
New Member
For the life of me..i can't take a hair compliment :nono:. Ppl black, white and Hispanic tell me my hair is nice or it grows so fast..and I always say something negative like..oh i wish it was so..puffy or whatever. Or I would say..i wish it grew faster. Am I the only who can't take hair compliments??
I can take one. I always blush when people comment on my hair. I love my hair.:love: We're in a good relationship now.
I'm like that also but it seems that I could only put my hair down b/c if someone makes a rude comment about my hair ill defend my hair like its the best out there.
I do that because I'm not used to it at all. I've noticed that I always make a self depreciating comment when I get a compliment though...
Absolutely. I just say "thank you" and smile. But inside I chuckle and think "if only you knew (what goes into this)". :) But otoh it's nice to have another perspective. Most women are intensely self critical so it's helpful to hear that you may be nitpicking over stuff that other people don't even notice anyway.
I feel weird when people compliment my hair (or comment on it at all). I'm like, "If only they knew how obsessed I am with it." :ohwell:

I need to work on learning how to accept a compliment in general.
I love compliments! Makes me feel accomplished after taking good care of this head of hair. I smile and say thank you....and depending on the situation start a big ol hair convo about the complimenter's hair and what she's doing with it.etc.
For the life of me..i can't take a hair compliment :nono:. Ppl black, white and Hispanic tell me my hair is nice or it grows so fast..and I always say something negative like..oh i wish it was so..puffy or whatever. Or I would say..i wish it grew faster. Am I the only who can't take hair compliments??

I learned to always answer a compliment w/ "thank you" even if it makes me uncomfortable. I hardly get uncomfortable w/ a compliment. When I was younger I took a course that explained that many times our own insecurities stop us from taking compliments.

Just force yourself to say thanks because it's a great habit to learn to take a compliment. It will also alert you to any insecurities you might be dealing with subconsciously. JMHO.
Yes I can take I got one and it made me feel good b/c I was feeling a little down about my HHJ this past weekend. I am stretching and was about to end my stretch because the new growth is getting unmanageable. I tried steaming yesterday for the first time to see if that would soften the new growth and today someone noticed how nice my hair looks.:grin:
I love compliments. It took me a while to take the compliment and not negate it, now I usually give them a compliment back, but it still feels weird/uncomfortable when someone goes on a little too long, or too often.
People compliment my hair. I can take it. And all I do to my hair is put it in a bun but they love the waves. They either ask me if its texturised or is that your natural hair or they say i wish I could do that to my hair, or they say,"You have the 'nice type' of hair." I never tell them what I do to my hair(unless they ask) because I use gel and I know most of the people may not use gel responsibly or they may think it will break their hair anyway.
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I can, but sometimes I act like it's no big deal. Mostly all of my compliments have something to do with having "good hair", so usually say there's no such thing. I've received compliments on my puff...I just say "Thank you"...maybe mention a hair site.
YES! How can I not, in fact I was complimented just this morning. I'm not natural yet, but it looks like I am. Anyway, the man said I wear my hair like a "queen."

I was very flattered. I never thought that a man would actually say that to me.:look:
Compliments? Any compliment? I can so take them. I appreciate them immensely and beam like my name is the Cheshire cat and say a very heartfelt thank you. If the hair compliment is something about my hair being longer than people thought, I just about pee on myself with glee because lawd knows long hair has been a dream of mine since I was knee high. I'm always tickled pink when I think I see some progress, usually at the most unexpected times. :grin: So when others notice too, I'm assured that it's not my imagination and it's actually real.
Sometimes the comment is just so random. I had my hair in doughnut bun and my eyebrow lady asked me how I achieved the style. Another day I had a bun in my hair and my soror asked me if I was going much as I love my hair, I don't feel like talking about it sometimes.

Don't let me wear a braidout. I'll get a million comments about that! I guess I should get used to it and be happy about it considering all the work I put into it.
I feel weird when people compliment my hair (or comment on it at all). I'm like, "If only they knew how obsessed I am with it." :ohwell:

I need to work on learning how to accept a compliment in general.

Exactly what I was thinking...
For the life of me..i can't take a hair compliment :nono:. Ppl black, white and Hispanic tell me my hair is nice or it grows so fast..and I always say something negative like..oh i wish it was so..puffy or whatever. Or I would say..i wish it grew faster. Am I the only who can't take hair compliments??

I'm like that with most compliments but I'm trying to train myself not to say anything negative.

Now, I just say 'thank you so much' and give the person a big smile. I only wish some women didn't put themselves down when they gave compliments because I haven't got to the point where I can give them some encouragement yet. :(
i can't take a compliment PERIOD. Whether it be about my hair or my overall appearance i just always have to say something negative as a response or shy away from the comment. I hate when people tell me that im pretty, or that my hair is nice. I always assume that it's some type of joke or there lying lmao.

theres something massively wrong with me. i know ..
i can't take a compliment PERIOD. Whether it be about my hair or my overall appearance i just always have to say something negative as a response or shy away from the comment. I hate when people tell me that im pretty, or that my hair is nice. I always assume that it's some type of joke or there lying lmao.

I feel the same way! Trust me..
It was hard initially but 2 months after the bc I still get compliments and now I just say thank you and smile.
I always get compliments on my sew-in as "my hair". Mostly from men and white women.
Your hair is beautiful or It's so long or How do you manage all that hair?
It feels a little weird but I still say thank you and get moving before they start inspecting. lol
I usually just say thank you, but 90% of the time people actually compliment my hair on days that I either didn't do my hair or don't like my hair. Some people reach into my hair after they compliment soo, i sometimes give dirty looks and such.
I just started getting them & I love it! But I think its human nature to not accept them in fear of sounding vain or whatever. I usually CHEESE say something like "thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me."

And for family members and stuff I they will ask for more details because they vividly remember a stylist's horrible touch up (severe scalp burns) and horrid three inch "trim."