?
Is there already a Fitness Journey type of challenge yet for 2018? I’ve finally got my butt in gear and would love something like the Hits sand Misses thread on fitness/health products but for actual workouts. I saw a weightlifting one...
Are there enough people interested in a Fitness Challenge 2018?

I'm interested. My number three goal for 2018 is to have an amazing body and a wonderful energy level.

I don't really know what already exists. I know there are several threads.
Im personally looking forward to the the annual:
52 Mondays
52 Books in 52 Weeks
Kid Challenge

I like these aforementioned ideas:
Hide Your Hair (wig inclusive) challenge.
Nutrition, Water and Exercise (Not weight loss but FITNESS!!!)

Random Thought:
Just throwing this out there but I wonder if there are any small business owners on here that would like to do a challenge/accountability/group thread.

Which forum is the kid challenge in?
I was thinking about the old boot camp challenges that we used to have, those were great!

I need the nail your regimen challenge. I haven't had a solid regimen (or much interest in my hair) since before I left for grad school. That needs to change.

I plan to start roller setting again, and would like to participate with that challenge. I was going to suck it up and start going to salons again, but that is not a good idea. I'm going set until summer.
Again, just thinking aloud.

Stay Within a Hair Budget Challenge
Initial post: Think through how often you need to purchase whatever you use for your hair. Include ingredients (oils, powders, etc.), disposable processing caps, vitamins, shipping fees, etc. Based on these purchasing needs, ballpark a monthly budget. Have a monthly reward for staying under budget (massage from spouse, favorite meal, "coupon" from real-life accountability partner to purchase "dream" product, etc.). Determine what your emergency pass is (1 product, an amount such as $15, etc). You get one pass per month.

Monthly end-of-the-month-posts: Post how you did and where you're at.

Example format for the monthly post
  • Did you stay within your budget these month? (yes or no):
  • Did you use your monthly pass? (passes don't factor into the calculation of amount spent):
  • By how much are you over or under budget YEAR-TO-DATE?: -$5.27 means that accounting for the year so far, you have spent $5.27 less than your monthly budget permits and can use it in the future . . . But +$3.21 would mean you spent $3.21 more than you budgeted, and you need to try to amend it the next month (i.e. spend at least $3.21 under budget).
Honey I'm not even tryin' this one. I would only be fooling myself :lol:. Although, heaven knows I can really use it!

That thread confuses me. One of my first posts was there, to ask a question, get a feel for things, "meet" people, and I was PROMPTLY chastised for breaking the protocol of posting randomly there. Lol! Ouch!

As I continued reading others' random posts there, and watching all the spending, I stayed confused and a little hurt. Lol. Someone PM'd me to ignore the chastising and to understand what it meant. And she confirmed that I wasn't crazy to not be able to see how it was a Use 1, Buy 1 thread. I got it! :up:

Oh dear :dighole:!
Ethiopian rollers? What are those?

They are also called hourglass rollers. They are shaped like an hourglass with tiny rounded teeth. They increase tension so you can achieve a smoother rollerset. I want them so bad, but I didn't see a Black Friday special.
Hide Your Hair challenge would be great. I'll participate in the one that includes faux hair.

Also the Crown and Glory challenge was lit back in the day! It helped me grow my relaxed hair to WL.

Was the crown and glory challenge mainly about keeping hair in braids?
Are you still WL?
They are also called hourglass rollers. They are shaped like an hourglass with tiny rounded teeth. They increase tension so you can achieve a smoother rollerset. I want them so bad, but I didn't see a Black Friday special.

Those sound perfect for what I need! I'm going to do some research and if I see a cheaper price I will let you know. Thank you ma'am.