Can we all help my grandmother? It's about her hair...

I hope that you are able to help your grandmother's hair improve and grow back to where she was comfortable with it. It's a shame that the stylist was so unscrupulous. My grandmother was my best friend, and I would have done anything for her - just like you are for yours. I wish her well.
Same thing happened to my mom a few years ago. Stylist put a relaxer in her head on the sly. My mom told me all about the " conditioner " that made her hair straight. Same stylist also took my mom from almost SL to a TWA after my mom requested a trim. I didn't find out the stylist was doing all of this my mom asked me to help her find a wig. My mom no longer goes to salons.

my mom had nice apl full hair ... then went to a salon. stylist relaxed.

one week after all the hair was falling out in tons and tons. Took her fast to sl, nl, it kept falling out, she shaved! and it was a twa, really tiny tiny.

she has never gone back go salons.....,