My granny's (85) big chop!

Same here I saw that picture and started smiling and then the tears started rolling.. Her hair is so beautiful..

Me too! I miss my Granny. But it's so cool to see this grandma so tickled about cutting her hair. Can't help but smile when I see the pics.
It looks like she is loving her natural curls and she is beautifully rocking it! Thanks for sharing OP!
Your granny is so cute! Go granny with the big chop!
...............................................................................Now I miss my Granny....I lost her March of 2010: :cry:
Awww...she looks so nice and sweet. And she looks beautiful with either length. The pics made me suddenly miss my grandma whose spirit left her body two years ago.:sad: She was 92...and your grandma's smile reminds me so much of hers @Uniqzoe.
This will go down in my book of the best bc pictures of all times..this makes me want to cry bc your grandmother is alive,well and coherent..I wish I could have done that with mines..
Your granny is so pretty! Her smile is infectious and her hair is lovely! :yep:

Thanks so much for sharing!
naturalgyrl5199 I know how tough it is to lose a grandparent. I pray that God will send comfort your way. I lost my Grandfather a few years ago and needless to say I still miss him very much!
I'm all late but your grandmother has a beautiful smile. Glad that you have your grandmother and that you are close.
ugggh ive been trying to get my grandma to cut off her relaxed hair for the LONGEST!
her hair is thinning all over and she even has bald spots but she still wont give up her relaxers.and its sad because she used to have very long and thick WL hair, now her hair doesnt even touch her shoulders.and then she has the nerve to be like "oooph i dont knw why my hair is falling out..." -___-
i wish i could make my grandma big chop, i knw for a fact past a certain age i wont be getting relaxers anymore
ugggh ive been trying to get my grandma to cut off her relaxed hair for the LONGEST!
her hair is thinning all over and she even has bald spots but she still wont give up her relaxers.and its sad because she used to have very long and thick WL hair, now her hair doesnt even touch her shoulders.and then she has the nerve to be like "oooph i dont knw why my hair is falling out..." -___-
i wish i could make my grandma big chop, i knw for a fact past a certain age i wont be getting relaxers anymore

niqu92 I don't know why we have such a hard time giving up things that are not good for us. Hopefully one day she will get tired of fighting with her hair. My mom is kinda the same way but she has at least started stretching which has helped her hair greatly.