can someone tell me if i'm at armpit length or not


New Member
i had took a length shot of the back of my hair. it's in my 2007 hair album. the link is in my signature. i just wanted to make sure if i'm at armpit length or not so that i can claim it. oh and can u tell me how many inches i have to get to brastrap length. thanks in advance!!!!
It looks armpit to me but I can't really tell cuz I can't see your armpit:lachen: and in regards to brastrap, missy I can't see your bra either but if I had to guess, I would say about 3 inches.

ETA: You are definitely armpit but I can't tell by looking at your pics, how many inches you need to be brastrap:-)
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It certainly appears that you could be, but it's hard to tell because I can't see either of your armpits.:lol: It would be easier if your back was straight to the mirror, and much easier if you held one of your arms straight to the side, but you don't have to do that. Just make sure we can see the crease where your armpit is. But again, it kinda looks like it. HTH;)
I think you can go ahead and claim it...I would say your about 3 inches from bra strap...but that estimate is not as clear because of your shirt. Happy hair growing, it looks beautiful!
Laughing at the responses :lol:

Well, if your hair can be tucked underneath your armpit (it holds there with your head straight up), then you're armpit length.

Don't trip... if you aren't, you almost are ;)