*~*Celibacy Support Thread*~*


Yes, I really think the silly little ascii characters in the title are necessary.

So, we are gathered here today to exercise strength of character and will of discipline to abstain. Knees together. It's the only way to avoid the misery that walks hand in hand - with knocking boots. Who's with me?

Now then, I'd like to start off by having everyone go around the room and just telling the group a little something about yourself. Don't worry, everything is anonymous here, and this is a safe space.

Well, I'm mischka, obviously. I have a long and storied history with bumpin' uglies, and I'm thinking it's time to retire my bedpost. I have made some mistakes in my sexual relationships, and I wanna take a step back and just take sex out of the equation and see how I fare that way. I know that physically I'm capable of abstaining, it's just that after awhile I get bored and look at the time that's passed and go "yup, it's been long enough, let's go ahead and do it." But this time, I'm firmly deciding that I won't be having sex again for a loooooong time. To help me fortify this decision, I'm thinking of it as involuntary rather than something I am choosing to do that can be revoked at any time.

The longest I've gone without sex since starting was probably around six months max, and that was a very long time ago. I think my biggest liability in maintaining celibacy will be NOT sleeping with an ex that I've already been with. Yes even that must be eliminated :sad: But I really want to give this a try this time.

So, welcome group, there are cookies and coffee over at the far table in the corner, and remember the serenity prayer: lord give me the strength to change the things I can, leave alone kangs with good peen, and the wisdom to know the difference.
So, welcome group, there are cookies and coffee over at the far table in the corner, and remember the serenity prayer: lord give me the strength to change the things I can, leave alone kangs with good peen, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Hello, I'm Nappystorm and I'm scared to be around hard oblong objects. I'm giving myself a 6 month challenge.
Hello everyone my name is Goddessmaker*hears hello Goddessmaker in the unison.I have been celibent going 6 years and my goal in this group is to not get weary in doing good.I don't want to do it because I know it messes up things mentally ie being keen on Kang's.I have a coworker I would love to hit right now..just got a call to but Im going to keep those knees closed and dress down..lets us pray..
Hello everyone, Im SuchMagnificance and I really like err...intimate time....Unfortunately, the cookies will remain in the cookie jar until someone worthy enough to taste them comes along..So far, Ive been handling my extreme urges to color with kangs with jumbo markers by using my own personal set of crayons during play time. I am posting in this thread because I too have a weakness and sometimes the urge is almost overpowering. I hope that we can encourage each other to stay strong and not succumb to those late night thoughts, wishes, and daydreams of.. well, you know.....

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Hello I am BeautifulFlower and I have vowed to keep my petals close through this dry, winter season. But I can not wait for the Lord to bring 'spring' so I can blossom and pollutant all over the place.

Jesus take the wheel...
Sorry but what is a "kang"? :look:

*clears throat* Hello my name is msstarr718 and I like to do the do and I tend to make bad decisions when I've gone more than 6 months. The longest I've gone was 10 months that I just it ended 2 months ago with this loser that ended up pulling a fadeaway that creep ok sorry back on topic. If I would have just stayed strong I could have easily done a year but it just kept calling me and calling me and I gave in like I usually do oh the flesh is so weak :nono:. I don't know if I'm going to put a time limit on not coloring but I would like to keep my urges at bay while I'm dating a guy so I have time to peep the signs and feel him out so I won't keep going through this cycle. So let's keep each other strong through those tough times to come. No pain no gain
Hello my name is Etherealsmile *waves and smiles at all the brave ladies*:lol:

I've been celibate going on 4 years now:spinning: and initially it was my choice to abstain as I just wanted to be by myself, learn, grow and become a better person.

I have to say it hasn't been easy but as with anything in life worth having i'm going to continue abstaining until i feel i'm in a better place in my life overall. I'm also abstaining from relationships.

I haven't felt a man's touch in nearly the same amount of time and I really miss that *urges self to remain strong* unfortunately the longer I go without the more obsessed and nympholike i feel.

Isn't this supposed to get easier as time goes by? WTH:nono:

Just a few days ago when my favorite aunt (aunt flo:look:) stopped by to visit i could've sworn i'd rape a poor man for all the rampant sexual feelings and urges that were running wild through me. I've become incredibly super sexually charged during ovulation and i truly feel it might be to the best interest of the male population if i confine myself to my house until this period passes.

Jesus take the wheel, how much more can a person take?:lol::perplexed
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For some reason, I always thought being celibate meant waiting til marriage (which I'm not, I don't even know if I ever want to be married). But since I see thats not the meaning, I guess I'm celibate and joining the group!

It has not been that hard. For one, bad breakup where sex became a touchy issue. Also, I haven't been on any dates or anything like that to even meet anyone I'd want to do it with, and the idea of having sex with random Joe or someone I just met is not appealing at all. Also, I had my fair share in undergrad:look: So...at this point its really just become the norm for me and I'm usually not that pressed. I went through a period a few months ago when I wanted to do it, once I finally started getting over my ex/the breakup. But other than that, I'm chilling. Its been 10 months.
My name is MarriageMaterial. I'm ready to hanker down and get married, I've been celibate a little over 5 years now. I'm pretty over this celibate thing. I'm praying this is the year God sends my hubby.

This year has been the most difficult year for me. I haven't succumb but I do have my limits. Please Lord send him quickly!!


Etherealsmile I know the feeling girl. I haven't been touched or dated by a man in 5 years. I'm going to need help when the RIGHT guy comes along, I very well may rape him. But I won't, I want more! Sex (lust) is only a small part to get me down the aisle.
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Whoooooooooo I don't know if I have it in me to go five years or more but you ladies are certainly setting the bar high.
Please I know I don't have it in me I'm not even going to front like I do, but I definitely commend you ladies as well.
I actually think I could do the five years. If I met no one I was really into for 5 years, I don't see myself wanting to go out and sleep with whoever, so yeah I could see it given those circumstances.
Actually, it wasn't that bad. I was more focus on myself and doing the things I want to do. Yes, I'm ever changing, but now, I can honestly say I'm ready for a serious relationship leading to marriage.

Believe it or not. Once you get busy with the things concerning yourself, the whole relationship thing takes a backseat.

Whoooooooooo I don't know if I have it in me to go five years or more but you ladies are certainly setting the bar high.

Please I know I don't have it in me I'm not even going to front like I do, but I definitely commend you ladies as well.

I actually think I could do the five years. If I met no one I was really into for 5 years, I don't see myself wanting to go out and sleep with whoever, so yeah I could see it given those circumstances.
I could physically but I wouldn't want to. I always tend to talk myself out of celibacy, and it doesn't help that I could pick from exes and just sleep with one of them if I really wanted to have sex. I always feel like I'm hurting myself to do things I don't want to do and like I shouldn't do it. Like if I'm in a lot of pain when I'm exercising I'm like "you need to stop you're hurting yourself!" if I feel like I really want to have sex I'm like "you need to go ahead and do it because you're wronging yourself." I have a weird relationship with my body and mind lol.
I've been celibate my whole life. Considering holding out until marriage but I'm not involved with anyone so that makes the choice easy. Maybe that will change if I do get in a relationship.:ohwell::look: But good luck to all the ladies in this challenge.
Blahhh... I think whenever I get drunk I wanna make out. I suppose that means in order to make this a smooth transition I should stop drinking. That would be too much like right, huh?
Well you can count me in. My name is Babyu21 and I feel like I am always on a celibacy kick. At the moment its been over a year and before that it was two years. I want to wait on the right person because I would like to have relations on the regular basis but lately I have been questioning if he is even out there and if I am wasting time holding out.

I have been out on a few dates but no one got to date number 2 and I don't do the casual thing. I am really feeling torn between wanting to wait for the right guy and just throwing in the towel just to be next to a warm body.
Blahhh... I think whenever I get drunk I wanna make out. I suppose that means in order to make this a smooth transition I should stop drinking. That would be too much like right, huh?

I went cold turkey for like a year on drinking. Partially bc of some not so great decisions I was making while out intoxicated (and also bc of health reasons, I just knew all that excessive drinking was not good for my insides and doing the next day sick and recovering thing got old)-drunk dialing, sleeping with exes and other people who weren't really thinking about me, etc. Think I was early/mid twenties and grad school at the time. I was still going to clubs occasionally at the time and I would drink water at the club, even on new years. That was when I made the transition from doing the young, drink til I get sick and act a fool phase to -after that year was up- a more mature one to two drink slightly tipsy and not wilding out all hard.
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I almost had a relapse last night. The last guy I was dealing with a couple of months ago decided to pop up out the blue. I knew deep down that I shouldnt have answered the text but I was a little intoxicated therefore not in my right mind. So I answered the text and he said he wanted to see me so I said cool meet me at my house I'll be home in a few. so he meets me at my house and OMG he looked sooo good :nono:. We came in my house and talked for a few then of course he pulls the I was drinking and I shouldnt drive all the way home like this :rolleyes:. So I said we went back and forth about it for a few then finally I said ok. I changed out my clothes and put on the baggiest pajamas I could find so he won't get any ideas. of course that didn't stop him because he was on me like white on rice. We made out for about 10 minutes and the I said well good night and rolled over and went to sleep. Ladies I need a prayer I really should not be messing with this dude.
I'm so glad it's not just me that recognizes drinking is part of the problem :look: :lol: I started drinking more than usual during grad school but I'm hoping now that that's over I won't feel the need to drink as much. It's getting so that I have a drink when I'm bored...

Let us all pray for @Msstarr718 to lead her away from temptation! Remember your first line of defense should be, swiftly and loudly, "I'M ON MY PERIOD AND MY FLOW IS VERY HEAVY." Practice this as a mantra so that you may reflexively and unthinkingly ward off seduction!!!
I almost had a relapse last night. The last guy I was dealing with a couple of months ago decided to pop up out the blue. I knew deep down that I shouldnt have answered the text but I was a little intoxicated therefore not in my right mind. So I answered the text and he said he wanted to see me so I said cool meet me at my house I'll be home in a few. so he meets me at my house and OMG he looked sooo good :nono:. We came in my house and talked for a few then of course he pulls the I was drinking and I shouldnt drive all the way home like this :rolleyes:. So I said we went back and forth about it for a few then finally I said ok. I changed out my clothes and put on the baggiest pajamas I could find so he won't get any ideas. of course that didn't stop him because he was on me like white on rice. We made out for about 10 minutes and the I said well good night and rolled over and went to sleep. Ladies I need a prayer I really should not be messing with this dude.

I'm sorry for laughing but:lol::lol::lol::lol: i so feel your pain! Hang in there sis!
Hey Ladies! I'm in...it's been a full year since I've done the do. I realized that I wasn't in a healthy situation and that the guy was so undeserving of that part of me. I'd like to continue on until I get married or am in a true relationship with someone who is deserving of me.