Celeb Hair Regimes and more...


New Member
Today I picked up Black Hairstyles and Trends magazine and read it in the store. They had a section on celeb hair and asked questions to their actual hair dressers.

Jada P. Smith-stylist: Oscar James
He said her hair length is midback and she uses no extensions unless a movie part calls for it, she has no relaxer and he blows her hair out and then uses a curling iron.
Halle Berry-stylist: Oscar James
He said her hair is natural no relaxer/no texturizer and that she is currently growing her hair out and that she has a seperate colorist.
Ashanti-stylist: Deedra Smith
Said she has only had one relaxer treatment in her life which was recently and she currenlty uses Yaki extenisions (she later said she didn't know if she was allowed to say that Ashanti had extensions)

Okay now on to some craziness. They had a stylists section where they talked to several famous stylists Marvin, etc. but listen to what Derrick Scurry said, "Hair should be regularly trimmed for relaxed hair, you need to discard an inch after every relaxer"
How the hell is your hair supposed to grow if you cut an inch off everytime you get a touch-up? And since when is an inch considered a trim!! Girls never go to Derrick Scurry for a trim!

I know people in Safeway thought I was crazy because I had my notebook with me and I was taking notes from a hair magazine
ms_kenesha said:

(she later said she didn't know if she was allowed to say that Ashanti had extensions)

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I am sorry that was so rediculous. First off how can oscar James be Jada's hairstylist when he lives in NYC and she doesn't/ I know people fly etc but I think he is probably a once a year stylist or something. Also please I've seen the weave tracks in Ashanti's hair when she had a style that was supposed to be a part and instead was just tracks showing. I think in fairness to ashanti if she didn't know if she was supposed tosay that then they should have edited it out.
Well Oscar James also said he does Halle's hair and she doesn't live in NY either, maybe NY is his base but he flies out for celebs. I know that Oscar Blandi and the lady who does Meg Ryan's hair both do that for their celeb clients.
Halle also says Neeko does her hair and she has listed him as her main stylist many times, I've also seen her state that she has a relaxer.
I wonder then, how do they get these bone str8 styles are they(jada and halle mixed) if not then what
cutebajangirl said:

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I agree! I know the Dominicans do a great job of getting hair bone straight.
I believe that halle is mixed. With what I'm not sure. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember on the doug banks morning show them saying that halee was the first black woman to win someone like the most irrestible woman and then someone else commenting, "well, she isn't all black."
yea, halle is mixed. she was on oprah once with her mom who is white. she said her dad is black but he abandoned them when she was young.
Allandra said:
honeydrop215 said:
jada is mixed?? with what?

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I believe she was asking was jada and halle mixed (not saying that they are).

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ahhh, i re-read her post, sorry i read it wrong. and yeah halle is black and white
Skeegeemb isn't mixed and she gets her hair as straight as a relaxer with rollersets. Jada's natural hair is about a 3C and both of her parent's are black, the stylist said her hair is very soft and easy to blow out.

Halle is bi-racial mom white/dad black.

Cutebajangirl: I was surprised when they interviewed Oscar James, because I too have seen Neeko named as her stylist a lot of times, but maybe she switched or maybe Oscar does her hair when she's on the East coast.
miss k i'm thinkin that wen he said Hair should be regularly trimmed for relaxed hair, you need to discard an inch after every relaxer" he meant this as in since they sometimes suggest gettin a retouch once/twice a year then that wudnt be too much to lose it an inch a year
i also read that neeko does halle hair. i also remember a stylist by the name of tremajor (something like that) statede that he does jada's hair. he also talked about the special weave he used on his clients. Someone posted this in a thread and a link was provided to this guy's website. i'm sure if you do a search on jada you will find it.
I just can't trust what they say in those magazines 100%. I believe that all three of those stars have very healthy and pretty hair, though.
Sometimes, I get tired of people bragging about how such and such a star never uses relaxers. Relaxing is an option for all of us, including those with the kinkiest hair. It sometimes seems as though they are trying to make the rest of us feel that we are doing something wrong by perming or that we aren't "priveleged" enough to go natural.
I agree melodee, i guess celebrities have the money to have a professional straighten their hair whenever they feel like it. That is one thing that has kept me from going natural really because i prefer my hair straight but i dont know how i would keep it that way in it's natural state in all this Florida humidity!
melodee said:
I just can't trust what they say in those magazines 100%. I believe that all three of those stars have very healthy and pretty hair, though.
Sometimes, I get tired of people bragging about how such and such a star never uses relaxers. Relaxing is an option for all of us, including those with the kinkiest hair. It sometimes seems as though they are trying to make the rest of us feel that we are doing something wrong by perming or that we aren't "priveleged" enough to go natural.

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im curious, why do u seem offended by stars/stylists "bragging" about how they dont use relaxers? Could it be that they are just stating a fact about their hair care regimen? sure some of theses celebs lie through their teeth about their regimens, but still i dont see how people like Aaliyah, Jada pinkett and various others who are well known naturals who straightened with heat acted like they were more "privileged" because they stated they dont relax. I dont think someone mentioning they dont relax means that they do it because they think they are more priviliged or better than the "common folk". for every 1 celeb whose claims natural there are hundreds who relax. maybe natural hair is a preference for them, the same way people who relax feel the way they wear their hair is a preference/option.
babyblue said:
melodee said:
I just can't trust what they say in those magazines 100%. I believe that all three of those stars have very healthy and pretty hair, though.
Sometimes, I get tired of people bragging about how such and such a star never uses relaxers. Relaxing is an option for all of us, including those with the kinkiest hair. It sometimes seems as though they are trying to make the rest of us feel that we are doing something wrong by perming or that we aren't "priveleged" enough to go natural.

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im curious, why do u seem offended by stars/stylists "bragging" about how they dont use relaxers? Could it be that they are just stating a fact about their hair care regimen? sure some of theses celebs lie through their teeth about their regimens, but still i dont see how people like Aaliyah, Jada pinkett and various others who are well known naturals who straightened with heat acted like they were more "privileged" because they stated they dont relax. I dont think someone mentioning they dont relax means that they do it because they think they are more priviliged or better than the "common folk". for every 1 celeb whose claims natural there are hundreds who relax. maybe natural hair is a preference for them, the same way people who relax feel the way they wear their hair is a preference/option.

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I feel what Melodee is saying only because soooo many celebs say that they are natural when in reality they are not. Also sometimes in magazines they say so & so is natural and doesn't need a relaxer, well in truth no one needs a relaxer and saying it that way makes it seem like the general public needs a relaxer. It's the same as when a lot of celebs will lie in the magazine and say they don't wear weaves and pieces when they do or say that they do it for "thickness" when last week we saw them with a bob and now they have bra-strap length hair (Monica). I don't think Melodee was saying that the natural celebs are trying to say their privileged just because they say they're natural; it's the way it's stated a lot of times that is a nanny-nanyy-boo-boo type of thing. A lot of times it's also a I have "good hair" type of thing, one celeb who I clearly remember saying this in a mag was the girl Tiffany who hosts some BET show, but there have been others.
Now you see, that is trifling. And melodee is right. I'm a faithful reader of SBH and I see celebrities lie back and forth. If I'm not mistaken, Monica mentioned in an issue from last year that she got her hair permed or texturized twice a year. In an issue from just a few months ago, she claims she doesn't get her hair permed, just thermal styled.

Then, I caught her in another lie. Remember when she had that big blonde patch of hair in the front last year? Well, she appeared in an issue of SBH a few months ago, and the interviewer asked her what happened to the color block. She claimed that she just simlpy let it grow out!

That is a daggon lie! She know she dyed her entire head, because the back was chestnut brown last year, and now that's black too! Ugghhh!

Okay, I'm done ranting.
ms kenesha and karonica:

ok now that you've explained it that way i understand where ya'll are coming from better. See now this is one of the reasons i stopped buying hair magazines since 2000 cause i was getting disgusted about how they would LIE all the damn time. Why should i pay $5 for a colorful picture book of lies. i think the only honest celebrity is probably mary j. blige cause shes not ashamed to say she has weave. Everyone elese tends gives vague answers about their hair routines. Even aaliyah who i loved was vague about certain aspects of her haircare because i dont believe all of it was hers as her stylist would claim.
Mary is featured in the November issue of SBH and lets it known she has a weave.

Here's something funny. This is what Chaka Kahn said in there when asked about her hair.

You've always been known to sport a terrific head of big, beautiful hair. Are you using any extensions to enhance its volume or length?
(Laughing) I'm not telling anybody that s---...That's my business! This is my hair and it's mine whether I bought it or grew it. But I'm happy you asked, you've got balls, baby, I like that! So you can tell everyone what I told you. You can put it in print.

Everybody knows that massive stuff isn't hers, so I don't see why she's getting all defensive over it.
Karonica said:
Mary is featured in the November issue of SBH and lets it known she has a weave.

Here's something funny. This is what Chaka Kahn said in there when asked about her hair.

You've always been known to sport a terrific head of big, beautiful hair. Are you using any extensions to enhance its volume or length?
(Laughing) I'm not telling anybody that s---...That's my business! This is my hair and it's mine whether I bought it or grew it. But I'm happy you asked, you've got balls, baby, I like that! So you can tell everyone what I told you. You can put it in print.

Everybody knows that massive stuff isn't hers, so I don't see why she's getting all defensive over it.

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I don't think she is.....if you've read her other interviews, that's just Chaka...
what ive noticed is that lot of the times, SBH will take quotes as well as photo shoots from other magazines just to have a story. Half of the time, their info conflicts because of this reason.

as for ashanti, on her driven, her hair was wavy and curly, kinda like hairlove's hair. and then they showed recent pics (of her and her sister)and its bone straight and some of it looked broken off.

and then SBH will show you Beyonce or Ashanti or Mya or whoever, and itll be a pic of them wearing a wig or weave and theyll tell you how to "achieve this style" telling readers to leave it in for 4 weeks (they just encourage unhealthy hair habits, but people believe it because they figure these people know).

and finally, a lot of magazines that claim to interview celebs are often lying! sometimes they give the celebs questionairres asking them the question you see answered in the magazine.

so basically,nope, you cant believe hair magazines half of the time.