Can you REALLY be a born again virgin????

Can you be a born-again virgin?

  • Yay.

    Votes: 58 46.0%
  • Nay.

    Votes: 68 54.0%

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New Member
This concept sounds so strange to me.
Some Christain churches have born again virginity programs.
>first you come in and repent
>spend about 2wks in special church counseling on abstinence
>and have a special baptism to announce your new path of celibacy til marriage

Why does it have to be called "born again" virginity? Why can't it just be a choice of abstinence???
Blossssom said:
Whatever they call it, if you're a true Christian, you need to practice it.
Girl you need to stop. True but stop. :lachen:
sorry for laughing. so I'll just say, now let the church say Amen. Amen!!
ladydee36330 said:
Girl you need to stop. True but stop. :lachen:
sorry for laughing. so I'll just say, now let the church say Amen. Amen!!

Heehee... I've had a long day on this board, girl :)
I believe a born again virgin, is someone who has commited adultery, fornication etc. in the natural. But, now they have turned their life over to God and are walking according to the Christine doctrines. And since we are the Bride (the church) and he is like the Groom (God), the person is becoming a born again virgin so that the person who is apart of the church which is the bride may be presented to God as a chaste virgin in the spiritual.

You can practice abstinence, but as far as being a "born-again" Virgin...once your "first act" has passed, there it went. :look:
TrustMeLove said:
I believe a born again virgin, is someone who has commited adultery, fornication etc. in the natural. But, now they have turned their life over to God and are walking according to the Christine doctrines. And since we are the Bride (the church) and he is like the Groom (God), the person is becoming a born again virgin so that the person who is apart of the church which is the bride may be presented to God as a chaste virgin in the spiritual.


That may be true in the "spiritual" but as far as the "natural" there is no such thing as "born again virgins" IMO.
Sweet_Ambrosia said:

That may be true in the "spiritual" but as far as the "natural" there is no such thing as "born again virgins" IMO.

I agree. I think the term born-again virgin is just the term used to refer to someone who is no longer a natural virgin, but has realized their mistake and the importance of saving such an important thing for marriage and then makes a decision to save it until marriage.

I also don't think that churches need to have a special "born-again virgin" process or program. This is something that a person can totally do privately in their hearts. Not to say there is anything wrong if a church chooses to have such a program...
Actually there is a way to become a born again virgin surgically. I think it involves sewing your hymen back together.

To answer the question, I think one can spiritually, but not physically.
The whole destinction of being a Virgin is the fact that you haven't performed physical intercourse!
I'm not a Virgin, and I don't feel right claiming or trying to be a "born again." I've been ABSTINATE, and that clears my mind for God just fine.
I don't care what surgeries your can get for hymen restoration, if you've had sex-you're not a Virgin. That simple.
I believe that you can be a non-virgin to the world, but a virgin in God's eyes (once you have repented from your sexual sin)! ;)
Poohbear said:
I believe that you can be a non-virgin to the world, but a virgin in God's eyes (once you have repented from your sexual sin)! ;)

This was same thing I was thinking Poohbear. :yep: I repented and turned away from fornication.
:yay: <----Me, Happy and blessed for the choice I've made. :)
That's what I thought you guys meant but for some reason whenever I think of the word repent I think of doing something in particular to right a wrong.
CatSuga said:
This concept sounds so strange to me.
Some Christain churches have born again virginity programs.>first you come in and repent
>spend about 2wks in special church counseling on abstinence
>and have a special baptism to announce your new path of celibacy til marriage

Why does it have to be called "born again" virginity? Why can't it just be a choice of abstinence???

Are you kidding me? *Wiping off the grape juice I just splattered on my computer screen* :lol:

I can understand calling it an abstinence program...but "born again virgin"? And for the women that have partipated...who do they think they're fooling? :lachen: Just call it what it is...celibacy.
You can not be a born again virgin. You can practice abstinence. I have heard "born again virgin" before; it usually came from "Ho's" male and female who have found GOD and are trying to forget and want everyone else to forget about their whorish things that they use to do. I am not throwing stones, but eveyone has their own burdens to bear and ask for forgiveness, but they trying to get all new and create a new situation so they can put themselves above others who haven't seen the light.
ThickHair said:
You can not be a born again virgin. You can practice abstinence. I have heard "born again virgin" before; it usually came from "Ho's" male and female who have found GOD and are trying to forget and want everyone else to forget about their whorish things that they use to do. I am not throwing stones, but eveyone has their own burdens to bear and ask for forgiveness, but they trying to get all new and create a new situation so they can put themselves above others who haven't seen the light.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
ThickHair said:
You can not be a born again virgin. You can practice abstinence. I have heard "born again virgin" before; it usually came from "Ho's" male and female who have found GOD and are trying to forget and want everyone else to forget about their whorish things that they use to do. I am not throwing stones, but eveyone has their own burdens to bear and ask for forgiveness, but they trying to get all new and create a new situation so they can put themselves above others who haven't seen the light.

OKKKK!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: My best friend became a "born again virgin" after she got saved. Basically she became celibate and abstained from having sex until she got married. I just don't see how one can become a born again virgin. Just my opinion...
Blossssom said:
Whatever they call it, if you're a true Christian, you need to practice it.
I agree. Do not get stuck on whats its called but what it means. Otherwise you may never be able to move forward with the real purpose. :)
star said:
I agree. Do not get stuck on whats its called but what it means. Otherwise you may never be able to move forward with the real purpose. :)
I agree! Well said! :up:
Supergirl said:
I agree. I think the term born-again virgin is just the term used to refer to someone who is no longer a natural virgin, but has realized their mistake and the importance of saving such an important thing for marriage and then makes a decision to save it until marriage.

I also don't think that churches need to have a special "born-again virgin" process or program. This is something that a person can totally do privately in their hearts. Not to say there is anything wrong if a church chooses to have such a program...

^5. I was thinking the same thing.
I think people keep focusing on the physical meaning of being a virgin rather than spiritual meaning of being a "born again virgin." There is a difference. This is just like when that man(forgot his name) was asking Jesus how can a man be born again? Of course you can't PHYSICALLY go back into your mother's womb but SPIRITUALLY you can be born again through Jesus. Yes you may have had sex and are physically not a virgin but once you repent and ask God for forgiveness you are a virgin in HIS eyes because once you ask for forgiveness he forgets your sins.
pearlygurl said:
I think people keep focusing on the physical meaning of being a virgin rather than spiritual meaning of being a "born again virgin." There is a difference. This is just like when that man(forgot his name) was asking Jesus how can a man be born again? Of course you can't PHYSICALLY go back into your mother's womb but SPIRITUALLY you can be born again through Jesus. Yes you may have had sex and are physically not a virgin but once you repent and ask God for forgiveness you are a virgin in HIS eyes because once you ask for forgiveness he forgets your sins.

very well said and perfect scripture reference.
pearlygurl said:
I think people keep focusing on the physical meaning of being a virgin rather than spiritual meaning of being a "born again virgin." There is a difference. This is just like when that man(forgot his name) was asking Jesus how can a man be born again? Of course you can't PHYSICALLY go back into your mother's womb but SPIRITUALLY you can be born again through Jesus. Yes you may have had sex and are physically not a virgin but once you repent and ask God for forgiveness you are a virgin in HIS eyes because once you ask for forgiveness he forgets your sins.

I understand what you're saying. Yet I see it as God forgiving you for your sins, although you still have to reap what you sow physically and spiritually.

When you have sex with a man, you allow his spirit to enter you. You can't act like you don't know what it is to spiritually connect with a man when you do. You're forgiven, but one of the consequences of having sex is no longer being a virgin - on any level. It is true that Jesus redeems our sins... but unlike a virgin you still know what its like to be with a man regardless of your repentance and vow of celibacy. A virgin has no experience of a spiritual or physical connection with a man through sex. That's how I see it anyway. I hope I'm explaining my view well enough.
I believe you can be forgiven and start your life over the right way. A second chance but I wouldn't make it what it isn't. Your not a virgin any longer, no matter what you do. You can never claim it. Born again Virgin sounds really silly to me - but this is my opinion. I done so many things in my life it was ever written in a book I would be devastated but I learned from everything I have ever done and its my story. I can't change it or retitle it I don't want to I found the lord because of it and if it can help someone else then that is how I will use it. I would not think of new names to change something that has already happen. God is not into glorifying names anyway.
I knew virgins in school "who did EVERYTHING but..." which did not make them virgins in my view. :ohwell:

I think think the "born-again vrigin" term is referring to our spirit, character and mind, not just the physical act.
God forgives and forgets (the sin) everything that we ask for when we repent. But, what's gone is gone- God always forgives us, but that doesn't mean that we don't have to live with the consequences of the actions, be it unwanted pregnancy, disease, or a broken heart. You can "Go and sin no more" but I don't think that it's right to enter one of those programs with the intention of being able to tell a future partner that you are indeed a virgin. If God's let it go then you should let it go and just move on with dignity, no apologies, and respect for your newly washed in the blood temple and not try to reclaim something that just isn't coming back no matter how many programs you attend or certificates you receive.