Am I Full APL?

I think you are! Congrats!

Oh and I don't think "full" means no layers, just not a "V" shape. Blunt at the bottom layer.
Yes, you are full have very beautiful hair! I am on a quest to have ends as full as goal of 2010.
You are not full APL....You're past it :grin::grin::grin:
Keep up the good work!

What a great response. You made me happy FOR her, and I smiled like I am sure she did/will once she reads.

So...yes, ITA with everyone. You are full APL. How does it feel to know it yourself and to know that others know it too? I mean, I know we kind of chuckle when we ask each other the obvious (Am I EL? Am I BSB? Am I SL?), but I know good and well that when I reach a major milestone, I will be asking the EXACT SAME QUESTIONS! :grin::grin: I love LHCF! do you feel? Is this a length you have been to previously? I have never been past SL. EVER. My pics at APL are going to be big and just as "noisy" as possible. APL will be HUGE for me. Do you feel the same way???


What a great response. You made me happy FOR her, and I smiled like I am sure she did/will once she reads.

So...yes, ITA with everyone. You are full APL. How does it feel to know it yourself and to know that others know it too? I mean, I know we kind of chuckle when we ask each other the obvious (Am I EL? Am I BSB? Am I SL?), but I know good and well that when I reach a major milestone, I will be asking the EXACT SAME QUESTIONS! :grin::grin: I love LHCF! do you feel? Is this a length you have been to previously? I have never been past SL. EVER. My pics at APL are going to be big and just as "noisy" as possible. APL will be HUGE for me. Do you feel the same way???



I was actually BSL before, but my hair was ruined. Trust me it was a mess. I cut it above APL when I found this forum and started on my healthy hair journey with the help of LHCF. I figured I was APL or close, but I had read there a difference between full APL and APL. I have layers.

So I guess to answer your question. APL alone is not a major milestone for me but having full HEALTHY APL hair is. I've never had healthy hair at any length since I was a teenager. And that makes me feel great. Thanks LHCF!!! :grin:
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