Can We Have Another Vitamin Challenge?


Well-Known Member
I was rambling through the archives and i saw that there was a vitamin challenge a couple of months ago....can we have another one that lasts until January 31st? Or if anyone has an idea when it should end?

Right now i'm taking my One A Day womens vitamins everyday. ANd yes it contains Biotin, Vites E and A.
i'm down :yep:

but i take vits everyday anyway. I take about 10 different vits for health. It's a plus that it benefits my hair
Count me in on this one. I take a womens daily from whole foods, a tblspoon flax/fish oil and spirulina (powder form in my protein shakes). I want to incorporate MSM, what is a good brand?
Count me in. I just started up again taking MSM, biotin, flaxseed oil, my iron pills that contain multiple vitamins.
i am down as well, i am gonna start a vitamin reg as well for overall health along with hair...i have to buy them 1st tho..
I'm in. This is my first post here as a newbie. I've been here lurking a couple of months, but just signed up.

I want to join the challange. I am currently taking biotin, msm, flax seed oil, EPO (for other reasons), and GNC Nourish Hair.

ETA: I forgot about the Vitamin C that I take in addition to the others.
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I'm in. I don't know how I slacked off...and it's hard to get back on track. I'm taking Nutrilite Daily, Nutrilite HS&N, Biotin, Flaxseed Oil. I may consider going back to GNC HS&N or Ultranourishair.
*Gasp* I forgot about that challenge, and I'm the one who started it! :blush:

I fell off so bad with my vitamins :nono: I'll join, but I gotta get some vits first. I'll get some on Friday :D
*Gasp* I forgot about that challenge, and I'm the one who started it! :blush:

I fell off so bad with my vitamins :nono: I'll join, but I gotta get some vits first. I'll get some on Friday :D

:grin:LOL!!! And your hair is what inspired me to restart it! lol!!!! So how about it ladies?! Lets do it to January 31st!!!

Rules are.....take your vitamins every single day!!! NO SKIPPING!!!!! and every month, tell us what you've experienced....whether its growth or good skin results.

This is going to help us take care of our bodies! SO like i said...i'm on my One a Day womens and i think i'll probably also take my skin and nails vites as well.

LETS DO IT!:lick:
I wanna be in....Copied from fotki, when do we start?
**Vitamin Regimen**
~One-a-day womens (overall health multivitamin)
~GNC's Ultra Nourishair (good hair vitamin)
~MSM 1000mg (important for healthly hair, muscles, and joints; it helps to decrease hair fall out by assisting in lengthening the growth stage of the hair.)~
~Flaxseed Oil (contains omega 3 and 6)
~Biotin (boost hair growth)