Caring APL relaxed hair that's not hidden


New Member
I want to begin leaving my hair out as it is almost passed apl, but I don't know how to rock that route as I am not use to leaving out my hair. My hair was usually hidden under a half wig. But now that it has grown this long I am finding it a bit difficult to fit under a half wig. I was thinking of clip-ins but I am not so sure how to care for my relaxed hair with them as they tend to dry out my hair. At the moment I have in a sew-in weave with the ends left out so I can oil and moisturize daily. I am feeling a bit nervous about even doing this especially in the winter seasons.

I want to grow my hair to bsl eventually, but I am starting to realize that I may not be able to stick to the same protective styling techniques.

I was wondering what suggestions/regimen/techniques some of the ladies on the board who have apl OR bsl hair is doing OR anyone who had have similar experiences to mine.

I am not sure if this question have been ask yet, if it has been please direct me via a link as I can't seem to find any. Thnks Ladies.
Hey There, I am not APL, but as far as the clip ins go, if you are worried about protecting your hair, I would just braid up my hair. When I wear clip ins, I decide where my part, leave out hair will be. I do one french braid down the back and place the clip ins on top of the braid.

thanks guys, and thnks for the pic never thought of braiding my hair up in one as usually when I do fine braides for sew-ins it usually leaves a bulk at the end whenever I tuck it under...bumbing for more reponse....