Can a Person Be a Christian and Not go to Church?

A person does need to be discipled, lauren. Just like with little children, when we give birth to them, we don't just say to them..."ok, feed yourself now and don't forget to change your diapers). We must help them until they are able to help themselves.

We can't just leave people out there....that's one of the reasons as to why God created the that WE can help others in the way!

We are the's our hands and feet that does the work within the church. It's not complicated but necessary to see the work get done.:yep:

I don't see where I disagreed. I said that person will be led somewhere, be it a church, another believer, or sticking with the person who led them to Christ.

Also, the Bible makes it clear that we are the church. Every believer, not every church building.
You all are having a rich conversation here.... I'll just keep listening/reading after this point.

I believe it was Adequate who made the point about folk being hurt and/or disengaged by the church as a predominant reason for lack of attendance. I believe that if we took a survey, that would get high marks.

One thing I do know is that there is NO PERFECT CHURCH, only a PERFECT LORD. So while a church, just like a spouse, isn't perfect, there's a place and space for the assembly of believers to come together and fellowship and encourage one another in the Lord.

(chuckle) Think about it this way: every church you could say began as a small group meeting in a home. There may be a time and season for a person and/or family to do that because that may be the way the Lord wants to do some inner healing....

I would encourage you all to be open to the leading of the Lord to lead you to a church where you can not only go to fellowship or to be served, but for you TO SERVE. You all have gifts and talents that the Body of Christ needs beyond your small group, your four and no more...again, moving in the right time and season....

Peace and blessings and COURAGE....
I agree with the bold.
You're welcome! I'd love to know your thoughts when you get a chance.:grin:

After reading this thread... I know I'm late to respond but I basically agree with you.

John 14:26 Jesus says, "But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you."

My thoughts are basically this....
We all are at different levels of knowledge in the spirit.

Some of us are new christians some of us are mature christians.

We don't instantly learn everything from the Holy Spirit. The learning process takes place over time. Don't threaten people, encourage them to find wisdom James 1:5 and do the right thing James 1:21-22.

If you believe in Christ you are a Christian:
John 14:6
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I don't think people should concern themselves with others trying to take away their christian label. It's just that a label.
I do believe you can be a Christian and not go to church. My dad was a christian that alot of people wrongfully jugded thoughout his life because he did not attend church.They were on the outside looking in and this still happens alot with people in the church. They did not see what I saw. I saw my father praying on his knees all through the day, reading his bible, helping strangers, raising 3 children alone when our mother died and being an humble non gossiping man of God. He did not even like to talk on the telephone to much because he thought it led to gossiping and talking about people. Me and my brothers all went to church with my mom and he never discouraged that even when she died he told us to continue to go church. He told me that he had no confidence in the church anymore but it was still good to go but that the church was in my heart. He said God was coming back after people with the right heart and not a building. He taught me to not put much confidence in people because everyone makes mistakes but to always know God for myself. He died in 1992 and I have no doubt that he made it in. He was jugded by the head deacon, who also was the biggest drug dealer in our county, He was jugded by the treasurer, who was sleeping with the church mothers husband. He was jugded by the church secretary, who went to root workers to solve her problems and to get spells to keep her drug dealing husband out of jail.
These people were at the church everyday but my dad was not and he treated people better. Those people had their titles but my dad a good heart. I'm sorry for the long post but this really struck home with me. Thats why I dont judge people that dont go to church because we dont know what they do at home and we dont know whats in their heart. I found out after my dad died by my aunt that he had been deeply wounded by a pastor when he was a young man and thats why de did not go to church. He even told me before he died to not have his funeral at the church because he thought it would be hypocritical of him to go in death when he did not go in life and I honored his request. My dad taught me how to live right, not by words but by the way he carried himself. He was a great example for me to follow. The church is helpful but not mandatory. If you have the mind to be saved and live right than God will help you no matter where you are.
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I do believe you can be a Christian and not go to church. My dad was a christian that alot of people wrongfully jugded thoughout his life because he did not attend church.They were on the outside looking in and this still happens alot with people in the church. They did not see what I saw. I saw my father praying on his knees all through the day, reading his bible, helping strangers, raising 3 children alone when our mother died and being an humble non gossiping man of God. He did not even like to talk on the telephone to much because he thought it led to gossiping and talking about people. Me and my brothers all went to church with my mom and he never discouraged that even when she died he told us to continue to go church. He told me that he had no confidence in the church anymore but it was still good to go but that the church was in my heart. He said God was coming back after people with the right heart and not a building. He taught me to not put much confidence in people because everyone makes mistakes but to always know God for myself. He died in 1992 and I have no doubt that he made it in. He was jugded by the head deacon, who also was the biggest drug dealer in our county, He was jugded by the treasurer, who was sleeping with the church mothers husband. He was jugded by the church secretary, who went to root workers to solve her problems and to get spells to keep her drug dealing husband out of jail.
These people were at the church everyday but my dad was not and he treated people better. Those people had their titles but my dad a good heart. I'm sorry for the long post but this really struck home with me. Thats why I dont judge people that dont go to church because we dont know what they do at home and we dont know whats in their heart. I found out after my dad died by my aunt that he had been deeply wounded by a pastor when he was a young man and thats why de did not go to church. He even told me before he died to not have his funeral at the church because he thought it would be hypocritical of him to go in death when he did not go in life and I honored his request. My dad taught me how to live right, not by words but by the way he carried himself. He was a great example for me to follow. The church is helpful but not mandatory. If you have the mind to be saved and live right than God will help you no matter where you are.

((((Hugs)))) I'm sure he made it in, too. Your daddy sounds like he was a good father, and a good man of God.:yep:
After reading this thread... I know I'm late to respond but I basically agree with you.

John 14:26 Jesus says, "But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you."

My thoughts are basically this....
We all are at different levels of knowledge in the spirit.

Some of us are new christians some of us are mature christians.

We don't instantly learn everything from the Holy Spirit. The learning process takes place over time. Don't threaten people, encourage them to find wisdom James 1:5 and do the right thing James 1:21-22.

If you believe in Christ you are a Christian:
John 14:6
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I don't think people should concern themselves with others trying to take away their christian label. It's just that a label.

Thanks for your response! We're ---->here<-----.:yep:

I have one more question for it necessary to join a church?

What if you find a good church to fellowship in, but you don't join it (like sign the pledge card, submit to the pastor's headship, etc.) Are you being disobedient? The Bible says nothing about exclusive church membership, so why wouldn't it be fine to go and fellowship sometimes? Can we accept that not everyone's calling is tied up in a specific church building?
Good morning, ladies. It's a great day!

I would like for us to stay on the topic at hand. I can tell its going a little off course and its not that I don't want to answer the questions, but I would really like for the questions to remain within the topic original question.

Thanks and blessings to all!
Good morning, ladies. It's a great day!

I would like for us to stay on the topic at hand. I can tell its going a little off course and its not that I don't want to answer the questions, but I would really like for the questions to remain within the topic original question.

Thanks and blessings to all!

Good morning!

I too hate the off track questions but it is good for us to discuss related questions as the discussion can help others as they mature in their spiritual walk. It is when one is able to answer these related questions that they are able to ascertain for themselves where they stand in the church.

But I see your point and I am glad for the energetic discourse in this forum.
Good morning!

I too hate the off track questions but it is good for us to discuss related questions as the discussion can help others as they mature in their spiritual walk. It is when one is able to answer these related questions that they are able to ascertain for themselves where they stand in the church.

But I see your point and I am glad for the energetic discourse in this forum.

Thank you sis. I do understand that as well, but I know that confusion can also set in....already got a couple of pm's about it.:yep:

Thank you for your post....blessings!
A person does need to be discipled, lauren. Just like with little children, when we give birth to them, we don't just say to them..."ok, feed yourself now and don't forget to change your diapers). We must help them until they are able to help themselves.

We can't just leave people out there....that's one of the reasons as to why God created the that WE can help others in the way!

We are the's our hands and feet that does the work within the church. It's not complicated but necessary to see the work get done.:yep:

Disciplined would not be my choice word for what you are describing. I believe that only God can discipline Christians, not the church. As I am using the word, I define it as bringing to a state of obedience by training and control. If a person was to get out of line then only God can punish that person to the point of submission, not the church.

I believe that a person can be a Christian and not go to church. Just as a person can go to church and not be a Christian. I'll take the extra step to say that many that do go to church (whether a building or a prayer group) are not Christians and it's not because they don't want to be.
Disciplined would not be my choice word for what you are describing. I believe that only God can discipline Christians, not the church. As I am using the word, I define it as bringing to a state of obedience by training and control. If a person was to get out of line then only God can punish that person to the point of submission, not the church.

I believe that a person can be a Christian and not go to church. Just as a person can go to church and not be a Christian. I'll take the extra step to say that many that do go to church (whether a building or a prayer group) are not Christians and it's not because they don't want to be.

nvybeauty, I didn't say disciplined, I said "discipled":grin: a person/persons who help people to be more in love with Him (Jesus) and to grow in characteristics that radiate Him to others.
nvybeauty, I didn't say disciplined, I said "discipled":grin: a person/persons who help people to be more in love with Him (Jesus) and to grow in characteristics that radiate Him to others.

my bad :grin: i'm glad you pointed that out... i agree with you then b/c even Jesus found disciples for himself and asked them to go with him when he went to pray three times, though they slept. :grin:
Well, I'm Christian but I don't have a church. I have been searching for one off and on. I am Catholic and I am so overwhelmed with all the things I have to do to be a full Catholic. My Catholic family members are not into going to church either. I have never been confirmed. Second, I haven't been to confession in years. I'm feeling very pressed to find a church soon because I'm pregnant and I have a child. I want them to grow up in church, but I'm not sure if I want to remain Catholic.
There is strength in numbers... I would say you'd be a weaker Christian at best without the proper fellowship.
Well, I'm Christian but I don't have a church. I have been searching for one off and on. I am Catholic and I am so overwhelmed with all the things I have to do to be a full Catholic. My Catholic family members are not into going to church either. I have never been confirmed. Second, I haven't been to confession in years. I'm feeling very pressed to find a church soon because I'm pregnant and I have a child. I want them to grow up in church, but I'm not sure if I want to remain Catholic.

I can understand. My advice: Have a heart-felt talk with Father God and ask Him where His desire is for you to be...where your gifts, love and committment can be best utilized for others!

He will never fail you....He is such a trustworthy God!

He said this:

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Matt.7:7-8)


Well, I'm Christian but I don't have a church. I have been searching for one off and on. I am Catholic and I am so overwhelmed with all the things I have to do to be a full Catholic. My Catholic family members are not into going to church either. I have never been confirmed. Second, I haven't been to confession in years. I'm feeling very pressed to find a church soon because I'm pregnant and I have a child. I want them to grow up in church, but I'm not sure if I want to remain Catholic.

I was Catholic as a child and I am considering returning to the Catholic church :)
There is strength in numbers... I would say you'd be a weaker Christian at best without the proper fellowship.

It's true...and anyway, although worshiping at home is great...even a necessary action in a christians life (I do it with my son every night and morning, and this year am trying to get up early enough to include my husband before he goes to work in the morning), why would you settle for just that when you can go to church and in a sense be a louder voice? Everyone then has that argument about peoples attitudes in church turning them off, but my favourite thing to say to them is "you're not perfect so how can you expect everyone else to be?" We are all there with our imperfections calling on God to enter our lives and correct us.
Good morning, ladies. It's a great day!

I would like for us to stay on the topic at hand. I can tell its going a little off course and its not that I don't want to answer the questions, but I would really like for the questions to remain within the topic original question.

Thanks and blessings to all!

So, what are we "allowed" to discuss or not discuss here? Because I can always ask my questions to those willing to have a discussion in another thread. I didn't realize there were rules.:ohwell:
So, what are we "allowed" to discuss or not discuss here? Because I can always ask my questions to those willing to have a discussion in another thread. I didn't realize there were rules.:ohwell:


I was not being disrespectful to you or anyone else when I asked that of the ladies. I never said that you were not allowed or that there were rules, I just asked since I was the originator of the thread, that we stay on topic. I didn't see anything wrong in asking that.

Thank you.

ETA: If you, lauren, feel the need to go to others to ask the questions you would like, by all means do so. No problem here.
I dont believe a has to go to church to be saved. We are saved by serving Christ but going to church is good for edification.
Honestly I am at odds with my church right now. They pretty much abandoed my family at our time of need or looked the other way. The pastor didn't really seem to care what we were going through.:sad: (God forgive me, but I have to tell it how it is) I am praying that God will one day led us to a home church because I don't think we are being called to start a church. My family is going through a spritual conflict right now and I'm asking for your prayers.

~Thank you
I dont believe a has to go to church to be saved. We are saved by serving Christ but going to church is good for edification.
Honestly I am at odds with my church right now. They pretty much abandoed my family at our time of need or looked the other way. The pastor didn't really seem to care what we were going through.:sad: (God forgive me, but I have to tell it how it is) I am praying that God will one day led us to a home church because I don't think we are being called to start a church. My family is going through a spritual conflict right now and I'm asking for your prayers.

~Thank you

Thats really messed up. I'll keep you in my prayers and also your church because its sounds like they REALLY need His influence
I dont believe a has to go to church to be saved. We are saved by serving Christ but going to church is good for edification.
Honestly I am at odds with my church right now. They pretty much abandoed my family at our time of need or looked the other way. The pastor didn't really seem to care what we were going through.:sad: (God forgive me, but I have to tell it how it is) I am praying that God will one day led us to a home church because I don't think we are being called to start a church. My family is going through a spritual conflict right now and I'm asking for your prayers.

~Thank you

No, you don't have to go to church to be saved. I got saved on a street corner almost 21 years ago...haven't turned back since.

I am sorry for the hurt you and your family are feeling because of the hurt people in your church, including the pastor.


I will be praying for you and your family. God is in the midst of you, keep your eyes upon Him...He will never, ever let you down.

Blessings to you, always!