Cardio for Your Hair Challenge


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to join me for a six week Cardio for Your Hair Challenge??

As we all know, exercise is an important part of any healthy hair care regimen. But sometimes its just so hard to do! Lets try to motivate each other to do some form of cardio at least 3 times per week.

Let's really see the benefits of exercise, remember to post a starting picure. Challenge begins April 1!

Some Ideas for this challenge:

1) Walking outside or on a treadmill for 20-30 mins

2) Walking on the treadmill at the highest incline for 15-20 mins

3) Taking a group fitness class like tae-boe, kickboxing, yoga, weight-training, etc. alone or with a buddy :)

4) Jogging, brisk walking, elliptical or running

As it gets warmer its also much easier to co-wash, wash n' go or wash more frequently. So the hair benefit is more than one way!

*I will post a thread when the challenge beings in which we document what we do each week.

**Yes, this challenge is a rip from Macheriamour's challenge two years ago, lol :giggle:

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I'm in :grin:

I have so many workout dvd's I can create my own classes. I just can't travel to my church for the free classes. Gas is reserved for Tuesday night Bible Study and church on Sunday...

I can't afford a gym membership, so I joined Netflix last year for the $14.99/month dvd rental package and get my workouts in the mail. Cheapest gym membership I ever had. :rolleyes:
I'm in. I'm currently already doing this. I walk/job two miles everyday with one day off each week. I'm hoping to get in better shape and if my hair benefits from this that would be great also.
I'm in :grin:

I have so many workout dvd's I can create my own classes. I just can't travel to my church for the free classes. Gas is reserved for Tuesday night Bible Study and church on Sunday...

I can't afford a gym membership, so I joined Netflix last year for the $14.99/month dvd rental package and get my workouts in the mail. Cheapest gym membership I ever had. :rolleyes:

Wow I never ever thought of using netflix for exercise dvd's. You are absolutely brilliant:wallbash:. Welcome to the challenge!
I'm in too. I've been exercising pretty frequently anyway...trying to see if I can get more growth by doing thing I should be doing anyway...I can't wait!
Anyone want to join me for a six week Cardio for Your Hair Challenge??

As we all know, exercise is an important part of any healthy hair care regimen. But sometimes its just so hard to do! Lets try to motivate each other to do some form of cardio 3 times per week.

Let's really see the benefits of exercise, remember to post a starting picure. Challenge begins April 1!

Some Ideas for this challenge:

1) Walking outside or on a treadmill for 20-30 mins

2) Walking on the treadmill at the highest incline for 15-20 mins

3) Taking a group fitness class like tae-boe, kickboxing, yoga, weight-training, etc. alone or with a buddy :)

4) Jogging, brisk walking, elliptical or running

As it gets warmer its also much easier to co-wash, wash n' go or wash more frequently. So the hair benefit is more than one way!

*I will post a thread the second week in which we document what we do each week.

**Yes, this challenge is a rip from Macheriamour's challenge two years ago, lol :giggle:


Count me in. I work out high cardio everyday!:yep:
I'm in too. I've been exercising pretty frequently anyway...trying to see if I can get more growth by doing thing I should be doing anyway...I can't wait!

That's what I'm thinking, getting blood circulating at least 3 times a week=longer healthier hair.

*Remember to drink lots of water ladies
This is just the challenge I need, I already started working out on weekday mornings....Count me in for 5 days of walk / jogging / eliptical machine for 45 minutes. I'm glad you put this challenge up, and ladies thank you for the Water reminder, I need it because I am very guilty of getting to busy during the day and forgetting to drink!!:yep:
Someone here(cant remember her name) posted about her growth from exercising and she had beautiful hair. :yep:

I've been slacking on the exercise but I need to find something I enjoy. I think I would like kickboxing.
I just started exercising 2 weeks ago to get into shape for the summer. I just recently thought about the benefits of cardio for hair growth. I will be following you ladies because I can't post a starting point pic because my big head daughter lost my cam and I need to purchase another one, which is not going to happen for another 2-3 weeks. Unless, I can post a pic with my webcam:perplexed.....
Someone here(cant remember her name) posted about her growth from exercising and she had beautiful hair. :yep:

I've been slacking on the exercise but I need to find something I enjoy. I think I would like kickboxing.

Yes, you would. I love, love, love, turbo jam. It's so fun and I guarantee you will not be bored:nono:
I just started exercising 2 weeks ago to get into shape for the summer. I just recently thought about the benefits of cardio for hair growth. I will be following you ladies because I can't post a starting point pic because my big head daughter lost my cam and I need to purchase another one, which is not going to happen for another 2-3 weeks. Unless, I can post a pic with my webcam:perplexed.....

Join anyway, just remember where you started and tell us in the end with your reveal.
Someone here(cant remember her name) posted about her growth from exercising and she had beautiful hair. :yep:

I've been slacking on the exercise but I need to find something I enjoy. I think I would like kickboxing.
Nothing beats a great kickboxing class!!! I really used to enjoy them, I hope you can find one :-) :yep:
Someone here(cant remember her name) posted about her growth from exercising and she had beautiful hair. :yep:

I've been slacking on the exercise but I need to find something I enjoy. I think I would like kickboxing.

I'm in! This is a great idea. I already do a good amount of cardio but this will add to my accountablilty.

I think you would like Kickboxing locabouthair. That is what I do atleast twice a week. I really like it, Taebo is what whipped me into shape when I first started working out in high school.