Challenges 2018

I'd like to see just ONE Ayurveda Challenge. We've had several challenges that were all essentially Ayurvedic Challenges (i.e. There was something about clay/tea/etc, one literally about the CP growth oil and another one about the CP regimen). I was so confused that I just didn't join any of them LOL.
I'd join that with the quickness.
I'd be willing to host a protective style challenge since I'll be in faux locs all year. The challenge would include wigs, weaves, crochets, braids, etc and styles that don't include extensions (braids/buns with your own hair) and you'd have the freedom to switch from say a wig to a sew in or wear your hair out (with a "pass") for a short period of time. I'd include weekly styling (some can't go 2 weeks without cleansing their scalp) if you're wearing a bun, twists or updo and not manipulating your hair daily. Wouldn't want to exclude sensitive scalp folks or have them risking a setback.
Will start the 2018 Protective Style Challenge thread on December 17th.
Rethinking, because I want to try to keep it simple/streamlined next year . . . I think if I could do the following challenges, this would cover all I want to focus on:

  • That Girl
  • Consistency and Time Management Challenge 2018
    (but I think this might work best as a GENERAL consistency and time management challenge for anything pertaining to life, :lol:. I'm not sure which forum this would go under.)
  • Nutrition, Exercise, and Water for Hair Growth Challenge 2018
  • CurlyProverbz-Inspired Regimen Challenge 2018
  • Hair Styling Challenge 2018
  • 2 Inches in 4 Months Challenge
  • 52 Weekly Savings Challenge (or whatever it's called)
  • Fly Lady thread participation
I'd like to see just ONE Ayurveda Challenge. We've had several challenges that were all essentially Ayurvedic Challenges (i.e. There was something about clay/tea/etc, one literally about the CP growth oil and another one about the CP regimen). I was so confused that I just didn't join any of them LOL.
I'd join that with the quickness.

Yes. Several overlap. At this point, this is how I stay unconfused.

Going forward I will consider the oil thread and the "tell me about your experience with ayurvedic PRODUCTS" as simply sources of information, not challenges.

If I only want to try ayurvedic recipes here and there, among other things, I will join the coffea, tea, honey, avj, acv, ayurveda, etc. challenge. It has GREAT information!

If I want to design and follow an entire ayurvedic hair care regimen and do mini challenges and so forth, I will join the CurlyProverbz-inspired Regimen Challenge.

I host the latter. I have informally polled the participants and lurkers. There are enough that don't want to lose the thread, their information in it, their momentum via it, etc.

We decided to do it for 2018 and reevaluate. If there is just too much overlap and no need for it or benefit from it, we won't continue in 2019.

That's as balanced an approach I could find.

I feel you: :yep:. These threads overlap greatly.
I will join the restore your crown and edges challenge if you host it. I’m not into length check challenges right now. But growing 2 inches and restoring my crown is up my alley.
I just want to have a thread where the Challenge is managing your hair without the use of fake hair. I don’t see getting braids, weaves, etc a challenge. That’s giving your hair a break and not really dealing with it. That is also a long term protective style.
What does that mean though? What is the actual challenge? Managing your hair? What does managing your hair consist of? Just curious
What does that mean though? What is the actual challenge? Managing your hair? What does managing your hair consist of? Just curious
Like a bun challenge, or hide your hair without the use of faux hair. You can only work with the hair on your own head. Most women rely on using faux hair to get them over the hump of something, or not figuring out how to style and care for their own hair, so they just weave it, or wig it. How many people do you know transistioned, dealt with damage, or being newly natural, and just go, get a wig, or sew-in instead of figuring out how to handle/manage their own hair? That’s why I consider it a challenge. So washing, conditioning, styling, without added hair, while trying to grow it to certain lengths, etc is a big task for women with highly textured hair.. I mean that’s why we all are essentially here.
And being in a challenge where somebody is coming up with ways on how to handle their own hair without getting a weave, Crochet, braid extensions, or a wig is someone I would like to swap ideas and gain support and encouragement from. For someone that doesn’t want to use those things, where would a person like that fit in, if everyone is talking about where they got their wig from, who has the best hair, what glue works the best, how to wash an install, etc.?
The bun, twist, braid challenge you created and hosted had certain rules, and you let me know I didn’t meet the criteria for that.. gracefully accepted that and bowed out.
It seems people are feeling some kind of way, about me wanting a challenge without the use of added hair. There are challenges for everyone from being a heat trained natural, to transitioning, herbs & oils, conditioning, etc.. I don’t think one should take it personal if there is no weave hair challenge.
Like a bun challenge, or hide your hair without the use of faux hair. You can only work with the hair on your own head. Most women rely on using faux hair to get them over the hump of something, or not figuring out how to style and care for their own hair, so they just weave it, or wig it. How many people do you know transistioned, dealt with damage, or being newly natural, and just go, get a wig, or sew-in instead of figuring out how to handle/manage their own hair? That’s why I consider it a challenge. So washing, conditioning, styling, without added hair, while trying to grow it to certain lengths, etc is a big task for women with highly textured hair.. I mean that’s why we all are essentially here.
And being in a challenge where somebody is coming up with ways on how to handle their own hair without getting a weave, Crochet, braid extensions, or a wig is someone I would like to swap ideas and gain support and encouragement from. For someone that doesn’t want to use those things, where would a person like that fit in, if everyone is talking about where they got their wig from, who has the best hair, what glue works the best, how to wash an install, etc.?
Woosah girl, Woosah! I was just asking for clarity :lol:
Like a bun challenge, or hide your hair without the use of faux hair. You can only work with the hair on your own head. Most women rely on using faux hair to get them over the hump of something, or not figuring out how to style and care for their own hair, so they just weave it, or wig it. How many people do you know transistioned, dealt with damage, or being newly natural, and just go, get a wig, or sew-in instead of figuring out how to handle/manage their own hair? That’s why I consider it a challenge. So washing, conditioning, styling, without added hair, while trying to grow it to certain lengths, etc is a big task for women with highly textured hair.. I mean that’s why we all are essentially here.
And being in a challenge where somebody is coming up with ways on how to handle their own hair without getting a weave, Crochet, braid extensions, or a wig is someone I would like to swap ideas and gain support and encouragement from. For someone that doesn’t want to use those things, where would a person like that fit in, if everyone is talking about where they got their wig from, who has the best hair, what glue works the best, how to wash an install, etc.?

This makes sense. And would be one of the more real challenges because not relying on fake hair (braids, weaves etc.) isn't easy.
The bun, twist, braid challenge you created and hosted had certain rules, and you let me know I didn’t meet the criteria for that.. gracefully accepted that and bowed out.
It seems people are feeling some kind of way, about me wanting a challenge without the use of added hair. There are challenges for everyone from being a heat trained natural, to transitioning, herbs & oils, conditioning, etc.. I don’t think one should take it personal if there is no weave hair challenge.
Why don't you host the one you are talking about. I don't have to do the twist, braid, bun challenge. More people may like your challenge.
It's not focused on hair growth, but @MonaRae already leads a monthly fitness/water/nutrition challenge in the Health and Fitness forum.
December 2017: 31 Days of Awesome Progress!!!
  • Nutrition, Water, and Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge
    Initial post: In an initial post, list what you think you need to eat (food and vitamins), drink, and do (exercise) for optimal hair growth. Include a length shot photo if you desire.
    Once-a-week: Each Sunday by 12 noon EST, download this simple check-off form. All week on paper, check off whether you've had the water, nutrition, and exercise you deem required for optimal hair growth. Each Saturday by 12 midnight EST, upload a photo of your check-off form for accountability. If desired, beneath the photo type a reflection note about what went right and what's working, how you plan to improve or maintain, what you plan to eat, what you're drinking, how you can get more water in, etc.
I'm pretty consistent from year to year, so I'll probably be joining:

Oils & Buttas
Deep Conditioning
Twist, Braid, Bun / Protective Style (Haven't be in this one for years!)
Shea Butter

I'm hoping to grow to full, healthy WL and significant edge growth by the end of 2018.
When are the sign ups. I need to get back on track my hair has suffered for the past 2 yrs. I would like to join

Protective Style (I'm trying to find a wig, but I have a HUGE head!)
Why don't you host the one you are talking about. I don't have to do the twist, braid, bun challenge. More people may like your challenge.

Hey @shortdub78, I totally understand where you're coming from. However, I think it would be beneficial if we had separate challenges for women who choose not to hide their hair with faux hair and work with their real hair instead of grouping into one challenge. For example:
Rollersetting 2018
Twists and Braids 2018
Buns and Updos Challenge 2018
There are just too many ideas, techniques, tips, and styles for each one of these style choices to be put into one broad category. So, maybe if bunning with your own hair is one way you plan to achieve your healthy hair goals for 2018, maybe you can host that challenge and make your own rules for the challenge. Or maybe you can team up with @YvetteWithJoy for a Managing My Hair and Consistency Challenge. Just throwing out ideas. :yep:
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Hey @shortdub78, I totally understand where you're coming from. However, I think it would be beneficial if we had separate challenges for women who choose not to hide their hair with faux hair and work with their real hair instead of grouping into one challenge. For example:
Rollersetting 2018
Twists and Braids 2018
Buns and Updos Challenge 2018
There are just too many ideas, techniques, tips, and styles for each one of these style choices to be put into one broad category. So, maybe if bunning with your own hair is one way you plan to achieve your healthy hair goals for 2018, maybe you can host that challenge and make your own rules for the challenge. Or maybe you can team up with @YvetteWithJoy for a Managing My Hair and Consistency Challenge. Just throwing out ideas. :yep:

The rollersetting challenge seems like the only one that would require you to use your real hair.

I would join a real hair challenge. Not really a challenge for me because I only wear my real hair anyway, but it would be nice to get some style ideas without sifting through all the weave/wig posts. Hopefully there will be a lot of pictures.
No one has accepted the invitation to host a Nutrition, Exercise, and Water for Hair Growth Challenge.

There is a vitamin thread and a weight+hair thread already. Also, as mentioned above, there are various fitness challenges in other parts of the forum.

For these reasons, @Beany, will you go ahead and continue hosting the vitamin thread?
Like a bun challenge, or hide your hair without the use of faux hair. You can only work with the hair on your own head. Most women rely on using faux hair to get them over the hump of something, or not figuring out how to style and care for their own hair, so they just weave it, or wig it. How many people do you know transistioned, dealt with damage, or being newly natural, and just go, get a wig, or sew-in instead of figuring out how to handle/manage their own hair? That’s why I consider it a challenge. So washing, conditioning, styling, without added hair, while trying to grow it to certain lengths, etc is a big task for women with highly textured hair.. I mean that’s why we all are essentially here.
And being in a challenge where somebody is coming up with ways on how to handle their own hair without getting a weave, Crochet, braid extensions, or a wig is someone I would like to swap ideas and gain support and encouragement from. For someone that doesn’t want to use those things, where would a person like that fit in, if everyone is talking about where they got their wig from, who has the best hair, what glue works the best, how to wash an install, etc.?

You should host this! I think its a great idea! I would join, but in 2019 though. I'm gonna be wigged up for all of 2018, lol.
No one has accepted the invitation to host a Nutrition, Exercise, and Water for Hair Growth Challenge.

There is a vitamin thread and a weight+hair thread already. Also, as mentioned above, there are various fitness challenges in other parts of the forum.

For these reasons, @Beany, will you go ahead and continue hosting the vitamin thread?

I really like the idea of the Nutrition, Exercise and Water for Hair Growth Challenge. It would mean fewer challenges for me to join. You don't want to host it?
If not, (I don't know if I would be a great host), but I would be willing to do it if enough people are interested.
I really like the idea of the Nutrition, Exercise and Water for Hair Growth Challenge. It would mean fewer challenges for me to join. You don't want to host it?
If not, (I don't know if I would be a great host), but I would be willing to do it if enough people are interested.

You will?!!!! Yay!!! I'd join if you did.

I really love the idea of it. If I weren't hosting the CurlyProverbz thread, I would have offered to host it.

It could work well for everyone, too: People could choose any combo of the three foci. Two or three people could host together, perhaps dividing the foci among hosts.
You will?!!!! Yay!!! I'd join if you did.

I really love the idea of it. If I weren't hosting the CurlyProverbz thread, I would have offered to host it.

It could work well for everyone, too: People could choose any combo of the three foci. Two or three people could host together, perhaps dividing the foci among hosts.

Okay, I will do it! Haven't hosted a challenge in ages. Should be fun!
I'm fine with co-hosting. I'm really considering your consistency challenge idea @YvetteWithJoy .


Regarding the consistency challenge: Really? Cool. What do you envision? All I know is I need to focus on that. That is such an important skill to have. It's all well and good for me to intend to do a select amount of challenges, but if I am not consistent . . . Ya know?

I wish I had the time to host more than one challenge, but I know I can't.
I would definitely join a consistency challenge. I am always restless with my hair, always wanting to try something new, which does not allow me to adequately evaluate the things that I try whether they are products or techniques.

Also I'd love to join a low manipulation challenge.