Certified LHCF Salon / LHCF Non Profit Org??


What about getting together, with the approval of board owner, and starting an Non-Profit Organization with board members, etc? We can work together on a mission statement, business plan, etc.

We could:

Issue certificaitons based on service levels
Mystery Shops, etc.

Everyone can partake by sending out client expectations (See Stylist "Wanted Thread") Post what you want there...http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=144233

Give Scholarships to LHCF Members seeking to go to Cosmo school
Give regional People's Choice Salon Awards
Educate th Public on What is expected

I would love to see stickers on Salon's windows "LHCF Certified"- One by one, we can make a difference.

We could solicit more Stylists to become members - a source of revenue for the Organization / Website

We can have Regional divisons / chapters

If interested state your ideas, Ladies with Business Backgrounds (I'm an accountant) Speak-Up - we can make this happen and get a proposal together for Nikko.

With all of the Members of this forum, it creates a target market that Stylists would love to access. If they stood by the LHFC Bill of Rights, we would patronize them, no?

We can do it ladies -- thoughts?
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I would loooove to go to a place that understands and practices the healthy hair techniques and suggestions discussed in this forum. It would also be nice to go to a salon where the stylists won't get mad if you show up with 4+ inches of new growth because of a stretch, not pressure you to trim when it isn't necessary, automatically detangles with wide-toothed combs, is gentle when combing through your hair when roller-setting, refuses to do things to your hair that they KNOW can/will permanently damage it, automatically deep conditions, doesn't pressure you to get a relaxer before absolutely necessary, will admit it when they have accidentally done something wrong to your hair......

I thought of something else...:grin:......gives you a brief consultation/hair analysis with your first visit to the salon......
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ITA i really like this idea! It allows us to go to trusted salons as well as help others out business and scholarship wise!..I wnat to open a salon in the future, i'd love to have it under the LHCF umbrella! :yep:
I had thought of LHCF salons before, but I had a few concerns. The first was the fact that staff changes and people themselves change or don't remain consistent. It would be nice if LHCF members can do undercover/surprise visits to ensure that the salons are current on their LHCF practices.

The second was that LHCF members don't follow the same regimes. Yes, there are different regime genres but for the most part each member has custom regimes. So the salon workers must be open-minded, good listeners and care about the individual clients enough to maintain 2-way communication.

In general I would like to see a LHCF Salon do the following,

1) Treat the client’s hair like fine silk (i.e. no combing from root to tip)
2) Carry and use hard to find products
3) Include conditioning treatments as an integral part of service
4) Neutralize, neutralize, neutralize for relaxed heads
5) Be up to date on trends on LHCF (texlaxing)
6) Maintain HONEST and OPEN communication with clients
7) Look at and examine the state of the clients hair each visit
9) #1 concern should be the HEALTH of the client’s hair for the long term, not the look for the next 5 minutes

These are just a few of my random thoughts for now.
I am so excited that you ladies like the concept. As passionate as we all are about our hair care, we CAN make a difference. There will be a lot of work involved, but it is a goal that we can accomplish with the interest and support of each of us together as a team.

I am going to organize thoughts and post what I feel would be a critical path for us to follow to make it happen based on my businsess and financial background.

Keep the posts and contirbutions coming!

What about getting together, with the approval of board owner, and starting an Non-Profit Organization with board members, etc? We can work together on a mission statement, business plan, etc.

We could:

Issue certificaitons based on service levels
Mystery Shops, etc.

Everyone can partake by sending out client expectations (See Stylist "Wanted Thread") Post what you want there...http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=144233

Give Scholarships to LHCF Members seeking to go to Cosmo school
Give regional People's Choice Salon Awards
Educate th Public on What is expected

I would love to see stickers on Salon's windows "LHCF Certified"- One by one, we can make a difference.

We could solicit more Stylists to become members - a source of revenue for the Organization / Website

We can have Regional divisons / chapters

If interested state your ideas, Ladies with Business Backgrounds (I'm an accountant) Speak-Up - we can make this happen and get a proposal together for Nikko.

With all of the Members of this forum, it creates a target market that Stylists would love to access. If they stood by the LHFC Bill of Rights, we would patronize them, no?

We can do it ladies -- thoughts?

I would LOVE a scholarship for cosmo school, and I aould DEFINITELY go to the salon! :love3:
While this is a good idea I like the board as is.

I feel that the cost of membership is bound to go up. I also like the advice I get from the other ladies on the board. I like the fact that we are unbiased. I think the hair boards are a good place to find unbiased opinions about salons, products, etc. I have other reasons, but I am at work will write back later.

Just my two cents, but like I said very good and creative idea. :yep:
This is a great idea, especially since it is so hard to come by salons who has the same healthy hair practices as we do here.
I had thought of LHCF salons before, but I had a few concerns. The first was the fact that staff changes and people themselves change or don't remain consistent. It would be nice if LHCF members can do undercover/surprise visits to ensure that the salons are current on their LHCF practices.

The second was that LHCF members don't follow the same regimes. Yes, there are different regime genres but for the most part each member has custom regimes. So the salon workers must be open-minded, good listeners and care about the individual clients enough to maintain 2-way communication.

In general I would like to see a LHCF Salon do the following,

1) Treat the client’s hair like fine silk (i.e. no combing from root to tip)
2) Carry and use hard to find products
3) Include conditioning treatments as an integral part of service
4) Neutralize, neutralize, neutralize for relaxed heads
5) Be up to date on trends on LHCF (texlaxing)
6) Maintain HONEST and OPEN communication with clients
7) Look at and examine the state of the clients hair each visit
9) #1 concern should be the HEALTH of the client’s hair for the long term, not the look for the next 5 minutes

These are just a few of my random thoughts for now.

What about adding certified LHCF stylist so it doesn't matter where they are? Certified Salons would be that the salon owner requires all its stylist to be certified and that they all follow the LHCF guidelines. The next question is - what would those guidelines be that they don't already have to follow? IMO if they are a stylist they should already be doing certain things like those listed above. Just a thought! Brainstorming is great!!!
I really like the idea. Being on this forum has really made me want to go to cosmetology school for a license so I can practice taking care of hair the LHCF way. I'm seriously considering it.
Count me in! What ever I can do to help! I create and maintain Microsoft Access database and I can see each shop with a db that house each client's info (hair types, best products, client's regimen, etc.)

Just let me know!