LA cookin' mm, mm!! :lick: I feel better now I'm all rinsed...I'm looking 4ward to this spicy event tomorrow!
SHUT YO MOUTH! Cayenne promotes hair growth??? I have oodles of it in my pantry. Louisiana cooking ya know! I'll add this to some EVOO and aloe and see what happens! I'm loving this place!

lol im in the outskirts of new orleans now and i had 2 jars of cayenne pepper already
3-4 tbs ultra hydrating con
2 tbs dc (mix'd)
1 tsp of pepper
1 tsp evoo

mixed together and i just left it on for 40min.
Sorry about hi-jacking this thread but I am not gonna be joining this challenge however, I did put about 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in my 8oz bottle of MN and oil mix and noticed a marked difference in my hair growth than without it. In fact, I hadn't thought that I'd be APL until the beginning of April this year but I made APL from the first week in February. It was only the MN with the cayenne pepper that I was using regularly, ie, every other day for 2 months. I had a sew-in put in so I had taken a short break. Now I'm gonna be using this again. In my siggy, I even had a trim yesterday and I'm still at APL:yep:.

FYI - it settles at the bottom so you'd have to keep shaking it up when you're applying it to get it on your scalp. Some people strain it but I don't.
The other day I tried a cayenne paste with water :nono: Not good. I couldn't wash out all the pepper. I got some soaking in olive oil I'll wait another week for that to marinate. I think I will do better with the oil.
Okay I don't know how often we should stop in this thread and share...sooo I thought I'd take the liberty to show you all my spicy pepper paste. From my Con container I've aded 10 pumps of con and 1 tsp of pepper in y little cup which is going to be my official twa cup, mix paste together, ad apply to hair. And then with the same cup I've filled my little twa cup up with cayenne pepper and added water to make a tomatoe sauce consitancy mixed and applied to my hair wit the con mix and massaged it all in. hmmm, my scalp was burning but tonight it was that feel good feeling.

By the way my twa cup is only like 2 inc tall and in diameter.


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drasgrl...I've noticed in my cowash I had cayenne stuck in my hair, being it was so thick so I poo'd my hair with a comb and it all came out...have you tried that right after your mix? if so give it a shot in a small section in front....but use a small tooth comb.

The other day I tried a cayenne paste with water :nono: Not good. I couldn't wash out all the pepper. I got some soaking in olive oil I'll wait another week for that to marinate. I think I will do better with the oil.
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i jus got my ingredients last night so i will be late with the challenge. but i will post a b4 and after pic as soon as my mix is ready.

recipe: Powder Cayenne Pepper and Sunflower Oil
Okay I don't know how often we should stop in this thread and share...sooo I thought I'd take the liberty to show you all my spicy pepper paste. From my Con container I've aded 10 pumps of con and 1 tsp of pepper in y little cup which is going to be my official twa cup, mix paste together, ad apply to hair. And then with the same cup I've filled my little twa cup up with cayenne pepper and added water to make a tomatoe sauce consitancy mixed and applied to my hair wit the con mix and massaged it all in. hmmm, my scalp was burning but tonight it was that feel good feeling.
By the way my twa cup is only like 2 inc tall and in diameter.




Y thank you Sunshine Baby. :drunk: My scalp was singing fire last night....:grin: but I loved it. I'm going to do it again 2night! I have somme evoo and cayenne sitting in a small container marked for the 29th. I'm going to oil my temples and nape with it when its ready.

CaramelHonee I was waiting on my order "Hair Rush", I really wanted to try it and to my surprise, my order was cancelled b/s it was out of stock....womp, womp, womp. Thank God for good ol' cayenne pepper! But I copied the ingredients of Hair Rush for a future reference.
Any Ayuverdic ladies doing this?:yep:

I use the shampoo bars and I could tell that they were helping with my growth and I have been using the cayenne and boy oh boy was my scalp feeling different!! Great!! I can see super growth with this pepper.
i just relaxed so i dont think ill do my first tx until next week

Yah, I think that would be a good idea and also I was thinking that I might need to stop it for like 7 days prior to a relaxer cause my mix has MN in it and I don't want no adverse reactions.
The other day I tried a cayenne paste with water :nono: Not good. I couldn't wash out all the pepper. I got some soaking in olive oil I'll wait another week for that to marinate. I think I will do better with the oil.

Yah I think you will have better results with oil and I use MN and Coconut oil and I even add Aloe to help calm the burning.
Y thank you Sunshine Baby. :drunk: My scalp was singing fire last night....:grin: but I loved it. I'm going to do it again 2night! I have somme evoo and cayenne sitting in a small container marked for the 29th. I'm going to oil my temples and nape with it when its ready.

CaramelHonee I was waiting on my order "Hair Rush", I really wanted to try it and to my surprise, my order was cancelled b/s it was out of stock....womp, womp, womp. Thank God for good ol' cayenne pepper! But I copied the ingredients of Hair Rush for a future reference.

"Hair Rush" has been discontinued.
You can add some Aloe vera Gel to your head and it will calm it down a little bit and you can keep it on longer.

O really, cool. I'ma have to order some more I just ran out of my AVG.

fnggrant, I know. I looked up and down the net and everyone's site said, discontinued. That's why I copied and pasted their ingredients:grin:. It listed some pretty tempting ingredients.
Ohhhhh my head was :burning::burning: Wasn't too bad when I first put it on, but soon as I put a shower cap on my head OHHHHHH :burning: But yet after about 3 hours it started simmering down some, but it was actually feeling darn good!!:lol:
drasgrl...I've noticed in my cowash I had cayenne stuck in my hair, being it was so thick so I poo'd my hair with a comb and it all came out...have you tried that right after your mix? if so give it a shot in a small section in front....but use a small tooth comb.[/quote

If I used a small tooth comb with my hair with shampoo I will be bald. My crown is so thick with new growth now it would scream and cuss me out. I might try it once more and add it to some conditioner otherwise I will just stick with the oil. But that's for the suggestion.
O really, cool. I'ma have to order some more I just ran out of my AVG.

fnggrant, I know. I looked up and down the net and everyone's site said, discontinued. That's why I copied and pasted their ingredients:grin:. It listed some pretty tempting ingredients.

My bad.:grin:

Ohhhhh my head was :burning::burning: Wasn't too bad when I first put it on, but soon as I put a shower cap on my head OHHHHHH :burning: But yet after about 3 hours it started simmering down some, but it was actually feeling darn good!!:lol:

I just co-washed and my mix is on right now. It feels soooo good, and extra refreshing.:yep:
jus did my cayenne pepper paste (a little sunflower oil, water, cayenne pepper) and put it on my edges and nape. it tingled to the MAX... lol but i took it like a G and held it for 30 mins. :burning: I really didnt notice a difference in my hair... maybe after a third time i will see what the hype is about....

i am also doin the cayenne oil (the oil wit the pepper left for 14 days b4 use)... i will be usin that as a seal while my hair is wet. dont want to smell like pepper when im out
Pic of paste:
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jus did my cayenne pepper paste (a little sunflower oil, water, cayenne pepper) and put it on my edges and nape. it tingled to the MAX... lol but i took it like a G and held it for 30 mins. :burning: I really didnt notice a difference in my hair... maybe after a third time i will see what the hype is about....

i am also doin the cayenne oil (the oil wit the pepper left for 14 days b4 use)... i will be usin that as a seal while my hair is wet. dont want to smell like pepper when im out

I didn't think it was for the hair per say, but for to invigorate and stimulate the bloodflow of the scalp to maximize growth.
ah naw fnggrant :spinning: i was just say out of my self pity :crying3: that realized it :sad:. But it's cool cuz I'm right along with everybody else whose using good ol' cayenne peppa :blush: lol . I c ur enjoying yo pe-ppa as well!

:gotroasted: got roasted?

AsTheCurlzTurns that's exactly the feeling...but it's addictive....kind of :grin:
I don't want to have to joint the (cpa) cayenne pepper annonous

drasgrl ur welcome...I combed mine out section by section, but do you have a strainer? I know I'm getting too creative but I was thinking maybe using one would help reap the benefit of the cayenne but strain out the pepper particles. If that doesn't work than maybe grating in all your pepper in the blender to get a fine powder unless you or anyone else know where to get a fine cayenne powder. I hope I idnt fly to far off the handle but rather helpful to you and everone else.
dear Lordy, the grocery stores in my neighborhood SUCK BIG TOE! :angry2: i haven't been able to find any cayenne pepper. i knew i could get it at the local health food store but um... they are pricey... and i wasn't trying to spend money like that on some daggone pepper!

finally found some at the store up by my mom's house. geez, not that my city is that big but why do i ALWAYS have to go all over town to find what i need for my hair? :lachen: