Cathy Howse book for....


New Member
Hello Ladies,
Don't know if this is the right forum, but I justed wanted yall to know that I just purchased Cathy Howse's book ULTRA Black Hair Growth II: Another 6 for $13.45 with free shipping on Barnes and NOble dot com. ( With tax, $14.84. HTH
you didnt need her book,you have us, i have read the book 3 or more times over. years ago tho. but she basicaly tells you what we already know,:grin:
I have one of her books, it was cool when I was just starting out, but if I could go back, I wouldn't purchase. I still would have like to try her products though.
The book is alright if you stumble upon it first but if you have LHCF the book is not that necessary.

i think some LHCF ladies may say that the forum is more informative
I think it's a decent book, and I'm glad I bought it, although I have learned much more on this forum.
I have one of her books, it was cool when I was just starting out, but if I could go back, I wouldn't purchase. I still would have like to try her products though.

I'm still using the DC. I love the tingle of this DC. There is a homemade recipe on this site but I am too lazy to do it.

I have tried the moisturiser but that was a hair ended up in tangle city but I never really have much luck with creme moisturisers.

I have used the dew, that was also ok. I now use my own homemade "dew".

I love both of her moisturizers! I don't know how her Dew will hold up now that I'm transitioning though. It was great when I was fully relaxed. Spray it on all the length of my hair, cover with a bonnet at night, super soft hair in the morning :)

Her creme moisturizer was good too, imo. I used it for braidouts and such.

I found her book and products before I ran into LHCF. I followed what she said to do to the T. My hair grew faster and I retained a little more than I used to. Reading her book won't hurt. I know some are saying if you've been introduced to LHCF first, then you don't need the book. A little more info never hurts. I still go back to read my book every so often.

By the way is this the same book as the other one? Mine doesn't have "Another 6" in the title.
I made the condtioner before back when I was relaxed. I also followed her reggie while PS and retained nice length and had fuller, bouncy hair.
i use to buy her protein conditioner, but why the hell was i spending 16 dollars for a bottle when all i had to do was go to a local BSS and get better conditioners for less? i found soo many yummier conditioners that just blow hers out of the water! 16dollars!! crazy.
i use to buy her protein conditioner, but why the hell was i spending 16 dollars for a bottle when all i had to do was go to a local BSS and get better conditioners for less? i found soo many yummier conditioners that just blow hers out of the water! 16dollars!! crazy.

Not just hers, but soooo many online products.

I don't mind if products aren't all natural and full of "chemicals". I need for stuff to WORK. If I can get it to that with the $5 product over the $25, then the $5 one wins.

Well, I'll still use Qhem's stuff. They actually work for me. Can't wait for her deep conditioner.
Cathy's book is a good foundation, but if you are already a member here, I wouldn't purchase the book. The book only scratches the surface. The information you get here is a lot more detailed.
I bought the book around the time I found this forum and I am glad I did. This forum can be overwhelming for a newbie to haircare and can turn someone into a PJ if you don't know the basics of haircare. Her book helped lay down the foundation for me so that I could use this forum for fine-tuning and as a source to answer any questions I developed from the little I knew. Sometimes getting a summary helps you know what questions to ask or topics to look for on a resource as broad as this. So I think you will be glad you bought the book OP as I believe it will make finding your way around the forum so much easier.
I bought the book around the time I found this forum and I am glad I did. This forum can be overwhelming for a newbie to haircare and can turn someone into a PJ if you don't know the basics of haircare. Her book helped lay down the foundation for me so that I could use this forum for fine-tuning and as a source to answer any questions I developed from the little I knew. Sometimes getting a summary helps you know what questions to ask or topics to look for on a resource as broad as this. So I think you will be glad you bought the book OP as I believe it will make finding your way around the forum so much easier.

I agree with this entire post, especially the bolded.