Can we all help my grandmother? It's about her hair...


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I've been a member of this site for some years now. I find that I'm often able to help my mother who is relaxed, though I'm natural just from the info I've found here in addition to the fact that I considered...until now myself a growing expert on hair (of course I can always learn more which is why I keep up my subscription). Nothing usually stumps me until now. So please put on your amateur chemist hats, and hair expertise hats and help my 84 year old grandmother if you can! Thanks so much to my hair family in advance.

On to my grandmother. This time I'm stumped....

So my grandmother just had a TIA which is a mild stroke. We went home to see her and this is around the time that I discovered with horror how much her hair is coming out and snapping. YES I know she had a TIA. She's aware of that too. We've done everything to make sure she's on track with that including getting the right and perfect team to rehabilitate, etc.

However people care about themselves too and my grandmother told me she is embarrassed about her hair and it's coming out. I nodded just thinking she hasn't combed it in a while, but upon combing it I had to stop. I MEAN STOP because I was so horrified and scared because it was snapping like no tomorrow.

Some key points that I hope will help your suggestions:
1)my grandmother has always been natural until she met said hair stylist.
2) my grandmother's hair was about mid back before this episode. She's probably 4a.
3) She went to a hairstylist just before she had the TIA about a few weeks before and this lady said she put in something the hair to make her hair "easier to comb" according to my grandmother.
4) When I talked to her, Said lady mentioned that she just put in conditioner.
5) my grandmom said she put in something that smelled chemically and she waited for a while and then washed it out.
6) She told my grandmother it was like a curl but without the rollers :spinning:. So I'm thinking THIO based?
7) She did not give my grandma anything to put on it afterwards.
8) My grandma said she looked like a chemist mixing stuff up before putting it on her hair taking a bit of "this" and "that" and mixing it in containers. Normally she would have said no and left but sadly my grandma was just so tired at the time, that she let her do it. Now we know her extreme fatigue was because she was on her way to having a TIA (or mild stroke) within that week so that's why she was just in a forget about it, whatever mood and let this lady do this to her.
9) I called said lady and she was back tracking. One minute she said one thing the next she said another.
10) My grandmother is known for her "beautiful hair" in that small town so I guess there are older jealous ladies (like really I saw how catty they were and was like really? I mean you're older ladies you should know better, get it together and grow up!). So I'm not sure if this was some crappy retaliation or if the hairstylist was just annoyed or stupid, or just wanted to make it easier to comb her hair.

Bottom line, it could be thio based, it could be a relaxer (lye or no lye). Who knows because the lady won't spill the beans now that she knows how severely her hair is breaking:ohwell:.

Top guess? :I'm thinking it's more thio based than anything. BUT it's NOT my grandmother's natural hair. Something was done to it.

Questions after this point:

How do I stop the breakage? Is there anything universal I can do. I know if it was a relaxer I could perhaps put on a neutralizer in case she over processed. And also if it was shedding from the root I could do a garlic shampoo and treatment. But in this case I don't know WHAT this lady put in her hair. And I'm ticked at seeing my grandmother so sad about her har after a TIA. And sure she's upset about everything else, but my grandmother loves her hair and she looked heart broken when I was combing it. So here's the thing, we are focusing on her health but part of that to me is mental health too. If I can get her self esteem up, that's one less thing. And though she is "not her hair". It sucks that some one came in and destroyed it. And she and I want to help salvage what is left if possible plus stop the madness.

Other notes:
All test results show thyroid is fine, and no other indicators for hair loss. Hair started breaking after whatever "treatment" this lady did.

So's just wiry and brittle and snapping all over the place. She's probably APL now (from MBL) and I'm sure with all the stringiness and breakage it will end up being Shoulder to even chin length after all of this.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
What would you recommend if you were me to strengthen the hair and stop as much breakage as possible in it's track? Or do we need to let it ride, and wait until it stops breaking?
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ok so the lady clearly put a relaxer in granny's hair on the sly, yes its a good idea to neutralize her hair, maybe think about doing a strong protein treatment like aphogee or nexxus emergencee.

That stylist should be ashamed of herself.
No doubt she relaxed her hair and did not properly neutralize. I would suggest a neutralizer. Invest in ISOPLUS. I found out when the stylist neutralized my relaxer, when I went home and washed again the bright pink color indicator of the ISOPLUS showed I still had more relaxer in my hair. It would take me 2 or 3 washes to get the relaxer out.

The follow with a heavy Protien Treatment like Aphogee then with a Deep moisturizing conditioner. Do a slight trim of her hair. You know the rest. A good silk scarf, a good water based moisturizer and JBCO.

Wow I have not posted here ( hair section) in almost a year.
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This is what I would do.

Wash her hair with a neutralizing shampoo in case it was a relaxer followed by a moisturizing shampoo.
Do an aphoghee treatment followed by a moisturizing conditioner.

Keep her hair braided or bunned so that there is minimal manipulation. Moisturize and seal as needed.

Starting with the next wash day, alternate between deep conditioning and hot oil treatments every time her hair is washed.
This is what I would: Wait for the stylist by the door of the shop and when she comes out, beat her down with a blunt object.

THIS^^^^^^ FOR DARN SURE!!!!!!!!!! and no i am not joking.

No doubt she relaxed her hair and did not properly neutralize. I would suggest a neutralizer. Invest in ISOPLUS. I found out when the stylist neutralized my relaxer, when I went home and washed again the bright pink color indicator of the ISOPLUS showed I still had more relaxer in my hair. It would take me 2 or 3 washes to get the relaxer out.

The follow with a heavy Protien Treatment like Aphogee then with a Deep moisturizing conditioner. Do a slight trim of her hair. You know the rest. A good silk scarf, a good water based moisturizer and JBCO.

Wow I have not posted here ( hair section) in almost a year.

and then THIS^^^^^^

neutralize. protein. deep condition. trim the ends so they are strong. protect the hair as much as possible.

then go back to step one....beat down stylist....again.:yep:
THIS^^^^^^ FOR DARN SURE!!!!!!!!!! and no i am not joking.

and then THIS^^^^^^

neutralize. protein. deep condition. trim the ends so they are strong. protect the hair as much as possible.

then go back to step one....beat down stylist....again.:yep:

I have a huge problem with people who mess with the elderly. And if someone did something to my mom(who's 84), I would catch a case.
She probably put in a silkener aka a relaxer.
The other ladies are right....neutralize, protein, and a good deep conditioner will probably fix it.

Hope your grandma feels better soon, and I agree with you 100% that when someone is recovering from a health issue, it is extra important that they feel good about their appearance.
Something as simple as styling your hair, painting your nails, and putting on lipstick can really boost your spirits, and you can't count out the power of positive thoughts.

Keeping her in my prayers!
OP sorry this happened to your grandma. You received great information. So glad her stroke was mild and that she has a terrific grand daughter!
She probably put in a silkener aka a relaxer.
The other ladies are right....neutralize, protein, and a good deep conditioner will probably fix it.

Hope your grandma feels better soon, and I agree with you 100% that when someone is recovering from a health issue, it is extra important that they feel good about their appearance.
Something as simple as styling your hair, painting your nails, and putting on lipstick can really boost your spirits, and you can't count out the power of positive thoughts.

Keeping her in my prayers!

This makes so much sense because with silkener's they seem to "mix" it with other things. That is what was stumping me the most. And so I guess I will proceed to treat it as with an over processed relaxer and we'll braid it afterwards and she'll have to transition back.

Yes a million times to boosting her spirits. I agree. Sometimes it's the little things that can make her happy.:yep:
I agree with the neutralizer and the protein treatment. Because it's my granny, I would also do a prepoo/ scalp massage on the subsequent wash days just to help her feel better and bond.
Nexxus emergencee followed by a good moisturizing dc. Im sorry that happened. Hope everything works out :)
Same thing happened to my mom a few years ago. Stylist put a relaxer in her head on the sly. My mom told me all about the " conditioner " that made her hair straight. Same stylist also took my mom from almost SL to a TWA after my mom requested a trim.

I didn't find out the stylist was doing all of this my mom asked me to help her find a wig.

My mom no longer goes to salons.
that stylist should be ashamed of herself indeed!

she doesnt care. using chemicals is sometimes dangerous for health . what if someone needs the name of the chemicals because doctors asked? stupid stylist cant even tell us anything!

she better hide. what goes around comes around. she will remember what did some day.

anyway, i also think you should neutralize. do a hard protein and deep conditionners ,plus hot oils and massage scalp.

verr very low manipulation. finger detangle.
Make sure you follow the protein with SUPER moisture. Did the lady pull the the substance from root-to-tip? Is the hair snapping with long strands or mid-strand? Try to concentrate n exactly where the snap is happening.
It could be a keratin treatment. Sometimes at dominican salons, they think they know what's best for you and put it in your conditioner so its easy to detangle. I dont play with stylists anymore. I have anger issues with the stylists I saw as a kid. I'd actually kick her butt. I'd rather just avoid that situation because I have no self control for that. Especially if it was my grammy. She'd get her hair ripped out. uGH!! I am so upset reading this.
It could be a keratin treatment. Sometimes at dominican salons, they think they know what's best for you and put it in your conditioner so its easy to detangle. I dont play with stylists anymore. I have anger issues with the stylists I saw as a kid. I'd actually kick her butt. I'd rather just avoid that situation because I have no self control for that. Especially if it was my grammy. She'd get her hair ripped out. uGH!! I am so upset reading this.

Yes. This is how feel. That woman would have to hide from me.
Make sure you follow the protein with SUPER moisture. Did the lady pull the the substance from root-to-tip? Is the hair snapping with long strands or mid-strand? Try to concentrate n exactly where the snap is happening.

I'm on it already. I thought moisture is a necessity with the protein. But I will remember to reinforce with as much as possible.

grandma just doesn't know. She really wasn't feeling well.

It's snapping mid strand
It could be a keratin treatment. Sometimes at dominican salons, they think they know what's best for you and put it in your conditioner so its easy to detangle. I dont play with stylists anymore. I have anger issues with the stylists I saw as a kid. I'd actually kick her butt. I'd rather just avoid that situation because I have no self control for that. Especially if it was my grammy. She'd get her hair ripped out. uGH!! I am so upset reading this.

See now I never considered this. Keratin treatments CAN have a chemical smell. BUT I assume they would not snap the hair like this?

See I just don't know.:drunk:

I don't think a neutralizer will hurt regardless but I have to keep this in mind too. I know keratin can act as it's own protein so I will need to go super moisture on this (not just in conditioner but in every way)
This post makes me so sad; I nearly cried. :nono: If this were my grandmother I'd be out to KILL.

I would proceed with her hair as Crackers Phinn suggested.

But this witch hairstylist needs to suffer some consequences for the pain that she is causing your grandmother. Do you have any hood, IDGAF family members? Serious question. I would not let this go.
This post makes me so sad; I nearly cried. :nono: If this were my grandmother I'd be out to KILL.

I would proceed with her hair as Crackers Phinn suggested.

But this witch hairstylist needs to suffer some consequences for the pain that she is causing your grandmother. Do you have any hood, IDGAF family members? Serious question. I would not let this go.

:lachen: at "Hood IDGAF family members"

Seriously though, I might have ended up at Riker's island for this :look:.

ETA: I believe you have gotten good advice though. A neutralizing and chelating shampoo to remove whatever it is. A heavy moisture routine with protein to reinforce the hair structure. Protective styling and tlc will be key here. Also, no more salons :nono:.
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See now I never considered this. Keratin treatments CAN have a chemical smell. BUT I assume they would not snap the hair like this?

See I just don't know.:drunk:

I don't think a neutralizer will hurt regardless but I have to keep this in mind too. I know keratin can act as it's own protein so I will need to go super moisture on this (not just in conditioner but in every way)

I did a BKT back during my relaxed days and it messed with the elasticity of my hair. Also my hair couldn't retain moisture because the bkt blocked anything from penetrating my hair. Try a clarifying shampoo with sodium lauryl sulfate IN it and see what happens. I know that chemical is harsh but if it's a bkt, it will remove it out of her hair. Or you can do a bentonite clay mask which will remove all the impurities from her hair and her scalp.
:lachen: at "Hood IDGAF family members"

Seriously though, I might have ended up at Riker's island for this :look:.

ETA: I believe you have gotten good advice though. A neutralizing and chelating shampoo to remove whatever it is. A heavy moisture routine with protein to reinforce the hair structure. Protective styling and tlc will be key here. Also, no more salons :nono:.

I'm usually not an IDGAF person. But I usually throw all of my standards out the window for my family and close friends. She messed with the wrong grandma.
You it is strange to me that on this forum we often talk about this wrong that stylist do to many black women, however no one ever thinks to take actual legal action. If stylists knew they would and could be sued and lose their businesses for this I guarantee you this practice would change. I'm sure putting chemical on my hair that is capable of administering burns to my scalp and break my hair without my knowledge and consent is illegal. To me it is equivalent to a doctor operating on you without your knowledge or consent when all you did was go for check up. I think people should start talking legal action. What if the chemical adversly affected your grandmother's health?
:whip:everybody has given you great advice including the taking of legal action. i wanna kick her behind too!!! some gradual trimming every couple of months paired with rotation of hard core protein & deep conditioning and protective styling should get her back on track. if it wasn't a relaxer it was def a curly perm of some kind and her hair is not reacting well to the chemicals.
You it is strange to me that on this forum we often talk about this wrong that stylist do to many black women, however no one ever thinks to take actual legal action. If stylists knew they would and could be sued and lose their businesses for this I guarantee you this practice would change. I'm sure putting chemical on my hair that is capable of administering burns to my scalp and break my hair without my knowledge and consent is illegal. To me it is equivalent to a doctor operating on you without your knowledge or consent when all you did was go for check up. I think people should start talking legal action. What if the chemical adversly affected your grandmother's health?

My mom said yes to her conditioner :yep: My mom didn't ask what was was in it. :nono:

Its really equivalent to your Dr prescribing you medicine that has possible side effects.

A good lawyer could win this case for the stylist.

1) Does this person have a license? Most asian nail shops have nail techs who speak NO english but they went to school for 6 months passed the school exam and the state exam..NOT!

2) Did you check with the state to see if there license was still current?

3) Did you inform your stylist any possible contraindications?

4) Did you request to see the product? The MSDS?

5) Are you on any meds that could cause your hair to fall out? High Blood Pressure pills? Thyroid? Pre or Post menopause?

6) Do you have recent pics of your hair?

7) Do you eat healthy foods?

8) Are you over weight?

9) Ever committed a crime?