Can You Blame Her?

I got her point at first, but then I saw the Dr. Phil episode and the husband needed to quit his job to take care of the kids. She was an alcoholic before and just got even worse after having little money.
She is at fault here and he is the one picking up the pieces and raising the kids.
I got her point at first, but then I saw the Dr. Phil episode and the husband needed to quit his job to take care of the kids. She was an alcoholic before and just got even worse after having little money.
She is at fault here and he is the one picking up the pieces and raising the kids.
You really think he quit his big time lawyer gig and started a weed dispensary for his kids?
You really think he quit his big time lawyer gig and started a weed dispensary for his kids?
Right! He was making 700k a year and even said they had nannies and maids so why couldn't he still have those things and keep his high profile career? Or get another well paying job that was slightly less demanding? I'm sure he could have found one. Which is why I believe his drastic career change had more to do with punishing her/getting rid of her than anything else. If he didn't have the money, then she couldn't shop til she dropped, couldn't binge drink, he couldn't put her in countless rehab facilities. That's what that was about. I'm not knocking it - like I said desperate measures but this was not completely altruistic on his part. Men are pretty simple. He did exactly what he set out to do.
Right! He was making 700k a year and even said they had nannies and maids so why couldn't he still have those things and keep his high profile career? Or get another well paying job that was slightly less demanding? I'm sure he could have found one. Which is why I believe his drastic career change had more to do with punishing her/getting rid of her than anything else. If he didn't have the money, then she couldn't shop til she dropped, couldn't binge drink, he couldn't put her in countless rehab facilities. That's what that was about. I'm not knocking it - like I said desperate measures but this was not completely altruistic on his part. Men are pretty simple. He did exactly what he set out to do.
I bet she didn’t find him attractive either, hardly slept with him. He ain’t slick. He gets to look like the hero, yet he won’t divorce her, and she is begging for money.... ain’t none of this has anything to do with the kids. They are pawns. Got his pathetic sister on there feeling sorry for him. Well played sir.,
I bet she didn’t find him attractive either, hardly slept with him. He ain’t slick. He gets to look like the hero, yet he won’t divorce her, and she is begging for money.... ain’t none of this has anything to do with the kids. They are pawns. Got his pathetic sister on there feeling sorry for him. Well played sir.,

Yeah, but she put herself in the position to be set up so...? :look:
Now, the other videos say he changed careers because she was drinking too much? This is what happens to some people. With nothing to do and nothing to fulfill her, drinking was probably her thing. It sounds like she was the stereotypical white suburban house wife. Shopping all day and self medicating because she's empty. I didn't know they still existed. She should have gotten a hobby to curb that. In the end, I do not feel sorry for her because she didn't prepare herself for the unexpected.

I agree with all this especially the bolded.

I'm watching the other videos now and I just can't believe her. She's an alcoholic, period! That is why her marriage went sideways. Not because she lost her lifestyle. Her summary of events reads like she had a slight problem which got worse because of her sudden lifestyle change. His summary of events is that she was getting progressively worse and the lifestyle change probably wasn't sudden at all. I imagine long drawn out fights about money being thrown away on rehab visits, disappearing for hours on shopping trips and drinks with the girls and coming home realizing she forgot to pick up the kids again. I don't believe his actions were 100% children focused, though. I almost suspect it was so that he wouldn't have the extras to spend on her but still live comfortably. It was a way to cut her off without it hurting him too much. But desperate times call for desperate measures. This is a mess and she needs to take some responsibility for herself.

He probably was tired of billing crazy hours and still have to come home and manage two kids was stressful, so he decided to make some choices that got him out of the rat race a bit, while passively cutting her off.

Her parents are doing what parents dealing with 'children' with addictions do. They don't want to see her homeless, so they pay for the privilege of knowing where she is and paying for her habit. What a mess.
And I would have my rainy day fund in the the pre (or post) nup. But it shows how people don’t think their “good thing” will come to an end.
But you see he hasn’t divorced her. That lawyer was telling her to sell her shoes! Lol she is entitled to all of that over there. That man ain’t stupid, but the wife is too drunk to see it, or maybe she isn’t? What she needs to do is get clean, stay clean, then divorce him. And laws have changed. He will have to set it up for her to be able to take care of those kids too.
I agree with all this especially the bolded.

He probably was tired of billing crazy hours and still have to come home and manage two kids was stressful, so he decided to make some choices that got him out of the rat race a bit, while passively cutting her off.
I don't know that I totally buy that. He could have gotten another job making good money and not have to bill in another area of law with a decent home/life balance. It does exist. Half the attorneys who left my last job switched their practice area for no billing and the same (sometimes more) money. Some even get to telecommute half the time and don't have to go to court. But he couldn't go that route because he'd still have to support her. I just can't see a white man living right outside NYC with 2 children willingly taking that drastic a pay cut with the sole reason being his kids. A man who admittedly had outside help. Maybe I'm jaded but I'm convinced it was a calculated move on his part. I'm not mad at him. You do what you gotta do. Especially because it sounds like he tried to help her. This lady brought this on herself, though. And in her endless drunken stupors (falling asleep drunk on the lawn the weekend after a rehab stint. Really?!) she couldn't even see her money train pulling out of the station.
I don't know that I totally buy that. He could have gotten another job making good money and not have to bill in another area of law with a decent home/life balance. It does exist. Half the attorneys who left my last job switched their practice area for no billing and the same (sometimes more) money. Some even get to telecommute half the time and don't have to go to court. But he couldn't go that route because he'd still have to support her. I just can't see a white man living right outside NYC with 2 children willingly taking that drastic a pay cut with the sole reason being his kids. A man who admittedly had outside help. Maybe I'm jaded but I'm convinced it was a calculated move on his part. I'm not mad at him. You do what you gotta do. Especially because it sounds like he tried to help her. This lady brought this on herself, though. And in her endless drunken stupors (falling asleep drunk on the lawn the weekend after a rehab stint. Really?!) she couldn't even see her money train pulling out of the station.

Mind providing more insight on the “no bill situation”? I’m a little slow this morning.
Mind providing more insight on the “no bill situation”? I’m a little slow this morning.
Billing for time in the legal profession. Everything you do you have to bill the client for and you have to keep track of that time. And usually there is a "billing requirement" meaning you have to bill a certain number of hours a month. This is not to be confused with your workday schedule (e.g. 9-5). Most attorneys don't have set schedules and work late hours and even sometimes on vacation. In my case as a paralegal I had a regular 9-5 and had off hours so even if I took a 2 week vacation one month I was still required to bill my 120 hours for that month. I now work in a different area of law with no billing requirement and making a little more money. (I still hate my job though :look:). Not having to bill for your time is attractive because you can focus on working, you aren't worried about not making the requirement and missing out bonuses and other nonsense like that. I hope this makes sense I'm never good at explaining things like this. lol
Billing for time in the legal profession. Everything you do you have to bill the client for and you have to keep track of that time. And usually there is a "billing requirement" meaning you have to bill a certain number of hours a month. This is not to be confused with your workday schedule (e.g. 9-5). Most attorneys don't have set schedules and work late hours and even sometimes on vacation. In my case as a paralegal I had a regular 9-5 and had off hours so even if I took a 2 week vacation one month I was still required to bill my 120 hours for that month. I now work in a different area of law with no billing and making a little more money. (I still hate my job though :look:) I hope this makes sense I'm never good at explaining things like this. lol
I just watched the video. She's an idiot. Yes, he quit his job but he owns a legal cannabis business. There's a lot of money in the business. She decided to leave him after he quit his job because the change in lifestyle. Instead of riding through the changes and helping him with his business, she walked away and left him with the kids. She started drinking and gained 150 lbs. She should be mad at herself.
I think she is one of those women who is all about appearance and ppl in her ladies who lunch would look down on her for her hubby's new business. See how she drops famous ppl's names who stay in her community? She seems like she is all about appearance.

AND now she is depressed because she played herself after putting her foot down because now she has lost everything thus leading to depression and weight gain.
I think she is one of those women who is all about appearance and ppl in her ladies who lunch would look down on her for her hubby's new business. See how she drops famous ppl's names who stay in her community? She seems like she is all about appearance.

AND now she is depressed because she played herself after putting her foot down because now she has lost everything thus leading to depression and weight gain.
Right! Lol she called him a drug dealer! Lol
I don't know that I totally buy that. He could have gotten another job making good money and not have to bill in another area of law with a decent home/life balance. It does exist. Half the attorneys who left my last job switched their practice area for no billing and the same (sometimes more) money. Some even get to telecommute half the time and don't have to go to court. But he couldn't go that route because he'd still have to support her. I just can't see a white man living right outside NYC with 2 children willingly taking that drastic a pay cut with the sole reason being his kids. A man who admittedly had outside help. Maybe I'm jaded but I'm convinced it was a calculated move on his part. I'm not mad at him. You do what you gotta do. Especially because it sounds like he tried to help her. This lady brought this on herself, though. And in her endless drunken stupors (falling asleep drunk on the lawn the weekend after a rehab stint. Really?!) she couldn't even see her money train pulling out of the station.
Yes I was definitely thinking it is calculated. If they divorce, he can say his income isn't the same as before. He knows what he's doing. I don't see some man (high powered) staying at home for the good of the kids when he had his wife there before (and lets face it with the type of wife she appears to be, I'm quite certain the nanny was in full force there).
I am watching the other videos, too. This woman is a hot mess, and her husbabd’s change in occupation has nothing to do with it. She’s been dranking for years, even when times were financially flush. She is delusional, and this is one of the few times where I feel that Dr. Phil’s approach is entirely appropriate because ole girl is trippin.

ETA: She looks a solid 2 years younger than her mother!! #distewmuch