Ohhhhh my head was :burning::burning: Wasn't too bad when I first put it on, but soon as I put a shower cap on my head OHHHHHH :burning: But yet after about 3 hours it started simmering down some, but it was actually feeling darn good!!:lol:

Girl, I thought it was just me! My hair was fine with the cayenne mix until I put the processing cap on! It was burning up! I was like OMG! But like the rest of yall... Im a G!
dear Lordy, the grocery stores in my neighborhood SUCK BIG TOE! :angry2: i haven't been able to find any cayenne pepper. i knew i could get it at the local health food store but um... they are pricey... and i wasn't trying to spend money like that on some daggone pepper!

finally found some at the store up by my mom's house. geez, not that my city is that big but why do i ALWAYS have to go all over town to find what i need for my hair? :lachen:

hey ladylibra, your cty doesn't have any hispannic stores?'s usually
guaranteed to find cayenne in them.
Either you all bought all the cayenne pepper or they do not sale it in Michigan!

dear Lordy, the grocery stores in my neighborhood SUCK BIG TOE! :angry2: i haven't been able to find any cayenne pepper. i knew i could get it at the local health food store but um... they are pricey... and i wasn't trying to spend money like that on some daggone pepper!

finally found some at the store up by my mom's house. geez, not that my city is that big but why do i ALWAYS have to go all over town to find what i need for my hair? :lachen:

Asthecurlzturns said she found her in the salad section!! I thought that was weird. I guess you could check there.

I also found this info: "The Cayenne is a hot red chili pepper used to flavor dishes, and for medicinal purposes. Named for the city of Cayenne in French Guiana, it is a cultivar of Capsicum annuum related to bell peppers, jalapeños, and others. The fruits are generally dried and ground, or pulped and baked into cakes, which are then ground and sifted to make the powder, Cayenne pepper."

So, im thinking if you can find red chili flakes you could use that. Either ground them up finer to make the cayenne oil.
Asthecurlzturns said she found her in the salad section!! I thought that was weird. I guess you could check there.

I also found this info: "The Cayenne is a hot red chili pepper used to flavor dishes, and for medicinal purposes. Named for the city of Cayenne in French Guiana, it is a cultivar of Capsicum annuum related to bell peppers, jalapeños, and others. The fruits are generally dried and ground, or pulped and baked into cakes, which are then ground and sifted to make the powder, Cayenne pepper."

So, im thinking if you can find red chili flakes you could use that. Either ground them up finer to make the cayenne oil.

I think I asked were they one in the same and someone said no. I will try the salad section (too funny) or red chili pepper. Thanks!

LOL that's where i ended up going! :lachen: they don't have any in my neighborhood, but in my mom's neighborhood there are several.

Man, the Latino part of town is all the way in south west Detroit! Now I have to drive down there! :lachen::lachen:
i found this on the other thread

you all have to read this thread, one lady had to relax every 3 weeks!

i have my pepper soaking for a few days now, i infused it with oil. i drained my mtg oil from the sulpher and added the cayenne oil to it
(im almost scared to use it)

i also am going to make a mix that was recommended on the other thread
mn, hydrocotozone cream and cayenne oil.

also you can use capsaicin instead of cayenne pepper

Hair Loss Natural Treatments

Cayenne Pepper for Hair Loss

When applied external on the human skin, rubefacient herbs like cayenne pepper causes irritation and redness of the skin-consequently, there is the attraction of the blood towards the area of the skin where the rubefacient herb was applied. It is the increased peripheral blood circulation that helps in relieving pain, reducing congestion and inflammation of the external tissues.
Most analgesic creams, liniments and lotions available commercially today, contains capsaicin as their main active component. Applying any product that contains capsaicin extracted from cayenne pepper -will first of all stimulate or cause the skin to glow fiery red (due to the irritation of mucous membrane) and subsequently, decreases the intensity of visceral pain in the area of where the product was applied. Home-made cayenne oil could be prepared by infusing 25g of dried ground cayenne pepper in 500ml of vegetable oil such as sunflower, olive oil, etc for about 10 to 14 days. The oil is warmed daily under a very low heat. Other rubefacient herbs such as cloves, mustard, ginger, black pepper could be added if desired.
Home-made cayenne liniment is however, superior to the cayenne oil because it absorbs easily through the skin when it is applied externally.
A liniment is usually prepared by steeping rubefacient herbs like cayenne into 70 per cent alcohol for about 10 - 14 days.
After filtering, the liniment is then bottled and labelled and is ready for external use. The cayenne oil prepared as indicated above could be added to the liniment to double or to enhance its efficacy. Alternatively, other essential oils like the Eucalyptus oil, oil of cloves, etc could be added to the liniment to improve its healing quality.
Cayenne pepper could be applied directly on the skin in the form of herbal poultice. Ground dried cayenne pepper is made into a paste by adding hot water. Alternatively, the ground or powdered pepper could be mixed with equal quantity of powdered charcoal and then mixed into a paste with hot water.
The cayenne or its mixture with charcoal is spread directly on the affected part. The cayenne could also spread between gauze and placed on the affected part. It is then covered with light cloth or gauze and bandaged loosely.
You can actually mix cayenne with water, make a paste and massage your scalp with it. You leave it in 20 to 30 minutes and then wash it out. Excellent results have been seen with alopecia, male pattern baldnessand excellent results also in women that have lost their hair.
In the early days of medical practice, the practitioners stimulates hair growth in cases of alopecia (hair loss) by massaging the scalp with a mixture of cayenne pepper, and salt into fresh onion juice - cayenne triggers off increased blood circulation to the scalp - which increases its nourishment and hair growth.
Today, most natural hair tonic contains, cayenne or the capsaicin extracted from it as an essential ingredients.

LOL that's where i ended up going! :lachen: they don't have any in my neighborhood, but in my mom's neighborhood there are several.

:grin: ladylibra :grin:

4mia great post...very interesting. i'm loving the versatile ways to mix and match cayenne, the benefits it gives, and the outcome. well, although my goal isn't butt length i would loveeeee to reach my goal apl in 18 mths-2 yrs. :rolleyes: we'll see. wish me luck!! and good luck to all my sistahs on here who are striving and working hard as well.
I have one week to go for my oil to finish marinating. I'm tempted to use it now. I want some growth!
I'm just wondering, is anyone else's' scalp itching like crazy? I've noticed since I added the cayenne pepper this scalp of mine just feels itchy and prickly. I'm just wondering is it's just me?? :perplexed
Has anyone mixed the cayenne pepper with the 50% grain alc. ie 100 proof vodka or is everybody just using the cayenne oil?
I'm just wondering, is anyone else's' scalp itching like crazy? I've noticed since I added the cayenne pepper this scalp of mine just feels itchy and prickly. I'm just wondering is it's just me?? :perplexed

Im head just tingles. However, my sister says my hair stinks! :blush: I have been using the cayenne with my mn and I admit my current mn mix does stink but luckily I cw everyday.
I'm just wondering, is anyone else's' scalp itching like crazy? I've noticed since I added the cayenne pepper this scalp of mine just feels itchy and prickly. I'm just wondering is it's just me?? :perplexed

YES!!!!!! I thought it was me too. When I apply it, it itches.....then it finally goes away and tingles. That mix has cayenne powder in it. My shipment of cayenne liquid just arrived and im about to co-wash. I'll let you know if it itches with the new mix.
Subscribing....I think I'll add it to some of my exisiting oils...It speeds up your metabolism too for those ladies looking to loose weight. :yep:
Subscribing....I think I'll add it to some of my exisiting oils...It speeds up your metabolism too for those ladies looking to loose weight. :yep:

isn't that one of the things Beyonce used to drop all that weight for Dreamgirls? i mean i'm not trying to crash diet but i remember hearing about that... :look:

i love hot food so i'll give it a shot. :yep:
Subscribing....I think I'll add it to some of my exisiting oils...It speeds up your metabolism too for those ladies looking to loose weight. :yep:

I can imagine it doing that. The cayenne liquid i just got says to use is as a dietary supplement, take 1-2 droppersful in water or juice daily or as needed. OOOO WEEEEE.
i remember seeing the cayenne pepper pills in the health food store. another thing you can do if you cant drink the cayenne liquid is take any capsule for a bottle of pills you have, empty them and pour hte cayenne liquid in them, then take it like that
i think thats how im going to take my acv
or you can buy the already empty capsules.
also a good way to make cayenne oil is to take a tea bag ( i have expired lipton ice tea bags) dump the tea out of it(its only a staple holding the bag closed) then put the powder in it, staple it back or use a rubberband and steap it like you would do tea. No red flecks no straining no mess.
isn't that one of the things Beyonce used to drop all that weight for Dreamgirls? i mean i'm not trying to crash diet but i remember hearing about that... :look:

i love hot food so i'll give it a shot. :yep:

When she was on Tyra she said she had her mouth wired shut...for Dreamgirls
So far with the new mix with the cayenne liquid is cream based and my scalp isn't itching (I just co-washed). The other was liquid/oil based (with cayenne powder) that i put in an applicator bottle. My scalp has a little tingle so I added more cayenne liquid. We'll see what happens Friday :burn:I like my new mix way better.
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Hey ladies:hiya2:,

Is it too late to join the challenge? :newbie:I'm new to the whole hair thing but really dig the cayenne pepper thing:grin:, plus I heard that it really stimulates hair growth. I'd really like to get in on this one.

I'll post some pics as soon as I figure out how.:bangdesk:

Hair Type: 4b
Length: NL
Aiming for: SL, then BSL
Hey, ladies!

For those of you who are soaking the cayenne for two weeks in EVOO and then using the oil, how are you applying it? Are you going to apply it a few times a week at night or are you only putting it in pre-poos and DCs to rinse out immediately?

Hey, ladies!

For those of you who are soaking the cayenne for two weeks in EVOO and then using the oil, how are you applying it? Are you going to apply it a few times a week at night or are you only putting it in pre-poos and DCs to rinse out immediately?


I got two days to go for my concoction to be ready. I think I will use it to massage every night or at least a couple nights a week.
I also got the itchies...can't say about any unusual shedding yet. My scalp however, was DESERT DRY (my hair remained moist)! Am I the only one? I may have to co-wash every day on this! :o
I also got the itchies...can't say about any unusual shedding yet. My scalp however, was DESERT DRY (my hair remained moist)! Am I the only one? I may have to co-wash every day on this! :o

are you saying that your hair is more moisturezed now or less? What is your mixture (curious).

Since I made a new recipe, i no longer have the itchies....this new mix is creamed based.
As i type this post my hair, ears and neck back are screaming justice, FYAH. Oh Lawd this mix is so hot all areas feel tender, 17MINS 2go till i wash this hell out. So what's in my mix?


I heated the mix and applied to my scalp and haircovered it with ashower cap and now i'm screaming MERCY PLEASE:wallbash::wallbash:

Would i do it again, for what it' worth YES YES YES!!!:grin: