Challenges 2018

Will anyone be hosting a "Styling Challenge 2018" challenge?

I would, but I can't. This challenge would be SUPER simple:
  1. Challenge yourself to mastering a style OR
  2. Challenge yourself to sticking to a particular sequence of styles from one wash day to the next.
Proceed in rounds, and you determine how long your round will last. Once that round is up, start a new round (a new styling challenge).

  1. This round, are you challenging yourself to [A] master a STYLE or stick to a STYLING SEQUENCE from one wash day to the next?
  2. If you are aiming to master a style, what style are you trying to master?
  3. If you are aiming to stick to a styling sequence from one wash day to the next, what is the sequence of styles you aim to wear on wash day and then on each day until next wash day?
  4. Post pictures and/or updates as appropriate!
  5. Once you feel you are ready to master or stick to something else, announce your new challenge for Round 2.
Thanks for starting this thread, @faithVA. :smile:

I'm just thinking aloud and brainstorming. These may already exist in some form.
  • Hair Care Consistency Challenge
    What (all) do you want to be consistent about in 2018? List it, and report back every week, two weeks, or month, as appropriate.

I need THIS!^^^ :yep:

I am so unconsistent with myhair care lately. I don't even deep condition like I used to, let alone, buy the deep conditioners! :nono: Just co-wash every 3 days add my leave in, oil and gel and rock a bun most of the time. I need to step my gae back up, talking bout trying to reach TBL :nono: